GENERAL PROVISIONS. 11.1. All disputes in the performance of the Contract, including those arising out of or relating to its interpretation, invalidity, performance or termination, as well as disputes concerning the filling of gaps in the Contract or its adaptation to newly arising circumstances, shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiation. In the event that it is not possible to resolve the disputes by negotiation, they shall be subject to examination and resolution by the competent Bulgarian court, in accordance with the rules of local and subject matter jurisdiction. 11.2. Contact persons and correspondence between the parties: For Bulgargaz EAD: Address: 00, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, 0000 Xxxxx Tel: +000 0 000 00 00 Fax: +000 0 000 00 00 E-mail: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx Contact person: For ................................ Address: .......................... Tel: ....................... Fax: ............................................ E-mail: .................. Contact person: .................. 11.3. The Parties shall notify each other in writing within 3 (three) days of any change in the details described in clause 11.2. 11.4. The provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to the matters not covered by this contract. 11.5. The following annexes shall form an integral part of the Contract: Annex No. 1 - Monthly natural gas supply Programme; Annex No. 2 - Monthly Protocol Template . Seller:................. ...................... Buyer: Bulgargaz EAD Appendix 1 МЕСЕЧНА ПРОГРАМА ЗА ДОСТАВКА НА ПРИРОДЕН ГАЗ НА ВТТ БЪЛГАРИЯ НА НГПМ/ MONTHLY PROGRAMME FOR SUPPLY OF NATURAL GAS ON VTP BULGARIA ON NNGTN Дата / Date м. септември 2022, MWh/ September 2022, MWh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 7. Страните определят свои представители, които да следят за изпълнението на този договор, както следва: 7. The Parties shall nominate their representatives, who will be in charge for monitoring the fulfilment of this Contract, as follows: • За ИНТЕР ЕКСПО ЦЕНТЪР ЕООД: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, тел. + 000 0 00 00 000, факс: + 359 2 96 55 231 • For the INTER EXPO CENTER LTD.: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx; phone + 000 0 00 00 000; Fax: + 000 0 00 00 000 • За ИЗПЪЛНИТЕЛЯ тел. ...................... факс: ............... e-mail ……………………………… • For the CONTRACTOR: ; Phone ………………..………; Fax:………………………, e-mail ……………………………………… ………..
GENERAL PROVISIONS. I.1. These General Terms of Sale of Schneider Electric Bulgaria EOOD (hereinafter referred to as the „General Terms“) shall be in force and shall govern any offer made by Schneider Electric Bulgaria EOOD (the company being hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) and/or any and all contracts of purchase-and-sale (delivery), concluded between the Seller and any other person (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”). These General Terms shall not apply to any sales to physical persons – end consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 15.1 For all issues not settled by this Contract the provisions of the Bulgarian legislation in force shall be applicable. This Contract shall be subject to the Bulgarian material and procedural law. 15.2 All official messages and notifications between the Parties in relation to this Contract shall be done in Bulgarian and in English in writing via fax, registered mail or courier service. When a Party to this Contract submits to the other Party an electronic copy of a document, message or notice, the content of the paper version shall be considered valid in case of inconsistency with the content of the electronic copy. 15.3 The Contractor shall be obliged not to reveal under any circumstances and in any way confidential information to third parties, except to its employees and/or consultants working on the implementation of this Contract. The obligation shall remain in force also following the termination of this Contract. 15.3.1 Under this Contract, the term “Confidential Information” shall mean any information
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 25. The Contractor shall observe the provisions of Art. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11.3.’b’ and Art. 14 of the General Terms and Conditions for the financial grant agreements under the Operational Programme ‘Development of the Competitiveness of Bulgaria’s
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 25. (1) All notices between the parties in connection with this Contract shall be in writing. Notices shall be received at the following addresses: 1. For THE CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: Address: Sofia, 1000, 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, xx. 2
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 16.1. The parties agree that Contractor’s General Terms & Conditions shall not apply.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 15.1 For all issues not settled by this Contract the provisions of the Bulgarian legislation in force shall be applicable. This Contract shall be subject to the Bulgarian material and procedural law.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. I.1. These General Terms of Sale of Schneider Electric Bulgaria EOOD (hereinafter referred to as the „General Terms“) shall be in force and shall govern any offer made by Schneider Electric Bulgaria EOOD (the company being hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) and/or any and all contracts of purchase-and-sale (delivery), concluded between the Seller and any other person (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”). These General Terms shall not apply to any sales to physical persons – end consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act. I.2. Any sale on the part of the Seller shall be performed subject to the Buyer’s full consent with the terms and conditions set forth below in these General Terms. I.3. These General Terms shall form an integral part of the offers of Schneider Electric Bulgaria EOOD. The said terms are published on the Internet at the following electronic address: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxx_xxxxx/xxxxx _and_conditions.pdf or shall be enclosed and submitted to the Buyer together with the offer/contract. If the Buyer, after receiving the offer, fails to contest these General Terms immediately and in a written form, the latter shall start having effect in the relations between the Parties, thereby derogating the general terms of purchase of the Buyer, if any. II. Subject and scope of offers II.1. Unless the Seller submits a “Specific offer” with explicitly specified prices and conditions it shall be deemed that the offer made is subject to the prices specified in the Seller’s pricelists effective as of the date of offer submission. In cases София 1766 Бизнес Парк София сграда 4, ет. 6 тел.: +000 0 000 00 00 факс: +000 0 000 00 00 Център „Обслужване на клиенти” тел.: 0000 000 00, +000 0 000 00 00 факс: +000 0 000 00 00 Варна 9009 бул. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 258, Източна кула, ет. 4 Варна Тауърс тел.: (052) 730 155 Бургас 8000 ул. „“Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx” 47 ет. 1, офис 3 1766 Sofia Sofia Business Park Building 0, 0xx Floor Phone: +000 0 000 00 00 Customer Care Center Phone: 0000 000 00, +000 0 000 00 00 Fax: +000 0 000 00 00 9009 Varna
GENERAL PROVISIONS. Art. 1. (amend. SG 65/03) (1) The territory of the Republic of Bulgaria is national wealth. Its structure shall guarantee sustainable development and favourable conditions for living, work and recreation of the population.