Examples of General Description in a sentence
General description of the project and identification of the project area.
General description Date of the last physical inventoryNet book value of debtor's interestValuation method used for current valueCurrent value of debtor's interest19.
A report of the results will include the following: • Description of sample collection procedures, site description • Names of individuals collecting and transporting samples, times and dates of sample collection and analysis on chain-of-custody • General description of tests: age of test organisms, origin, dates and results of standard toxicant tests; light and temperature regime; other information on test conditions if different than procedures recommended.
General description Date of the last Net book value of Valuation method Current value of physical inventory debtor's interest used for current value debtor's interest19.
Philosophy/mission and outcomes of the program.b. General description of the program.c. Curriculum plan.d. Course descriptions.e. Resources.f. Faculty.g. Tuition, fees and refund policies.h. Ethical practices, including recruitment and advertising.