12A The Secretary of State’s appointed Member (further to Article 12 c) shall become a Member upon the Secretary of State delivering, or posting (by registered post), to the Office of the Academy Trust a notice appointing that person as his Member.
-234aa All student records, student information, and student-generated content (collectively, "student data") provided or accessed pursuant this Agreement or any other services agreement between the Parties are not the property of, or under the control of, the Contractor.
562A Kansas Not defined No statute Kentucky Not defined No statute Louisiana Not defined No statute Maine 4% of the monthly rent amount Chapter 710, §6028(2) Maryland 5% of the monthly rent amount Md. Code, Real. Prop. § 8-208(d)(3) Massachusetts Not defined No statute Michigan Not defined No statute Minnesota 8% of the monthly rent amount 504B.177(a) Mississippi Not defined No statute Missouri Not defined No statute Montana Not defined No statute Nebraska Not defined No statute Nevada 5% of the monthly rent amount NRS 118A.210(4)
Waist to Shoulder Full abilities Up to 5 kilograms 5 - 10 kilograms Other (please specify): Stair Climbing: Full abilities Up to 5 steps 6 - 12 steps Other (please specify): Use of hand(s):Left Hand Right Hand Gripping Gripping Pinching Pinching Other (please specify): Other (please specify): Bending/twisting repetitive movement of (please specify): Work at or above shoulder activity: Chemical exposure to: Travel to Work: Ability to use public transit Ability to drive car Yes Yes No No
GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND LIMITATIONS Competitive Supplier is hereby granted the exclusive right to provide All-Requirements Power Supply to Participating Consumers pursuant to the terms of the Program and this ESA. For the avoidance of doubt, Competitive Supplier shall be authorized to supply All-Requirements Power Supply only to Participating Consumers, and the Local Distributor will continue to have the right and obligation to supply electricity to Eligible Consumers who opt-out of the Program and remain on, or return to, Basic Service, until changes in law, regulation or policy may allow otherwise. Competitive Supplier further recognizes that this ESA does not guarantee that any individual Eligible Consumer will be served by the Competitive Supplier. In accordance with Article 3 below, all Eligible Consumers shall be automatically enrolled in the Program unless they choose to opt-out. In the event the geographic boundaries of the Town change during the term of this ESA, Competitive Supplier shall only be obligated to supply All- Requirements Service to those Participating Consumers located within the Town as such boundaries existed on the Effective Date of this ESA. As between the Parties, the Competitive Supplier has the sole obligation of making appropriate arrangements with the Local Distributor, and any arrangements which may be necessary with the ISO-NE so that Participating Consumers receive the electricity supplies to be delivered pursuant to this ESA. The Town shall specifically authorize the Local Distributor to provide, and Competitive Supplier the right to obtain and utilize as required, all billing and energy consumption information for Participating Consumers as is reasonably available from the Local Distributor. Competitive Supplier shall request consumption data for individual Participating Consumers from the Local Distributor via EDI. If further action is required by the Local Distributor to authorize Competitive Supplier to receive such consumption and billing data, the Town agrees to use Commercially Reasonable efforts, at Competitive Supplier’s cost, to assist Competitive Supplier, if so requested by it, in obtaining such information for Participating Consumers, including, without limitation, assisting Competitive Supplier in obtaining permission from such Eligible Consumers and/or the Department, where necessary as a prerequisite to the provision of such information. Competitive Supplier shall not be responsible for any errors that Competitive Supplier makes in the provision of All-Requirements Power Supply to the extent such errors are caused by errors or omissions in the information provided to it by the Local Distributor.
Terms of Office Each Director shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body of the Party that the Director represents, and may be removed as Director by such governing body at any time. If at any time a vacancy occurs on the Board, a replacement shall be appointed to fill the position of the previous Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2 within 90 days of the date that such position becomes vacant.
General Provisions Applicable to Loans Section 6.1 Minimum Amounts for Committed Borrowings, Conversions or Continuations and Prepayments.
Number and Term of Office The authorized number of directors of the corporation shall be fixed in accordance with the Certificate of Incorporation. Directors need not be stockholders unless so required by the Certificate of Incorporation. If for any cause, the directors shall not have been elected at an annual meeting, they may be elected as soon thereafter as convenient at a special meeting of the stockholders called for that purpose in the manner provided in these Bylaws.
General Description Employer shall provide Employee with the compensation, incentives, benefits, and business expense reimbursement specified elsewhere in this agreement.