Application and Transition Sample Clauses

Application and Transition. (1) This Instrument applies to reporting issuers and public accounting firms. (2) Section 2.1 and Part 3 do not apply in Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. (3) Part 2 does not apply unless (a) the CPAB’s prescribed time period for the public accounting firm to submit a participation agreement has expired, and (b) the auditor’s report prepared by the public accounting firm is dated on or after March 30, 2004.
Application and Transition. (1) This Instrument applies to reporting issuers and public accounting firms. (2) [Repealed] (3) Part 2 does not apply unless (a) the CPAB’s prescribed time period for the public accounting firm to submit a participation agreement has expired, and (b) the auditor’s report prepared by the public accounting firm is dated on or after March 30, 2004.

Related to Application and Transition

  • APPLICATION AND PARTIES BOUND 5.1 The parties bound by this Agency Specific Agreement are the Civil Service Association of WA Inc and the Director General of the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor. 5.2 This Agency Specific Agreement does not replace the General Agreement. 5.3 This Agency Specific Agreement shall apply to all employees who are members or eligible to be members of the Union and who are covered by the General Agreement and the Award. 5.4 This Agency Specific Agreement shall be read in conjunction with the Award and the General Agreement. 5.5 Except where the General Agreement identifies conditions as core, the Agency Specific Agreement will prevail over the General Agreement and the Award to the extent of any inconsistencies. 5.6 At the date of registration the approximate number of employees covered by this Agency Specific Agreement is 16.

  • PROMOTION AND TRANSFER 9:1 Employees may file requests, in writing, for promotion to the Working Xxxxxxx classification or for a Employees may file requests, in writing, for promotion to the Working Xxxxxxx classification or for a transfer to a new location in their present classification with the Office of the Company. Whenever a vacancy occurs, the Company will, before filling such vacancy, first give consideration to such requests and the following factors being sufficient give preference on the basis of seniority. (a) Company shall give consideration to applications for promotion and transfer to vacancies on the basis of seniority, ability, licenses, disciplinary history within the previous nine (9) months and qualifications. 9:2 Requests for promotion or transfer shall expire at the end of six (6) months from the time of receipt by Company unless the Company has within the six (6) month period, received a request for extension. If such request for promotion or transfer is offered and the employee refuses, the request becomes null and void and he/she shall resubmit his/her request no sooner than six (6) months after the original request. 9:3 Company may either promote a lower classification or transfer an employee in the same classification, if a job is not filled under Section 9:1. 9:4 Whenever a temporary vacancy occurs in any job classification, the Company may fill it by appointment. If practicable, the Company shall fill such vacancy with the senior qualified employee in the next lower classification within the headquarters. Temporary vacancies shall be those vacancies caused by the absence of an employee due to industrial injury, leave of absence, vacation or sick leave and additional jobs which the Company contemplates will be of ninety (90) days’ duration or less. 9:5 Whenever the Company establishes a new headquarters or additional crews, employees within that geographical division shall be notified a sufficient time in advance to enable them to file a request for transfer or promotion to the new headquarters or crew. The Supervisor in the geographical area will notify the area Business Representative of new crew locations. 9:6 Employees who accept a promotion to a new headquarters will indicate in writing that he understands that acceptance of the promotion establishes him in a new permanent headquarters without lodging.

  • Application of Agreement 4.1 This Agreement applies to: (a) Xxxxx Fabrications Pty Ltd (the Employer) (b) the CFMEU (the Union) (c) all Employees of the Employer engaged in construction work and for whom classifications and rates of pay are provided by this Agreement (the Employee). Collectively known as Parties 4.2 This Agreement only applies to work done in Queensland or Northern Territory and to work temporarily done outside Queensland or Northern Territory by Employees who are based in Queensland or Northern Territory, except where employees are covered by a subsequent Greenfields agreement made under s.182(3) of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and approved by the Fair Work Commission.

  • Application and Operation of Agreement Table Of Contents

  • Repatriation and Transfer 1. Upon fulfillment of all tax obligations, each Contracting Party shall permit in good faith all transfers related to an investment to be made freely and without delay into and out of its territory. Such transfers include: (a) the initial capital and additional amounts to maintain or increase investment, (b) returns, (c) proceeds from the sale or liquidation of all or any part of an investment, (d) compensation pursuant to Article 6 and 7,

  • VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS A. Whenever a teacher is interested in being considered for assignment to any professional position in the district, he/she shall file written notice of his/her interest to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The Board declares its intention to give full consideration to present staff members in all vacancies in which they have expressed an interest. 1. It is agreed that any vacancy occurring during the current school year shall only be filled on a temporary basis for the remainder of that school year. By May 1 of each year, a list of all vacancies shall be posted in a designated area in each administrative unit. Any teacher with proper qualifications may, within seven (7) calendar days of May 1 and all subsequent postings until August 1 of each year, apply for and shall be granted an interview before such vacancy is filled, with the exception of when reductions in grade levels/subject areas occur in a building allowing first right of refusal to displaced staff for any open positions in his/her individual building. Vacant positions will be posted for three (3) work days after August 1 and prior to the first reported student instructional day of each year. 2. Any teacher requesting transfer between administrative units shall notify the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by April 30 for transfer in the subsequent year. Involuntary transfers within a building will occur prior to extending consideration to voluntary transfer requests. Before vacancies are filled, the qualifications of each teacher who has requested transfer shall be reviewed. 3. It is agreed that any teacher making written request to be assigned a position whose FTE is less than their current assignment has no guarantee of a future increase in FTE except as provided by the process defined elsewhere in this Article. 4. A vacancy shall be defined for purposes of this contract as a position presently unfilled, one to be open in the future or a new position, and which has no teacher on leave of absence or layoff status with the claim to the position. B. Since the frequent transfer of teachers from one school and/or grade level to another is disruptive to the educational process and interferes with optimum teacher performance, the parties agree that unrequested transfers of teachers are to be minimized.

  • Interpretation and Application “the Act” Means the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978 (as amended)

  • Collaboration on Compliance and Enforcement A Competent Authority will notify the other Competent Authority when the first-mentioned Competent Authority has reason to believe that an error may have led to incorrect or incomplete information reporting or there is non-compliance by a Reporting Financial Institution with the applicable reporting requirements and due diligence procedures consistent with the Common Reporting Standard. The notified Competent Authority will take all appropriate measures available under its domestic law to address the errors or non-compliance described in the notice.

  • Freedom of Information and Transparency 20.1 The Recipient acknowledges that the Commissioner is subject to the provisions of the FOIA and agrees to assist and co-operate with the Commissioner (at the Recipient’s expense) where necessary to enable the Commissioner to comply with any requests received under the FOIA relating to this Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to, transferring to the Commissioner any request received by the Recipient under the FOIA relating to this Agreement as soon as practicable following receipt and in any event within three working days of receipt. 20.2 In no event shall the Recipient respond to a request under the FOIA relating to this Agreement without obtaining the prior written consent of the Commissioner. 20.3 The Recipient acknowledges that the Commissioner may be obliged to disclose information under the FOIA: 20.3.1 Without consulting the Recipient; or 20.3.2 Following consultation with the Recipient and having taken into account its views. Provided that where clause 20.3.1 applies the Commissioner shall, in accordance with the recommendations of the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs’ Code of Practice on the discharge of a public authorities’ functions under Part 1 of FOIA, take reasonable steps, to give the Recipient advanced notice or to draw the disclosure to the Recipient’s attention after any such disclosure. 20.4 The Recipient shall ensure it retains for disclosure all information (as defined in the FOIA) produced in the course of this Agreement or relating to this Agreement and shall allow the Commissioner to inspect such records from time to time upon request. 20.5 The Recipient acknowledges that the Commissioner is subject to certain transparency and disclosure obligations set out in the Elected Local Policing Bodies Specified Information Order 2011 (as amended) (“Transparency Obligations”) 20.6 The Recipient consents to the Commissioner publishing the contents of this Agreement and information regarding any tender process related to the Purpose of the Agreement to enable the Commissioner to comply with their Transparency Obligations. 20.7 The Recipient acknowledges that: 20.7.1 The Commissioner shall be responsible for determining, at their absolute discretion, whether any information is exempt from disclosure or should be disclosed pursuant to the FOIA and/or the Transparency Obligations and to what extent any information disclosed shall be redacted; and 20.7.2 Any lists or schedules provided by the Recipient outlining confidential information are of an indicative value only and that the Commissioner may be obliged to disclose confidential information in accordance with Clause 20.3 and/or Clause 20.5.

  • Application Submission Submissions of a rental application does not guarantee approval or acceptance. It does not bind us to accept the application or to sign a Lease contact.