ASSUMPTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. Purchasers/Tenants are advised the “Assumption of the Subdivision” by the Town may not occur until 5 years after occupancy and to refer to the conditions in Section 46 of the Subdivision Agreement that must be complied with prior to assumption by the Town.
ASSUMPTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. Purchasers/Tenants are hereby advised that “Assumption of the Subdivision” by the Town may not occur until 5 years after occupancy and the issuance of a Certificate of Acceptance from the Commissioner of Public Works / Commissioner of Planning and Development pursuant to Section 46 of the Subdivision Agreement that must be complied with prior to assumption by the Town. Purchasers/Tenants are hereby advised that the Vendor shall not require or allow purchasers of Lots, Potls or Units to pave the driveways prior to assumption without the prior written permission from the Town.