Žádné porušení Sample Clauses

Žádné porušení. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející prohlašují a zaručují se, že uzavření, doručení a plnění této Smlouvy danou smluvní stranou (i) nevyžaduje souhlas, vzdání se, schválení, licenci nebo oprávnění ze strany jakékoli osoby nebo veřejného orgánu, který nebyl dosud získán; (ii) neporušuje žádné ustanovení právního předpisu, který se vztahuje na danou smluvní stranu; (iii) není v rozporu nebo nemá za následek prodlení dle nějaké smlouvy nebo listiny; nebo (iv) neporušuje žádný soudní ani správní výnos, předpis, rozhodnutí nebo jakékoli jiné omezení jakéhokoli druhu nebo povahy, jehož je daná smluvní strana stranou nebo jímž je vázána.
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Žádné porušení. Poskytovatel a Zkoušející prohlašují a zaručují se, že uzavření, doručení a plnění této Smlouvy danou smluvní stranou (i) nevyžaduje souhlas, vzdání se, schválení, licenci nebo oprávnění ze strany jakékoli osoby nebo veřejného been obtained; (ii) violate any provision of law applicable to such party; (iii) conflict with or result in a default under any agreement or instrument; or (iv) violate any judicial or administrative decree, regulation, decision or any other restriction of any kind or character to which such party is a party or by which such party is bound.

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  • Privacy and Off-Duty Conduct A. Employees have the right to confidentiality related to personal information and personnel issues to the extent provided/allowed by law. The Employer, the Union and the employees will take appropriate steps to maintain such confidentiality.

  • OIG INSPECTION, AUDIT, AND REVIEW RIGHTS ‌ In addition to any other rights OIG may have by statute, regulation, or contract, OIG or its duly authorized representative(s) may conduct interviews, examine or request copies of Xxxxxx’x books, records, and other documents and supporting materials and/or conduct on-site reviews of any of Xxxxxx’x locations for the purpose of verifying and evaluating: (a) Xxxxxx’x compliance with the terms of this IA and (b) Xxxxxx’x compliance with the requirements of the Federal health care programs. The documentation described above shall be made available by Xxxxxx to OIG or its duly authorized representative(s) at all reasonable times for inspection, audit, and/or reproduction. Furthermore, for purposes of this provision, OIG or its duly authorized representative(s) may interview Xxxxxx and any of Xxxxxx’x employees or contractors who consent to be interviewed at the individual’s place of business during normal business hours or at such other place and time as may be mutually agreed upon between the individual and OIG. Xxxxxx shall assist OIG or its duly authorized representative(s) in contacting and arranging interviews with such individuals upon OIG’s request. Xxxxxx’x employees and contractors may elect to be interviewed with or without a representative of Xxxxxx present.

  • School Conference and Activities Leave Leaves of absence without pay of up to a total of sixteen (16) hours during any twelve (12) month period for the purpose of attending school, pre-school or child care provider conferences and classroom activities of the employee's child, provided that such conferences and classroom activities cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. When the need for the leave is foreseeable, the employee shall provide reasonable prior notice of the leave to their immediate supervisor and shall make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt the operations of the Employer. Employees may use accumulated vacation benefits or accumulated compensatory time for the duration of such leaves.

  • Ethical Conduct Seller's employees shall comply with the BorgWarner Supplier Code of Conduct articulated within the BorgWarner Supplier Manual. Compliance with these standards is a mandatory component of Buyer's purchase contracts worldwide and must also apply to Seller subcontractors. Both, the BorgWarner Supplier Code of Conduct and the BorgWarner Supplier Manual are incorporated by reference as part of the Purchase Order, are binding on the Seller, and Seller explicitly verifies to have read and accepted the BorgWarner Supplier Code of Conduct and the BorgWarner Supplier Manual.

  • Records Retention Audits CENTOCOR, its Affiliates and Sublicensees shall keep for three (3) years from the date of each payment of royalties complete and accurate records of sales by CENTOCOR and its Affiliates and Sublicensees of each Licensed Product in sufficient detail to allow the accruing royalties to be determined accurately. MORPHOSYS shall have the right for a period of three (3) years after receiving any report or statement with respect to royalties due and payable to appoint an independent certified public accountant reasonably acceptable to CENTOCOR to inspect the relevant records of CENTOCOR and its Affiliates and Sublicensees to verify such report or statement. CENTOCOR and its Affiliates and Sublicensees shall each make its records available for inspection by such independent certified public accountant during regular business hours at such place or places where such records are customarily kept, upon reasonable notice from MORPHOSYS, solely to verify the accuracy of the reports and payments. Such inspection right shall not be exercised more than once in any calendar year nor more than once with respect to sales of any Licensed Product in any given payment period. MORPHOSYS agrees to hold in strict confidence all information concerning royalty payments and reports, and all information learned in the course of any audit or inspection, except to the extent necessary for MORPHOSYS to reveal such information in order to enforce its rights under this Agreement or if disclosure is required by law, regulation or judicial order. The results of each inspection, if any, shall be binding on both Parties. MORPHOSYS shall pay for such inspections, except that in the event there is any upward adjustment in aggregate royalties payable for any year shown by such inspection of more than […***…] of the amount paid, CENTOCOR shall pay for such inspection. 42 of 124 ***Confidential Treatment Requested CONFIDENTIAL

  • STANDARDS OF MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS In performing its obligations hereunder, during the term of this ESA, the Competitive Supplier shall exercise reasonable care to assure that its facilities are prudently and efficiently managed; that it employs an adequate number of competently trained and experienced personnel to carry out its responsibilities; that it delivers or arranges to deliver a safe and reliable supply of such amounts of electricity to the Point of Delivery as are required under this ESA; that it complies with all relevant industry standards and practices for the supply of electricity to Participating Consumers; and that, at all times with respect to Participating Consumers, it exercises good practice for a Competitive Supplier and employs Commercially Reasonable skills, systems and methods available to it.

  • Procedures and Applicable Law A demand for arbitration must be communicated in writing to all parties. Each party shall select an arbitrator (party arbitrator) within thirty days, and a third arbitrator (neutral arbitrator) shall be selected by the arbitrators appointed by the parties within thirty days thereafter. The neutral arbitrator shall then be the sole arbitrator and shall decide the arbitration. Each party to the arbitration shall pay such party’s pro rata share of the expenses and fees of the neutral arbitrator, together with other expenses of the arbitration incurred or approved by the neutral arbitrator, not including counsel fees, witness fees, or other expenses incurred by a party for such party’s own benefit. Either party shall have the absolute right to bifurcate the issues of liability and damage upon written request to the neutral arbitrator. The parties consent to the intervention and joinder in this arbitration of any person or entity that would otherwise be a proper additional party in a court action, and upon such intervention and joinder, any existing court action against such additional person or entity shall be stayed pending arbitration. The parties agree that provisions of state and federal law, where applicable, establishing the right to introduce evidence of any amount payable as a benefit to the patient to the maximum extent permitted by law, limiting the right to recover non-economic losses, and the right to have a judgment for future damages conformed to periodic payments, shall apply to disputes within this Arbitration Agreement. The parties further agree that the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association shall govern any arbitration conducted pursuant to this Arbitration Agreement.

  • Personal Conduct Executive agrees promptly and faithfully to comply with all present and future policies, requirements, directions, requests and rules and regulations of Company in connection with Company’s business. Executive further agrees to conform to all laws and regulations and not at any time to commit any act or become involved in any situation or occurrence tending to bring Company into public scandal, ridicule or which will reflect unfavorably on the reputation of Company.

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