Access to NID Sample Clauses

Access to NID. NewPhone may access the customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and NewPhone shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: BellSouth shall allow NewPhone to connect its Loops directly to BellSouth’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have additional space and are not used by BellSouth or any other telecommunications carriers to provide service to the premises; Where an adequate length of the customer’s premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the customer premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID; Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a cross-connect or spliced jumper wire from the customer premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or NewPhone may request BellSouth to make other rearrangements to the customer premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis. In no case shall either Party remove or disconnect the other Party’s loop facilities from either Party’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors unless the applicable Commission has expressly permitted the same and the disconnecting Party provides prior notice to the other Party. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Party disconnecting loop facilities to leave undisturbed the existing form of electrical protection and to maintain the physical integrity of the NID. It will be NewPhone’s responsibility to ensure there is no safety hazard, and NewPhone will hold BellSouth harmless for any liability associated with the removal of the BellSouth Loop from the BellSouth NID. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the disconnecting Party, once the other Party’s loop has been disconnected from the NID, to reconnect the disconnected loop to a nationally recognized testing laboratory listed station protector, which has been grounded as per Article 800 of the National Electrical Code. If no spare station protector exists in the NID, the disconnected loop must be appropriately cleared, capped and stored. NewPhone shall not remove or disconnect ground wires from BellSouth’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors. NewPhone shall not remove or disconnect NID modules, protectors, or terminals from BellSouth’s ...
Access to NID. TWTC may access the customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and TWTC shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: AT&T shall allow TWTC to connect its Loops directly to AT&T’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have space and are not used by AT&T or any other telecommunications carriers to provide service to the premises; TWTC can install the NID and cross connect to AT&T’s NID itself. If TWTC decides to do so, TWTC can have AT&T install the NID or have AT&T install the NID and cross connect to AT&T’s NID. To have AT&T do this installation work TWTC must submit a LSR. AT&T will perform the installation and xxxx TWTC a nonrecurring charge for the NID or for the NID and cross connect; Where an adequate length of the customer’s customer premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the customer premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID; Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a cross-connect or spliced jumper wire from the customer premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or TWTC may request AT&T to make other rearrangements to the customer premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis. Version: 4Q06 Standard ICA 11/30/06 In no case shall either Party remove or disconnect the other Party’s loop facilities from either Party’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors unless the applicable Commission has expressly permitted the same and the disconnecting Party provides prior notice to the other Party. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Party disconnecting the loop facilities to leave undisturbed the existing form of electrical protection and to maintain the physical integrity of the NID. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the disconnecting Party, once the other Party’s loop has been disconnected from the NID, to reconnect the disconnected loop to a nationally recognized testing laboratory listed station protector, which has been grounded as per Article 800 of the National Electrical Code. If no spare station protector exists in the NID, the disconnected loop must be appropriately cleared, capped and stored.
Access to NID. The SBC-AMERITECH NIDs that CLEC uses under this Agreement will be existing NIDs installed by SBC-AMERITECH to serve its End Users. SBC-AMERITECH shall permit CLEC to connect CLEC’s Loop to the inside wiring of a subscriber’s premises through SBC-AMERITECH’s NID in the manner set forth below or at any other technically feasible point.
Access to NID may access the End User’s customer premises wiring by any of the following means and ConnectNow! shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID:
Access to NID. Tel may access the End User’s customer premises wiring by any of the following means and e-Tel shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID:
Access to NID. C. M. may access the End User’s premises wiring by any of the following means and C.M. shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: BellSouth shall allow C.M. to connect its Loops directly to BellSouth’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have additional space and are not used by BellSouth or any other telecommunications carriers to provide service to the premises. Where an adequate length of the End User’s premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the customer premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID; Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a connect divisioned or spliced jumper wire from the customer premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or C. M. may request BellSouth to make other rearrangements to the End User premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis.
Access to NID. M. may access the End User’s customer premises wiring by any of the following means and C.M. shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID:
Access to NID. MCI may access the premises wiring (wiring that is beyond the BellSouth point of demarcation and is not owned or controlled by BellSouth) by any of the following means and MCI shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: BellSouth shall allow MCI to connect its Loops directly to BellSouth’s multi-line NID enclosures that have additional space and are not used by BellSouth or any other telecommunications carriers to provide service to the premises. If sufficient NID terminations are not available, BellSouth shall install a NID at MCI’s request. Where an adequate length of the premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID, provided that the Party moving the premise wiring has been authorized by the ordering party to provide service using such wiring; Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a cross-connect or spliced jumper wire from the premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or MCI may request BellSouth to make other rearrangements to the premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis; or Because BellSouth has no proprietary interest in the premises wiring, MCI may access the premises wiring in any other manner acceptable to the ordering party, so long as such access is made completely on the ordering party’s interface side of the NID and beyond BellSouth’s point of demarcation.
Access to NID. NuVox may access the end user customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and NuVox shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: In Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee, AT&T shall allow NuVox to connect its loops directly to AT&T’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have spare terminations available or NuVox can connect to terminations that currently have loops attached to them but that are not currently Page 8983 of 331382 AT&T Alabama, AT&T Louisiana/NuVox used by AT&T or any other telecommunications carrier to provide service to the premises. In Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina, if no spare terminations are available, NuVox must connect its loops to its own NID adjoining AT&T’s multi- line residential NID. NuVox can install the NID and cross connect to AT&T’s NID itself. If NuVox decides to do so, NuVox can have AT&T install the NID or have AT&T install the NID and cross connect to AT&T’s NID. To have AT&T do this installation work NuVox must submit an LSR. AT&T will perform the installation and xxxx XxXxx a nonrecurring charge for the NID or for the NID and cross connect. Where an adequate length of the end user customer’s premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the end user customer’s premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID, provided that it has received the appropriate consent from the customer and has provided reasonable advanced notice to the other Party. Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a connection or spliced jumper wire from the end user customer’s premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or NuVox may request AT&T to make other rearrangements to the end user customer’s premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis. In no case shall either Party remove or disconnect the other Party’s loop facilities from either Party’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors unless the applicable Commission has expressly permitted the same and the disconnecting Party provides prior notice to the other Party. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Party disconnecting loop facilities to leave undisturbed the ex...
Access to NID. NuVox may access the end user customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and NuVox shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: AT&T shall allow NuVox to connect its loops directly to AT&T’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have spare terminations available or NuVox can connect to terminations that currently have loops attached to them but that are not currently used by AT&T or any other telecommunications carrier to provide service to the premises.