Alterations and Additions to Buildings by Landlord Sample Clauses

Alterations and Additions to Buildings by Landlord. Landlord also reserves the right from time to time to construct other buildings or improvements in the Office Plaza (including the Common Area and Parking Area thereof), providing there is no material adverse change in access or visibility of the Leased Premises from the abutting dedicated thoroughfares and providing the number of parking spaces are not materially adversely affected. Landlord further reserves the right to grant exclusive parking spaces to certain tenants of the Office Plaza.* Landlord further reserves the right to make alterations or additions to any existing building or buildings within the Office Plaza and to build additional stories, office spaces, rooms or wings on any such building or buildings; to build adjoining same and to construct double deck or elevated parking facilities thereon.** * Provided that Landlord otherwise complies with the terms of Paragraph 7.2. ** Other than to the building in which premises is located.
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Related to Alterations and Additions to Buildings by Landlord

  • Alterations by Landlord Landlord may from time to time:

  • ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS Tenant shall not make, or suffer to be made, any alteration or addition to the Premises, or any part thereof, without the written consent of Landlord first had and obtained by Tenant, but at the cost of Tenant, and any addition to, or alteration of, the Premises, except moveable furniture and trade fixtures, shall at once become a part of the Premises and belong to Landlord. If Landlord consents to the making of any alteration, addition, or improvement to or of the Premises by Tenant, the same shall be made by Landlord at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Any modifications to the building or building systems required by governmental code or otherwise as a result of Tenant’s alterations, additions or improvements shall be made at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. Tenant shall retain title to all moveable furniture and trade fixtures placed in the Premises. All heating, lighting, electrical, air conditioning, partitioning, drapery, carpeting and floor installations made by Tenant, together with all property that has become an integral part of the Premises, shall not be deemed trade fixtures. Tenant agrees that it will not proceed to make any alterations or additions, without having obtained consent from Landlord to do so, and until five (5) days from the receipt of such consent, in order that Landlord may post appropriate notices to avoid any liability to contractors or material suppliers for payment for Tenant’s improvements. Tenant will at all times permit such notices to be posted and to remain posted until the completion of work. Tenant shall, if required by Landlord, secure at Tenant’s own cost and expense, a completion and lien indemnity bond, satisfactory to Landlord, for such work. Tenant further covenants and agrees that any mechanic’s lien filed against the Premises or against the Complex for work claimed to have been done for, or materials claimed to have been furnished to Tenant, will be discharged by Tenant, by bond or otherwise, within ten (10) days after the filing thereof, at the cost and expense of Tenant. Any exceptions to the foregoing must be made in writing and executed by both Landlord and Tenant. Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1938, Landlord hereby notifies Tenant that as of the Effective Date, the Premises and Building have not undergone inspection by a “Certified Access Specialist” to determine whether the Premises meets all applicable construction related accessibility standards under California Civil Code Section 55.53

  • Additions and Alterations 12 ARTICLE 9

  • Repairs by Landlord Landlord shall keep the exterior walls, foundations, downspouts, gutters and roofs of the buildings, and the plumbing, electrical and other utility system serving but which are located outside of the Premises, in good order, condition and repair and shall make necessary structural repairs to the exterior walls of the buildings (excluding, however, repairs to windows, doors, saddles, plate glass, store fronts and air conditioning and heating installations and wiring, pipes and other utility installations located outside of the Premises which are used exclusively by Tenant), the dividing walls between the Premises and space occupied or to be occupied by others and the load-bearing walls and load-bearing columns, if any, within the Premises, provided that Landlord shall not be obligated hereby to do any work required to be done because of any damage caused by any act, omission or negligence of Tenant and its invitees, licensees, their respective officers, agents and employees or their customers. Except where Landlord has actual notice of the necessity for such repair, Landlord shall not be required to commence any such repair until after notice from Tenant that the same is necessary, which notice, except in case of any emergency, shall be in writing and shall allow Landlord [***] days in which to commence such repair. The fact that the costs incurred by Landlord in connection with any of the foregoing are includable in Common Area Operating Costs pursuant to Subsections 3.5A and 3.5B shall not affect Landlord's performance obligations under this Section 5.1. When necessary by reason of accident or other cause occurring in the Premises, or elsewhere in the Shopping Center, or in order to make any repairs or alterations or improvements in or relating to the Premises or to other portions of the Shopping Center, Landlord reserves the right to interrupt the supply to the Premises of steam, condenser water or cooled air for air conditioning, electricity, water and gas and also to suspend the operation of the heating and air conditioning system, if any, until said repairs, alterations or improvements shall have been completed. If, as a result of Landlord's performance of its obligations or exercise of its rights under this Section 5.1, there is created a substantial and material interference with Tenant's ability to conduct its business in the Premises and Tenant therefor closes for more than [***] consecutive business days, Tenant shall be entitled to an abatement of Fixed Rent for each day after the [***] business day during which the condition continues. Other than the aforesaid, there shall be no abatement of Rent because of any such interruption or suspension; however, Landlord shall pursue such work with reasonable continuity, diligence and dispatch and in such a manner as (consistent with good practice) to cause a minimum of interference with Tenant's use of the Premises.

  • Maintenance and Repairs by Tenant Tenant, at its expense, shall --------------------------------- maintain and repair the interior of the Leased Premises, and all heating, air conditioning, ventilating, electrical, mechanical, sprinkler and plumbing systems, equipment, machinery or fixtures exclusively servicing the Leased Premises, together with all pipes, conduits, ducts and drains therefor. Furthermore Tenant, at its expense, shall replace any broken glass in the interior or exterior of the Leased Premises, and shall maintain and repair all entryway doors to the Leased Premises. Landlord shall assign to Tenant all assignable manufacturers' warranties with respect to equipment and fixtures installed in the Leased Premises. Tenant further agrees to keep the Leased Premises in good, tenantable, sanitary, sightly and clean condition and to keep all lobbies and entryways which are part of the Leased Premises clean and free from debris, refuse, obstructions or hazardous conditions. Tenant agrees to notify Landlord in the event an excessive amount of snow accumulates on the roof of the Leased Premises. Tenant shall be responsible for all maintenance or repairs wholly or partially (to the extent of Tenant's part) caused by the negligence or fault of Tenant or any of its agents, visitors or licensees, or by Tenant's breach of any provision of this Agreement. If Tenant does not make the repairs or perform the maintenance required hereunder in a prompt and adequate manner, then after notice to Tenant and opportunity cure as provided herein, Landlord may make such repairs or perform such maintenance and pay the costs thereof, and such costs shall be so much Additional Rent which shall become immediately due and payable by Tenant to Landlord.

  • Alterations and Tenant’s Property Any alterations, additions, or improvements made to the Premises by or on behalf of Tenant, including additional locks or bolts of any kind or nature upon any doors or windows in the Premises, but excluding installation, removal or realignment of furniture systems (other than removal of furniture systems owned or paid for by Landlord) not involving any modifications to the structure or connections (other than by ordinary plugs or jacks) to Building Systems (as defined in Section 13) (“Alterations”) shall be subject to Landlord’s prior written consent, which may be given or withheld in Landlord’s sole discretion if any such Alteration affects the structure or Building Systems and shall not be otherwise unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Tenant may construct nonstructural Alterations in the Premises without Landlord’s prior approval if the aggregate cost of all such work in any 12 month period does not exceed $75,000.00 (a “Notice-Only Alteration”), provided Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of such intended Notice-Only Alteration, and such notice shall be accompanied by plans, specifications, work contracts and such other information concerning the nature and cost of the Notice-Only Alteration as may be reasonably requested by Landlord, which notice and accompanying materials shall be delivered to Landlord not less than 15 business days in advance of any proposed construction. If Landlord approves any Alterations, Landlord may impose such conditions on Tenant in connection with the commencement, performance and completion of such Alterations as Landlord may deem appropriate in Landlord’s reasonable discretion. Any request for approval shall be in writing, delivered not less than 15 3115 Xxxxxxxxxx/Erasca - Page 14 business days in advance of any proposed construction, and accompanied by plans, specifications, bid proposals, work contracts and such other information concerning the nature and cost of the alterations as may be reasonably requested by Landlord, including the identities and mailing addresses of all persons performing work or supplying materials. Landlord’s right to review plans and specifications and to monitor construction shall be solely for its own benefit, and Landlord shall have no duty to ensure that such plans and specifications or construction comply with applicable Legal Requirements. Tenant shall cause, at its sole cost and expense, all Alterations to comply with insurance requirements and with Legal Requirements and shall implement at its sole cost and expense any alteration or modification required by Legal Requirements as a result of any Alterations. Other than in connection with any Notice-Only Alterations, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, on demand an amount equal to 2% of all charges incurred by Tenant or its contractors or agents in connection with any Alteration to cover Landlord’s overhead and expenses for plan review, coordination, scheduling and supervision. Before Tenant begins any Alteration, Landlord may post on and about the Premises notices of non-responsibility pursuant to applicable law. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for, and indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from, any expense incurred by Landlord by reason of faulty work done by Tenant or its contractors, delays caused by such work, or inadequate cleanup. Tenant shall furnish security or make other arrangements reasonably satisfactory to Landlord to assure payment for the completion of all Alterations work free and clear of liens, and shall provide (and cause each contractor or subcontractor to provide) certificates of insurance for workers’ compensation and other coverage in amounts and from an insurance company satisfactory to Landlord protecting Landlord against liability for personal injury or property damage during construction. Upon completion of any Alterations, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord: (i) sworn statements setting forth the names of all contractors and subcontractors who did the work and final lien waivers from all such contractors and subcontractors; and (ii) “as built” plans for any such Alteration. Except for Removable Installations (as hereinafter defined), all Installations (as hereinafter defined) shall be and shall remain the property of Landlord during the Term and following the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, shall not be removed by Tenant at any time during the Term, and shall remain upon and be surrendered with the Premises as a part thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord may, at the time its approval of any such Installation is requested, or at the time it receives notice of a Notice-Only Alteration, notify Tenant that Landlord requires that Tenant remove such Installation upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, in which event Tenant shall remove such Installation in accordance with the immediately succeeding sentence. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, Tenant shall remove (i) all wires, cables or similar equipment which Tenant has installed in the Premises or in the risers or plenums of the Building, (ii) any Installations for which Landlord has given Tenant notice of removal in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence, and (iii) all of Tenant’s Property (as hereinafter defined), and Tenant shall restore and repair any damage caused by or occasioned as a result of such removal, including, without limitation, capping off all such connections behind the walls of the Premises and repairing any holes. During any restoration period beyond the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, Tenant shall pay Rent to Landlord as provided herein as if said space were otherwise occupied by Tenant. If Landlord is requested by Tenant or any lender, lessor or other person or entity claiming an interest in any of Tenant’s Property to waive any lien Landlord may have against any of Tenant’s Property, and Landlord consents to such waiver, then Landlord shall be entitled to be paid as administrative rent a fee of $1,000 per occurrence for its time and effort in preparing and negotiating such a waiver of lien.

  • Alterations by Tenant Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements (“Alterations”) to the Premises without Landlord’s prior written consent, except for nonstructural Alterations that cost $5,000 or less and are not visible from the exterior of the Premises. All Alterations installed by Tenant shall be new or completely reconditioned. Landlord shall have the right to approve the contractor, the method of payment of the contractor, and the plans and specifications for all proposed Alterations. Tenant shall obtain Landlord’s consent to all proposed Alterations requiring Landlord’s consent prior to the commencement of any such Alterations. Tenant’s request for consent shall be accompanied by information identifying the contractor and method of payment and two (2) copies of the proposed plans and specifications. All Alterations of whatever kind and nature shall become at once a part of the realty and shall be surrendered with the Premises upon expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term, unless Landlord requires Tenant to remove the same as provided in Article 20. If Tenant demolishes or removes any then-existing tenant improvements or other portions of the Premises or the Building (including without limitation any previously installed Alterations), Tenant shall promptly commence and diligently pursue to completion the Alterations then underway or shall otherwise restore the Premises and the Building to its condition and state of improvement prior to such demolition or removal. During the Lease Term, Tenant agrees to provide, at Tenant’s expense, a policy of insurance covering loss or damage to Alterations made by Tenant, in an amount adequate to repair or replace the same, naming Landlord as an additional insured. Provided, however, Tenant may install movable furniture, trade fixtures, machinery or equipment in conformance with applicable governmental rules or ordinances and remove the same upon expiration or earlier termination of this Lease as provided in Article 20.

  • ALTERATIONS - ADDITIONS The LESSEE shall not make structural alterations or additions to the leased premises, but may make non-structural alterations provided the LESSOR consents thereto in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. All such allowed alterations shall be at LESSEE's expense and shall be in quality at least equal to the present construction. LESSEE shall not permit any mechanics' liens, or similar liens, to remain upon the leased premises for labor and material furnished to LESSEE or claimed to have been furnished to LESSEE in connection with work of any character performed or claimed to have been performed at the direction of LESSEE and shall cause any such lien to be released of record forthwith without cost to LESSOR. Any alterations or improvements made by the LESSEE shall become the property of the LESSOR at the termination of occupancy as provided herein.

  • Alterations, Additions, and Improvements Subject to the provisions of this Article IV, Lessee may make any alterations, additions, improvements or other changes to the Premises and the Relevant Assets as may be necessary or useful in connection with the operation of the Relevant Assets (collectively, the “Additional Improvements”). If such Additional Improvements require alterations, additions or improvements to the Premises or any of the Shared Access Facilities, Lessee shall notify Lessor in writing in advance and the parties shall negotiate in good faith any increase to the fees paid by Lessee under the Site Services Agreement by Lessee or otherwise provide for reimbursement of any material increase in cost (if any) to Lessor under the Site Services Agreement that results from any modifications to the Premises or the Shared Access Facilities necessary to accommodate the Additional Improvements, or as otherwise mutually agreed by the parties. Any alteration, addition, improvement or other change to the Premises, Relevant Assets or Additional Improvements (and, if agreed by Lessee and Lessor, to the Shared Access Facilities) by Lessee shall be made in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable Laws. The Relevant Assets and all Additional Improvements shall remain the property of Lessee and shall be removed by Lessee within one (1) year after termination of this Lease (provided that such can be removed by Lessee without unreasonable damage or harm to the Premises) or, at Lessee’s option exercisable by notice to Lessor, surrendered to Lessor upon the termination of this Lease. Lessee shall not have the right or power to create or permit any lien of any kind or character on the Premises by reason of repair or construction or other work. In the event any such lien is filed against the Premises, Lessee shall cause such lien to be discharged or bonded within thirty (30) days of the date of filing thereof.

  • Alterations, Modifications and Additions The Grantor will make (or cause to be made) such alterations and modifications in and additions to such Airframe and each such Engine as may be required from time to time to meet the applicable requirements of the FAA or any applicable government of any other jurisdiction in which such Aircraft may then be registered; provided that the Grantor may, in good faith, contest the validity or application of any such requirement in any manner that does not involve any material risk of sale, loss or forfeiture of such Aircraft and does not adversely affect the Trustee’s interest in the Aircraft Collateral. In addition, the Grantor (or any Permitted Lessee), at its own expense, may from time to time add further parts or accessories and make or cause to be made such alterations and modifications in and additions to such Airframe or any such Engine as the Grantor may deem desirable in the proper conduct of its business, including, without limitation, removal (without replacement) of Parts, provided that no such alteration, modification or addition shall materially diminish the value or utility of such Airframe or such Engine below its value or utility, immediately prior to such alteration, modification or addition, assuming that such Airframe or such Engine was then in the condition required to be maintained by the terms of this Aircraft Security Agreement, except that the value (but not the utility) of such Airframe or such Engine may be reduced by the value of any such Parts that shall have been removed that the Grantor deems obsolete or no longer suitable or appropriate for use on such Airframe or such Engine. All Parts incorporated or installed in or attached or added to such Airframe or any such Engine as the result of such alteration, modification or addition shall be free and clear of any Liens, other than Permitted Liens, and shall, without further act, be subject to the Lien of this Aircraft Security Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Grantor (or any Permitted Lessee) may, at any time, remove any Part from such Airframe or any such Engine if such Part: (i) is in addition to, and not in replacement of or substitution for, any Part originally incorporated or installed in or attached to such Airframe or such Engine at the time of delivery thereof to the Grantor or any Part in replacement of, or substitution for, any such Part, (ii) is not required to be incorporated or installed in or attached or added to such Airframe or such Engine pursuant to the first sentence of this Section 6.03(c) or Section 6.01(d) and (iii) can be removed from such Airframe or such Engine without materially diminishing the value or utility required to be maintained by the terms of this Aircraft Security Agreement that such Airframe or such Engine would have had had such Part never been installed on such Airframe or such Engine. Upon the removal by the Grantor of any Part as permitted by this Section 6.03(c), such removed Part shall, without further act, be free and clear of the Lien of this Aircraft Security Agreement and of all rights and interests of the Trustee (and the other beneficiaries hereof) and shall no longer be deemed a Part hereunder. Upon request of the Grantor from time to time, the Trustee shall execute and deliver to the Grantor an appropriate instrument confirming the release of any such removed Part from the Lien of this Aircraft Security Agreement.

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