Hepatitis B Vaccine. Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis B, the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. Where an employee's job places the employee at risk of being infected with Hepatitis "B", and the employee agrees to be vaccinated, the College shall pay for the employee's vaccination if the procedure is not covered by OHIP.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. The Employer shall provide immunization against Hepatitis 'B' for employees required to come in contact with patients and are thereby, in the Employer's judgement, put at risk of infection to Hepatitis 'B'.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. Because Hepatitis B is a serious occupational hazard and since some employees are at risk to exposure to patient bodily fluids and blood, in the interest of prevention, the Employer will continue to provide, free of charge, the Hepatitis B vaccine to those employees whose may have occupational exposure to bodily fluids and blood. Within two (2) months after completion of Hepatitis B vaccine series, the Employer shall provide, free of charge, a titer and if necessary will repeat the Hepatitis B vaccination series.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. The City shall provide, at its cost, Hepatitis B vaccine immunization for employees whose health plans do not provide the benefit.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. Each member shall be eligible to receive a Hepatitis B Vaccination upon hire at Board expense.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. 131. The Hospital shall provide Hepatitis B vaccine to house officers on the SFGH payroll upon request at no cost to the house officer.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. The City shall provide at its expense Hepatitis B vaccine immunization for all bargaining unit members. 140. d. As set forth in Administrative Code section 16.701(b), covered employees who are not in active service for more than twelve (12) weeks, shall be required to pay the Health Service System for the full premium cost of membership in the Health Service System, unless the employee shall be on sick leave, workers' compensation, mandatory administrative leave, approved personal leave following family care leave, disciplinary suspensions or on a layoff holdover list where the employee verifies they have no alternative coverage.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. The employer will provide at no cost a Hepatitis B Vaccine for any employee requesting such.
Hepatitis B Vaccine. Employees who have occupational exposure with blood and other potentially infectious materials shall be offered Hepatitis B Vaccination at the University’s expense. Employees who decline the vaccination must sign a Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Statement. Schools and departments may establish guidelines based on assessed risks of occupational exposure requiring as a condition of employment that employees have the Hepatitis B Vaccine.