Abandoned Waste and Litter in Alleys. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all alleys including but not limited to wall to wall and/or fence to fence within the Service Area are in a state of cleanliness. Contractor shall Collect, remove, transport, Dispose or Divert, and manage, in unlimited amounts, all discards including, but not limited to, items such as furniture, rugs, household bedding, lawn furniture, refrigerators, dryers, washers, window air conditioners, freezers, stoves, water heaters, other major appliances/metallic discards, covered electronic devices and other consumer electronic devices, car parts, tires, recreational equipment, lumber, plaster, dirt, rocks, bricks, concrete, asphalt, tree stumps, roadside debris, refuse, green waste, and combustible/noncombustible rubbish found in the alleys, regardless of whether it was accidentally and/or illegally discarded or occurred there by natural and other causes. Contractor shall also pick-up, clean, and collect from all alleys within the Service Area, all loose litter and debris, such as paper, bottles, cans, dirt, organic material, and other incidental litter. The Contractor shall carry on each truck, hand tools such as xxxxx, shovels, and brooms to aid with the clean-up of incidental litter and debris. Director may add alleys.