304day opt4out notice. In addition to the broadXbased education initiatives, a 30Xday optXout notice will be mailed to every eligible customer on basic service. The notice will be an official City communication, and it will be sent in an envelope clearly marked as containing timeXsensitive information related to the program. The notice will: (1) introduce and describe the program; (2) inform customers of their right to optXout and that they will be automatically enrolled if they do not exercise that right; (3) explain how toXopt out; and (4) prominently state all program charges and compare the price and primary terms of the City’s competitive supply to the price and terms of National Grid’s basic service. The optXout notice is attached to this Plan as Exhibit B. The direct mailing will include an optXout reply card. Customers will have 30 days from the date of the mailing to return the reply card if they wish to opt out of the program by this method. The notice will be designed by Salem and printed and mailed by the competitive supplier, who will process the optXout replies. The optXout reply card is attached to this Plan as Exhibit C.
Appears in 1 contract
304day opt4out notice. In addition to the broadXbased education initiatives, a 30Xday optXout notice will be mailed to every eligible customer on basic service. The notice will be an official City communication, and it will be sent in an envelope clearly marked as containing timeXsensitive information related to the program. The notice will: (1) introduce and describe the program; (2) inform customers of their right to optXout and that they will be automatically enrolled if they do not exercise that right; (3) explain how toXopt out; and (4) prominently state all program charges and compare the price and primary terms of the City’s competitive supply to the price and terms of National Grid’s basic service. The optXout notice is attached to this Plan as Exhibit B. The direct mailing will include an optXout reply card. Customers will have 30 days from the date of the mailing to return the reply card if they wish to opt out of the program by this method. The notice will be designed by Salem Xxxxx and printed and mailed by the competitive supplier, who will process the optXout replies. The optXout reply card is attached to this Plan as Exhibit C.
Appears in 1 contract