Access and URL Sample Clauses

Access and URL. During the term of this Agreement, provided that Customer has paid all fees due and owing and is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Customer and its Authorized Users will be able to access the LoanPro Service and use the Software. LoanPro will provide a URL for a website for use by Customer in the form of a sub-domain of LoanPro’s registered URL as chosen by LoanPro. If Customer chooses to sub-mask or forward a different URL to the URL provided by LoanPro, then Customer is solely responsible to independently purchase, retain ownership of and uphold terms and conditions of such URL.
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Related to Access and URL

  • Access and Use 1. Each Party shall ensure that enterprises of the other Party have access to and use of any public telecommunications network or service, including leased circuits, offered in its territory or across its borders on a timely basis and on terms and conditions that are reasonable and non-discriminatory such as those set out in paragraphs 2 to 6.

  • Access and Inspection 6.1. To allow the Landlord, the Agent, any Superior Landlord, his agent, professional advisers, or authorised contractors to enter the Property with or without workmen and with all necessary equipment. Except in an emergency, the Landlord or the Agent will give the Tenant not less than 24 hours written notice. The Tenant is only required to allow access when:

  • Rights of Ingress and Egress The rights of ingress to, and egress from, Government facilities for the Contractor's personnel must be specified in the task order. Specific federally-controlled facilities or those areas located within a given facility may have additional security clearance requirements must be specified in the task order. Contractor employees, including Subcontractor employees, shall have in their possession, at all times while working, the specific Government identification credential issued by the Government. The identification credential shall be displayed and be visible at all times while on Government property. During all operations on Government premises, the Contractor's personnel shall comply with the rules and regulations governing the facility access policies and the conduct of personnel. The Government reserves the right to require Contractor personnel to "sign-in" upon entry and "sign-out" upon departure from the Government facilities. The Contactor shall be responsible for ensuring that all identification credentials are returned to the issuing agency whenever contract employees leave the contract, when the task order has been completed, employees leave the company, or employees are dismissed or terminated. The Contractor shall notify the issuing agency whenever employee badges are lost.

  • Ingress and Egress Seller represents that there is ingress and egress to the Real Property and title to 400 the Real Property is insurable in accordance with STANDARD A without exception for lack of legal right of access.

  • Access and Records A. County, the State of California and the United States Government and/or their representatives, shall have access, for purposes of monitoring, auditing, and examining, to Subrecipient’s activities, books, documents and papers (including computer records and emails) and to records of Subrecipient’s subcontractors, consultants, contracted employees, bookkeepers, accountants, employees and participants related to this Contract. Subrecipient shall insert this condition in each Contract between Subrecipient and a subcontractor that is pursuant to this Contract shall require the subcontractor to agree to this condition. Such departments or representatives shall have the right to make excerpts, transcripts and photocopies of such records and to schedule on site monitoring at their discretion. Monitoring activities also may include, but are not limited to, questioning employees and participants and entering any premises or onto any site in which any of the services or activities funded hereunder are conducted or in which any of the records of Subrecipient are kept. Subrecipient shall make available its books, documents, papers, financial records, etc., within three (3) days after receipt of written demand by Director which shall be deemed received upon date of sending. In the event Subrecipient does not make the above referenced documents available within the County of Orange, California, Subrecipient agrees to pay all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by County, or County’s designee, in conducting any audit at the location where said records and books of account are maintained.

  • Access and Security Customer shall employ all physical, administrative and technical controls, screening and security procedures and other safeguards necessary to: (a) securely administer the distribution and use of all Access Credentials and protect against any unauthorized access to or use of the Hosted Services; and (b) control the content and use of Customer Data, including the uploading or other provision of Customer Data for Processing by the Hosted Services.

  • Access and Retention of Records Contractor agrees to provide the department, Legislative Auditor, or their authorized agents, access to any records necessary to determine contract compliance. (Section 18-1-118, MCA). Contractor agrees to create and retain records supporting the services rendered or supplies delivered for a period of eight years after either the completion date of the contract or the conclusion of any claim, litigation, or exception relating to the contract taken by the State of Montana or third party.

  • ACCESS AND AUDITS The CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain a reasonable accounting system, which enables ready identification of CONTRACTOR’S cost of goods and use of funds. Such accounting system shall also include adequate records and documents to justify all prices for all items invoiced as well as all charges, expenses and costs incurred in providing the goods for at least five (5) years after completion of this contract. The COUNTY or its designee shall have access to such books, records, subcontract(s), financial operations, and documents of the CONTRACTOR or its sub- Contractors as required to comply with this section for the purpose of inspection or audit anytime during normal business hours at the CONTRACTOR’S place of business. This right to audit shall include the CONTRACTOR’S sub-Contractors used to procure goods or services under the contract with the COUNTY. CONTRACTOR shall ensure the COUNTY has these same rights with sub-Contractor(s) and suppliers.

  • Access to NID TWTC may access the customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and TWTC shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID:

  • Access and Audit 16.1 The Supplier shall keep accurate and systematic accounts, files and records ("the Records"). The Records shall clearly identify, among other things, the basis upon which invoices have been calculated and the Supplier shall keep the Records throughout the duration of this Contract and for six years following its termination.

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