AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT. This Agreement may only be amended by an affirmative vote or consent of all Members.
AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT. This Agreement may only be amended as authorized by the Member.
AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT. Pursuant to Sections 23-18-4-3 to 23-18-4-5 of the Act, this Agreement may only be amended by an affirmative vote or consent of all Members.
AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT. Pursuant to Subsections 48-3a-407(2) and (3) of the Act, this Operating Agreement may only be amended by an affirmative vote or consent of all Members.
AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT. Pursuant to Subsections 48-3a-407(2) and (3) of the Act, this Agreement may only be amended as authorized by the Member.
AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT. Pursuant to Subsections 48-3a-407(2) and (3) of the Act, this Operating Agreement may only be amended by the Member.