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  • Additions to Mortgaged Property All right, title and interest of Mortgagor in and to all extensions, improvements, betterments, renewals, substitutes and replacements of, and all additions and appurtenances to, the Mortgaged Property hereafter acquired by or released to Mortgagor or constructed, assembled or placed by Mortgagor upon the Premises or the Improvements, and all conversions of the security constituted thereby, immediately upon such acquisition, release, construction, assembling, placement or conversion, as the case may be, and in each such case without any further mortgage, conveyance, assignment or other act by Mortgagor, shall become subject to the lien and security interest of this Mortgage as fully and completely and with the same effect as though now owned by Mortgagor and specifically described in the grant of the Mortgaged Property above, but at any and all times Mortgagor will execute and deliver to Mortgagee any and all such further assurances, mortgages, conveyances or assignments thereof as Mortgagee may reasonably require for the purpose of expressly and specifically subjecting the same to the lien and security interest of this Mortgage.

  • Landlord’s Option to Repair Notwithstanding the terms of Section 11.1 of this Lease, Landlord may elect not to rebuild and/or restore the Premises, Building and/or Project, in which event this Lease shall terminate, by notifying Tenant in writing of such termination within sixty (60) days after the date of discovery of the damage, such notice will include a termination date giving Tenant sixty (60) days to vacate the Premises, but this Lease may be so terminated Landlord may so elect only if the Building or Project shall be damaged by fire or other casualty or cause, whether or not the Premises are affected, and one or more of the following conditions is present: (i) in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, repairs cannot reasonably be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of discovery of the damage (when such repairs are made without the payment of overtime or other premiums); (ii) the holder of any mortgage on the Building or Project or ground lessor with respect to the Building or Project shall require that the insurance proceeds or any portion thereof be used to retire the mortgage debt, or shall terminate the ground lease, as the case may be; (iii) the damage is not fully covered by Landlord’s insurance policies or that portion of the proceeds from Landlord’s insurance policies allocable to the Building or the Project, as the case may be; (iv) Landlord decides to rebuild the Building or Common Areas so that they will be substantially different structurally or architecturally; (v) the damage occurs during the last twelve (12) months of the Lease Term; or (vi) any owner of any other portion of the Project, other than Landlord, does not intend to repair the damage to such portion of the Project; provided, however, that if such fire or other casualty shall have damaged the Premises or a portion thereof or Common Areas necessary to Tenant’s occupancy and as a result of such damage the Premises are unfit for occupancy, and provided that Landlord does not elect to terminate this Lease pursuant to Landlord’s termination right as provided above, and either (a) the repairs cannot, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord’s contractor, be completed within two hundred seventy (270) days after being commenced, or (b) the damage occurs during the last twelve months of the Lease Term and will reasonably require in excess of ninety (90) days to repair, Tenant may elect, no earlier than sixty (60) days after the date of the damage and not later than ninety (90) days after the date of such damage, to terminate this Lease by written notice to Landlord effective as of the date specified in the notice, which date shall not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the date such notice is given by Tenant.

  • Access; Utilities; Separate Tax Parcels Based solely on evaluation of the Title Policy (as defined in paragraph 8) and survey, if any, an engineering report or property condition assessment as described in paragraph 12, applicable local law compliance materials as described in paragraph 26, the Sponsor Diligence (as defined in paragraph 42), and the ESA (as defined in paragraph 43), each Mortgaged Property (a) is located on or adjacent to a public road and has direct legal access to such road, or has permanent access from a recorded easement or right of way permitting ingress and egress to/from a public road, (b) is served by or has access rights to public or private water and sewer (or well and septic) and other utilities necessary for the current use of the Mortgaged Property, all of which are adequate for the current use of the Mortgaged Property, and (c) constitutes one or more separate tax parcels which do not include any property which is not part of the Mortgaged Property or is subject to an endorsement under the related Title Policy insuring the Mortgaged Property, or in certain cases, an application has been made or is required to be made to the applicable governing authority for creation of separate tax parcels (or the Mortgage Loan documents so require such application in the future), in which case the Mortgage Loan requires the Mortgagor to escrow an amount sufficient to pay taxes for the existing tax parcel of which the Mortgaged Property is a part until the separate tax parcels are created.

  • Condition of the Leased Property Lessee acknowledges receipt and delivery of possession of the Leased Property. Lessee has examined and otherwise has knowledge of the condition of the Leased Property and has found the same to be satisfactory for its purposes hereunder. Lessee is leasing the Leased Property “as is” in its present condition. Lessee waives any claim or action against Lessor in respect of the condition of the Leased Property. LESSOR MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN RESPECT OF THE LEASED PROPERTY, OR ANY PART THEREOF, EITHER AS TO ITS FITNESS FOR USE, DESIGN OR CONDITION FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THE QUALITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP THEREIN, LATENT OR PATENT, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL SUCH RISKS ARE TO BE BORNE BY LESSEE. LESSEE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LEASED PROPERTY HAS BEEN INSPECTED BY LESSEE AND IS SATISFACTORY TO IT. Provided, however, to the extent permitted by law, Lessor hereby assigns to Lessee all of Lessor’s rights to proceed against any predecessor in title (other than any Affiliate of Lessee, which conveyed the Property to Lessor) for breaches of warranties or representations or for latent defects in the Leased Property. Lessor shall fully cooperate with Lessee in the prosecution of any such claim, in Lessor’s or Lessee’s name, all at Lessee’s sole cost and expense. Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lessor from and against any claims, obligations and liabilities against or incurred by Lessor in connection with such cooperation.

  • Landlord’s Right To Mortgage Tenant agrees to accept the premises subject to and subordinate to any existing or future mortgage or other lien, and Landlord reserves the right to subject premises to same. Tenant agrees to and hereby irrevocably grants Landlord power of attorney for Tenant for the sole purpose of executing and delivering in the name of the Tenant any document(s) related to the Landlord’s right to subject the premises to a mortgage or other lien.

  • Notice to Mortgagee and Ground Lessor After receiving notice from any person, firm or other entity that it holds a mortgage which includes the Premises as part of the mortgaged premises, or that it is the ground lessor under a lease with Landlord, as ground lessee, which includes the Premises as a part of the demised premises, no notice from Tenant to Landlord shall be effective unless and until a copy of the same is given to such holder or ground lessor, and the curing of any of Landlord’s defaults by such holder or ground lessor within a reasonable time thereafter (including a reasonable time to obtain possession of the premises if the mortgagee or ground lessor elects to do so) shall be treated as performance by Landlord. For the purposes of this Section 9.4 or Section 9.14, the term “mortgage” includes a mortgage on a leasehold interest of Landlord (but not one on Tenant’s leasehold interest).

  • Construction In First Offer Space Tenant shall take the First Offer Space in its “as is” condition, subject to any improvement allowance granted as a component of the Fair Rental Value, and the construction of improvements in the First Offer Space shall comply with the terms of Article 8 of this Lease.

  • Landlord Improvements Landlord shall substantially complete the Landlord Improvements prior to Tenant’s taking occupancy of the Expansion Space. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Landlord Improvements by May 1, 2014. “Substantial Completion” shall mean the Landlord Improvements have been constructed in material accordance with the above referenced drawing, save and except for minor “punch list” items such that Tenant can occupy the Expansion Space and conduct its business, Landlord has obtained all approvals from the applicable governmental authorities for the legal occupancy of the Expansion Space and Landlord has delivered possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in the required condition, which date is currently anticipated to be May 1, 2014. Upon Substantial Completion, Landlord shall deliver possession of the Expansion Space to Tenant in good, vacant, broom clean condition, with all building systems in good working order and the roof water-tight, and in compliance with all laws applicable to Landlord or Tenant. In the event that construction of the Landlord Improvements is not substantially completed by May 1, 2014, then the Expansion Space Commencement Date shall be automatically amended to be that date the Expansion Space is delivered to Tenant with the Landlord Improvements substantially complete. Upon Substantial Completion of the Landlord Improvements, Landlord shall give Tenant (i) written notice (“Notice of Completion”) that the Expansion Space are ready for occupancy. Within seven (7) days following Landlord’s giving of the Notice of Completion, Landlord and Tenant shall meet at a mutually convenient time to perform a walk-through of the Expansion Space to inspect the Landlord Improvements and to prepare a punch list of minor items needing correction and Landlord shall promptly cause such items to be corrected.

  • Inspection by Lessor Upon reasonable advance notice, Lessee, during reasonable business hours and subject to Lessee's security requirements, will make the Equipment and its related log and maintenance records available to Lessor for inspection.

  • Property Insurance Building Improvements and Rental Value 9.2.1 Lessor shall obtain and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance in the name of Lessor, with loss payable to Lessor, any ground-lessor, and to any Lender insuring loss or damage to the Premises. The amount of such insurance shall be equal to the full insurable replacement cost of the Premises, as the same shall exist from time to time, or the amount required by any Lender, but in no event more than the commercially reasonable and available insurable value thereof. If the coverage is available and commercially appropriate, such policy or policies shall insure against all types of direct physical loss or damage (except the perils of flood and/or earthquake unless required by a Lender), including coverage for debris removal and the enforcement of any Applicable Requirements requiring the upgrading, demolition, reconstruction or replacement of any portion of the Premises as the result of a covered loss. Said policy or policies shall also contain an agreed valuation provision in lieu of any coinsurance clause, waiver of subrogation, and inflation guard protection causing an increase in the annual property insurance coverage amount by a factor of not less than the adjusted U.S. Department of Labor Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the city nearest to where the Premises are located. Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, Trade Fixtures, and Lessee’s personal property shall be insured by Lessee not by Lessor unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease.

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