ADDITIONAL INDEMNIFICATION BY CUSTOMER. In addition to the other indemnities set forth elsewhere in the Agreement and this Schedule 2, Customer indemnifies and holds NCR Voyix, its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents and representatives harmless against any and all claims, losses, costs, fines, fees, liabilities or obligations made by third parties relating to: (a WKH RSHUDWLRQ RI &XV the conduct of other Customer activities; (b) &XVWRPHU¶V XVH RI WKH +RVWHG 6RI applications and services made available hereunder; and (c) &XVWRPHU¶V YLRODWLRQ RI DQ federal, state or local law, regXODWLRQ RU RUGLQDQFH LQ FHoRstQedQSoHftwFaWre,LthRe Q ZL Hosting Services or other applications and services made available hereunder. To ensure compatibility between the Hosted NCR Voyix Software and the card stock used in connection with Customer's use of the applicable Hosted NCR Voyix Software, Customer agrees to purchase card SPAM Act); and (ii) all industry standards and CSP requirements and policies (including, without OLPLWDWLRQ DOO ³6 + $ ) standards), in each case, as applicable to your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your EXVLQHVV FRpOplOicaHblFe WLLYegaHl O\ stock from a vendor that has been approved by NCR 5HTXLUHPHQWV´use th e C o<mmRuXnic atZionLOO Q Voyix. Customer acknowledges that NCR Voyix may take reasonable measures to ensure that only approved vendor products are used, including but not limited to preventing the use of non-approved card stock in the System through any means of enforcement, including electronic measures. Customer acknowledges that approved card stock vendors are third party suppliers that are not affiliated with NCR Voyix, and that any products and/or services provided by a third-party supplier are independent of these Additional Terms and Conditions and are subject to the terms and conditions Services in violation of Applicable Legal Requirements or to engage in any illegal or unethical activity. You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of your Communications and any products or services offered for sale therein. You will not send any misleading, inaccurate, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, or offensive Communication. If NCR Voyix provides images or other materials as part of the Communication Services, you may only use them for your permitted use of the Communication Services. Further, you may not use any third party or purchased e-mail list(s) in RI &XVWRPHU¶V DJUHHPHQW ZcLonWnecKtio nVwXithFthKe C oWmmKuLnicUatGion SSerDvicUesW. N\C R Voyix may immediately suspend or terminate your use of the Communication Services if you breach any obligation under this Section. You agree to 1. These terms apply only to NCR Voyix¶V SURYLVimLmeRdiQate ly report any violation of this Section to of electronic communication services, such as NCR Pulse Real Time Text Paging, certain NCR Voyix online ordering functionalities and NCR Consumer NCR Voyix and provide cooperation, as requested by NCR Voyix, to investigate and/or remedy that violation. You are responsible for any and all charges 0DUNHWLQJ FROOHFWLYHO\(in xx xxxxx, b³ut&nRot PlimPitXedQtoL, FfeeDs WassLocRiatQed with 6HUYLFHV´ 7KH &RPPXQLFDteWxtLoRr Qem ai6l mHesUsaYginLgF) iHmVpo sedPbDy\y ouHr CQSDP.EOH you to send communications to your patrons, end- Message and data rates may apply. Such charges XVHUV RU RWKHU UHFLSLHQWVin clu dFe tRhoOseOfrHomFyWouLrYmHobOile\c ar rie³r o5r HotFheLr SLHQ including e-mails, text messages or other electronic CSP. PHVVDJHV FROOHFWLYHO\ ³&RPPXQLFDWLRQV´ Communications may be routed through wireless or mobile carriers, internet service providers or other
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Master Hospitality Subscription Program Agreement, Master Hospitality Subscription Program Agreement, Master Hospitality Subscription Program Agreement
ADDITIONAL INDEMNIFICATION BY CUSTOMER. In addition to the other indemnities set forth elsewhere in the Agreement and this Schedule 2, Customer indemnifies and holds NCR Voyix, its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents and representatives harmless against any and all claims, losses, costs, fines, fees, liabilities or obligations made by third parties relating to: (a rHODWLQJ WR L WKH RSHUDWLRQ RI &XV RSHUDWL the conduct of other Customer activities; , (bii) &XVWRPHU¶V XVH RI WKH +RVWHG 6RI XVNHCR VRoIyix SWoftKwaHre , th+e RHoVstWingHG Services or other applications and services made available hereunder; , and (ciii) &XVWRPHU¶V YLRODWLRQ RI DQ federalXVWRPioHlaUtio¶n Vof anYy DSSOLFDEOH LQWHUQDWLRQDO IHGHUDO VWDWH RU ORFDO the Hosted NCR Voyix Software, state or local law, regXODWLRQ RU RUGLQDQFH LQ FHoRstQedQSoHftwFaWre,LthRe Q ZL the Hosting Services or other applications and services made available hereunder. To ensure compatibility between the Hosted NCR Voyix Software and the card stock used in connection with Customer's use of the applicable Hosted NCR Voyix Software(including, Customer agrees to purchase card without limitation, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the CAN-SPAM Act); ) and (iiy) all industry standards and CSP requirements and policies (including, without OLPLWDWLRQ DOO limitation, all Hosted NCR Voyix Software, Customer agrees to ³6 + $ ) standards), in each 7´ UXOHV DQG VLP purchase card stock from a vendor that has been approved by NCR Voyix. Customer acknowledges case, as applicable to your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your EXVLQHVV FRpOplOicaHblFe WLLYegaHl O\ stock from a vendor that has been approved by NCR 5HTXLUHPHQWV´use th e C o<mmRuXnic atZionLOO Q Voyix. Customer acknowledges business that NCR Voyix may take reasonable measures to FROOHFWLYHO\ ³T$XSLSUOHLPFHDQEWOV ensure that only approved vendor products are used, including but not limited to preventing the use of non-approved card stock in the System through any means of enforcement, including electronic measures. Customer acknowledges that approved card stock vendors are third party suppliers that are not affiliated with NCR Voyix, and that any products and/or services provided by a third-third party supplier are independent of these Additional Terms and Conditions and are subject to the terms and conditions You will not use the Communication Services in violation of Applicable Legal Requirements or to engage in any illegal or unethical activity. You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of your Communications and any products or services offered for sale therein. You will not send any misleading, inaccurate, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, or offensive Communication. If NCR Voyix provides images or other materials as part of the Communication Services, you may only use them for your permitted use of the Communication Services. Further, you may not use any third party or purchased e-mail list(s) in condiWLRQV RI &XVWRPHU¶V DJUHHPHQW ZcLonWnecKtio nVwXithFthKe C oWmmKuLnicUatGion SSerDvicUesW. N\C R Voyix may immediately suspend or terminate your use of the Communication Services if you breach any obligation under this Section. You agree to
1. These terms apply only to NCR Voyix¶V SURYLVimLmeRdiQate ly report any violation of this Section to of electronic communication services, such as NCR Pulse Real Time Text Paging, certain NCR Voyix online ordering functionalities and NCR Consumer NCR Voyix and provide cooperation, as requested by NCR Voyix, to investigate and/or remedy that violation. You are responsible for any and all charges 0DUNHWLQJ FROOHFWLYHO\(in xx xxxxx, b³ut&nRot PlimPitXedQtoL, FfeeDs WassLocRiatQed with 6HUYLFHV´ 7KH &RPPXQLFDteWxtLoRr Qem ai6l mHesUsaYginLgF) iHmVpo sedPbDy\y ouHr CQSDP.EOH you to send communications to your patrons, end- Message and data rates may apply. Such charges XVHUV RU RWKHU UHFLSLHQWVin clu dFe tRhoOseOfrHomFyWouLrYmHobOile\c ar rie³r o5r HotFheLr SLHQ including e-mails, text messages or other electronic CSP. PHVVDJHV FROOHFWLYHO\ ³&RPPXQLFDWLRQV´ Communications may be routed through wireless or mobile carriers, internet service providers or otherDJuUseHHthPemHQfoWr yZouLr WpKerm itVtedXFusKe oWf KthLe UG party.
Appears in 1 contract