Alternate Forms of Engagement Sample Clauses

Alternate Forms of Engagement 

Related to Alternate Forms of Engagement

  • Forms of Discipline Discipline includes oral and written reprimands, reductions in pay, suspensions, demotions and discharges.

  • Other Forms of Instruction Instructions may also be transmitted by another means determined by the Fund or Authorized Persons and acknowledged and accepted by the Custodian (subject to the same limits as to acknowledgements as are contained in Subsection 4.2.1, above) including Instructions given orally or by SWIFT or telefax (whether tested or untested). When an Instruction is given by means established under Subsections 4.2.1 through 4.2.3, it shall be the responsibility of the Custodian to use reasonable care to adhere to any security or other procedures established in writing between the Custodian and the Authorized Person with respect to such means of Instruction, but the Authorized Person shall be solely responsible for determining that the particular means chosen is reasonable under the circumstances. Oral Instructions shall be binding upon the Custodian only if and when the Custodian takes action with respect thereto. With respect to telefax instructions, the parties agree and acknowledge that receipt of legible instructions cannot be assured, that the Custodian cannot verify that authorized signatures on telefax instructions are original or properly affixed, and that the Custodian shall not be liable for losses or expenses incurred through actions taken in reliance on inaccurately stated, illegible or unauthorized telefax instructions. The provisions of Section 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code shall apply to Funds Transfers performed in accordance with Instructions. The Funds Transfer Services Schedule and the Electronic and Online Services Schedule to this Agreement shall each comprise a designation of a means of delivering Instructions for purposes of this Section 4.2.

  • Forms of Cooperation Development cooperation may take the form of technical or financial cooperation, humanitarian or emergency assistance. It may be carried out either on a purely bilateral basis, or also in cooperation with other donors and/or multilateral organisations.

  • Description of Goods or Services and Additional Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall perform as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Contract, to perform and the performance in Exhibit A is referred to as “Perform” and the “Performance.”

  • Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards A. Grantee certifies that it has adopted and enforces a Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy that meets or exceeds all of the following minimum standards of: i. Prohibiting the use of all forms of tobacco products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco; ii. Designating the property to which this Policy applies as a "designated area,” which must at least comprise all buildings and structures where activities funded under this Grant Agreement are taking place, as well as Grantee owned, leased, or controlled sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and attached parking structures immediately adjacent to this designated area; iii. Applying to all employees and visitors in this designated area; and iv. Providing for or referring its employees to tobacco use cessation services. B. If Grantee cannot meet these minimum standards, it must obtain a waiver from the System Agency.

  • Drug-Free Workplace Certification As required by Executive Order No. 90-5 dated April 12, 1990, issued by the Governor of Indiana, the Company hereby covenants and agrees to make a good faith effort to provide and maintain a drug-free workplace at the Project Location. The Company will give written notice to the IEDC within ten (10) days after receiving actual notice that the Company, or an employee of the Company in the State of Indiana, has been convicted of a criminal drug violation occurring in the workplace. False certification or violation of this certification may result in sanctions including, but not limited to, suspension of payments under the Agreement, termination of the Agreement and/or debarment of contracting opportunities with the State for up to three (3) years. In addition to the provisions of the above paragraph, if the total amount set forth in the Agreement is in excess of $25,000.00, the Company agrees that it will provide a drug-free workplace by: A. Publishing and providing to all of its employees a statement notifying them that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Company’s workplace, and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition;

  • Annexes, Appendices and Footnotes The annexes, appendices and footnotes to this Agreement constitute an integral part of this Agreement.

  • STATE’S ABILITY TO MODIFY SCOPE OF CONTRACT Subject to mutual agreement between the parties, Enterprise Services reserves the right to modify the Services included in this Contract; Provided, however, that any such modification shall be effective only upon thirty (30) calendar days advance written notice; and Provided further, that any such modification must be within the scope of the Competitive Solicitation for this Contract.

  • DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTOR PRICE LIST AND CONTRACT APPENDICES Contractor shall provide Authorized Users with electronic copies of the Contract, including price lists and Appendices, upon request. Contract Updates will be handled as provided in Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures.

  • Non-Discrimination Statement and Certification This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. In accordance with Federal civil rights law, all U.S. Departments, including but not limited to the USDA, USDE, FEMA, are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by federal funds (not all bases apply to all programs). Vendor certifies that Vendor will comply with applicable Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity provisions set forth in TIPS Member Customers’ policies and other regulations at the local, state, and federal levels of governments. Yes, I certify