Hepatitis B Vaccine Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis B, the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.
Nepotism No employee shall be directly supervised by a member of his/her immediate family. "
Power Factor The Power Producer shall maintain the Power Factor as per the prevailing GERC regulations and as may be stipulated / specified by GETCO from time to time. The Power Producer shall provide suitable protection devices, so that the Electric Generators could be isolated automatically when grid supply fails. Connectivity criteria like short circuit level (for switchgear), neutral Grounding, fault clearance time, current unbalance (including negative and zero sequence currents), limit of harmonics etc. shall be as per Grid Code.
Target Population TREATMENT FOR ADULT (TRA) Target Population
The Product Energy Resource Interconnection Service allows Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility's output using the existing firm or non-firm capacity of the Transmission System on an "as available" basis. To the extent Interconnection Customer wants to receive Energy Resource Interconnection Service, Transmission Provider shall construct facilities identified in Appendix A.
Power Factor Design Criteria (Reactive Power A wind generating plant shall maintain a power factor within the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging, measured at the Point of Interconnection as defined in this LGIA, if the ISO’s System Reliability Impact Study shows that such a requirement is necessary to ensure safety or reliability. The power factor range standards can be met using, for example without limitation, power electronics designed to supply this level of reactive capability (taking into account any limitations due to voltage level, real power output, etc.) or fixed and switched capacitors if agreed to by the Connecting Transmission Owner for the Transmission District to which the wind generating plant will be interconnected, or a combination of the two. The Developer shall not disable power factor equipment while the wind plant is in operation. Wind plants shall also be able to provide sufficient dynamic voltage support in lieu of the power system stabilizer and automatic voltage regulation at the generator excitation system if the System Reliability Impact Study shows this to be required for system safety or reliability.
ADJUSTMENT FACTORS The Contractor will perform any or all Tasks in the Construction Task Catalog for the Unit Price appearing therein multiplied by the following Adjustment Factors. See the General Terms and Conditions for additional information.
Meteorological Data Reporting Requirement (Applicable to wind generation facilities only)
Prosthodontics We Cover prosthodontic services as follows:
Unbundled Channelization (Multiplexing) 5.7.1 To the extent NewPhone is purchasing DS1 or DS3 or STS-1 Dedicated Transport pursuant to this Agreement, Unbundled Channelization (UC) provides the optional multiplexing capability that will allow a DS1 (1.544 Mbps) or DS3 (44.736 Mbps) or STS-1 (51.84 Mbps) Network Elements to be multiplexed or channelized at a BellSouth central office. Channelization can be accomplished through the use of a multiplexer or a digital cross-connect system at the discretion of BellSouth. Once UC has been installed, NewPhone may request channel activation on a channelized facility and BellSouth shall connect the requested facilities via COCIs. The COCI must be compatible with the lower capacity facility and ordered with the lower capacity facility. This service is available as defined in NECA 4. 5.7.2 BellSouth shall make available the following channelization systems and interfaces: DS1 Channelization System: channelizes a DS1 signal into a maximum of twenty- four (24)