Aviso de Microsoft Exchange Sample Clauses

Aviso de Microsoft Exchange. El ajuste de correo de Microsoft Exchange del Software iOS se concede bajo licencia únicamente para la sincronización remota de información, como correo electrónico, contactos, calendario y tareas, entre su Dispositivo iOS y Microsoft Exchange Server u otro software de servidor licenciado por Microsoft para implementar el protocolo ActiveSync de Microsoft Exchange. Condiciones complementarias de Apple Pay
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Aviso de Microsoft Exchange. El ajuste de correo de Microsoft Exchange del Software iOS se concede bajo licencia únicamente para la sincronización remota de información, como correo electrónico, contactos, calendario y tareas, entre su Dispositivo iOS y Microsoft Exchange Server u otro software de servidor licenciado por Microsoft para implementar el protocolo ActiveSync de Microsoft Exchange. AVISOS DE APPLE TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE GOOGLE MAPS Términos adicionales (a) las condiciones de servicio específicas de Google Maps (que se pueden consultar en la página http:// xxxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxxx_xxxx.xxxx), incluido el contenido de los avisos legales aplicables (que están disponibles en la página xxxx://xxxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxx.xxxx); (b) las condiciones del servicio generales de Google (que se pueden consultar en la página xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/xxxxx_xx_xxxxxxx.xxxx) y (c) la política de privacidad global de Google (que se publica en la página xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx). Esas disposiciones adicionales se incorporan como referencia a estos Términos y condiciones. En el caso de que exista alguna incoherencia o conflicto entre los términos adicionales mencionados y estos Términos y condiciones, tendrán prioridad las disposiciones de estos últimos. Google no impone ningún cargo por descargar o utilizar Google Maps para móviles, pero, en función del plan y del operador o el proveedor, puede que el operador u otro proveedor cobren por descargar Google Maps para móviles o por el uso que haga del teléfono móvil cuando acceda a información u otros servicios proporcionados por Google a través de Google Maps para móviles. Google Maps para móviles está disponible sólo para uso no comercial. Por "uso no comercial" se entiende que Google le otorga derechos limitados para utilizar Google Maps para móviles para fines personales únicamente en casa o en el trabajo, para buscar todo lo que desee, sujetos a las limitaciones definidas en estos Términos y condiciones. Puede realizar y distribuir copias de Google Maps para móviles para usarlo en la empresa a la que pertenezca ("Uso empresarial") en los siguientes casos: (a) Todas las personas de la organización que vayan a utilizar Google Maps para móviles han tenido la oportunidad de revisar estos Términos y condiciones y han indicado formalmente su acuerdo a estar vinculados a ellos (y usted acepta proporcionar prueba de ello si Google lo solicita). (b) Tiene capacidad legal para contraer un acuerdo vinculante en nombr...
Aviso de Microsoft Exchange. El ajuste de correo de Microsoft Exchange del Software iOS se concede bajo licencia únicamente para la sincronización remota de información, como correo electrónico, contactos, calendario y tareas, entre su Dispositivo iOS y Microsoft Exchange Server u otro software de servidor licenciado por Microsoft para implementar el protocolo ActiveSync de Microsoft Exchange. AVISOS DE APPLE A. APPLE iOS軟體許可協定 B. 來自APPLE的通知 Apple Inc. iOS軟體許可協定單一使用許可證 如閣下最近購買iOS裝置並且如閣下不同意許可證條款,可將iOS裝置交還購取iOS裝置的APPLE專 賣店或授權分銷商以取得退款,但須符合APPLE的退貨政策規定,該政策載於 http:// www.apple.com/legal/sales_policies/。 1. 一般規定
Aviso de Microsoft Exchange. El ajuste de correo de Microsoft Exchange del Software iOS se concede bajo licencia únicamente para la sincronización remota de información, como correo electrónico, contactos, calendario y tareas, entre su Dispositivo iOS y Microsoft Exchange Server u otro software de servidor licenciado por Microsoft para implementar el protocolo ActiveSync de Microsoft Exchange. AVISOS DE APPLE (a) 連同閣下的iOS裝置提供並可以Apple提供的功能增強軟體、軟體更新或系統還原軟體( 「iOS軟體更 新」)予以更新或取代的軟體(包括Boot ROM代碼、嵌入式軟體和第三方軟體)、文檔、介面、內容、字體及任何資料( 「原iOS軟體」),不論是儲存於唯讀記憶體、任何其他載體或屬任何其他形式(原iOS軟體和 iOS軟體更新統稱「iOS軟體」),是由Apple Inc.(「Apple」)許可閣下使用而非售予閣下。閣下只可根據本許可證的條款加以使用,Apple及其許可人保留對iOS軟體本身的所有權,並保留一切並未明確授予閣下的權利。閣下同意本許可證條款將適用於任何可能已預安裝在閣下的iOS裝置上的Apple品牌app,除非該 app另外附有單獨的許可證,在這種情況下,閣下同意該許可證的條款將規限閣下對該app的使用。 (b) Apple可就閣下的iOS裝置酌情提供未來的iOS軟體更新,這些更新(如有的話)未必包含Apple就較新或其他型號iOS裝置發行的所有現有軟體功能或新的功能。本許可證條款監管由Apple提供用以取代和/或補充原先iOS軟體產品的iOS軟體更新,除非該iOS軟體更新另外載有獨立許可證,在此情況下則以該許可證的條款監管。 2. 允許的許可證用途和限制 (a) 在必須遵守本許可證條款和條件的情況下,閣下獲授予在單一台Apple品牌iOS裝置上使用iOS軟體的有限的、非獨家的許可證。除以下第2(b) 條允許外,以及除非閣下與Apple另行簽立協定規定外,本許可證並不允許iOS軟體在任何一個時候存在於一台以上Apple品牌iOS裝置上,而且閣下不得在網路上分發或提供iOS軟體,以致iOS軟體在同一時間可供多台裝置使用。本許可證並不授予閣下使用Apple擁有專有權的介面及其它知識產權,以設計、開發、製造、授予許可或分發第三方裝置與配件或第三方應用軟體連同iOS裝置使用的任何權利。在獲得Apple的另行許可下,可使用其中某些權利。有關為iOS裝置開發第三方裝置與配件的詳情,請發電子郵件至 madeforipod@apple.com。有關為iOS裝置開發應用軟體的詳情,請發電子郵件至 devprograms@apple.com。 (b) 在必須遵守本許可證條款和條件的情況下,閣下獲授予下載Apple可能提供給閣下iOS裝置型號的iOS軟體更新的有限的、非獨家許可證,以更新或恢復由閣下擁有或控制的任何iOS裝置上的軟體。本許可證並不允許閣下更新或恢復不受閣下控制的或並非閣下擁有的iOS裝置,而且閣下不得在網路上分發或提供iOS軟體,以致iOS軟體在同一時間可供多台裝置或多台電腦使用。如閣下下載iOS軟體更新到閣下的電腦上,閣下只可為備份目的而以機器可讀形式,複製一份存儲於閣下的電腦的iOS軟體更新;但該備份副本必須帶有原件上所載的一切著作權或其他專有權的提示。 (c) 在閣下購買時Apple已在閣下的iOS裝置上預安裝Apple品牌app (「預安裝app」)的範圍內,閣下需要登錄到App Store並將這些預安裝app關聯到閣下的App Store帳戶,才能在閣下的iOS裝置上使用它 們。當閣下將預安裝app關聯到閣下的App Store帳戶時,閣下的iOS裝置上所有其他預安裝app將會同時自動關聯起來。閣下選擇將預安裝app與閣下的App Store帳戶關聯,即表示閣下同意 Apple可傳輸、收集、維護、處理和使用閣下的App Store帳戶所使用的Apple ID和收集自閣下的iOS裝置的唯一硬件標識符,作為驗證閣下所提出請求的資格的唯一帳戶標識符,以及向閣下提供通過App Store存取預安裝app的途徑。如閣下不希望使用預安裝app,閣下可隨時將其從閣下的iOS裝置中刪除。 (d) 閣下不得且閣下同意不會或促使他人複製(本許可證明示允許除外)、反彙編、倒序製造、拆裝、企圖導出其源代碼、解碼、修改iOS軟體或製造其衍生作品、或iOS軟體提供的任何服務或其任何部分(適用法律或可能包含在iOS軟體內的開放原始程式碼組件使用許可證條款禁止除外)。 (e) iOS軟體可用於複製材料,只要該等使用限於複製沒有版權的材料、閣下享有著作權的材料或授權閣下或合法允許閣下複製的材料。通過閣下的iOS裝置顯示、存儲或訪問的任何內容,其所有權和智慧財產權屬於相關的內容所有權人。此等內容可能受著作權或其他智慧財產權法律和條約保護,及可能須遵守提供該等內容的第三方使用條款。除在此另有規定外,本許可證並不授予閣下使用該等內容的任何權利,亦不保證該等內容將繼續提供給閣下。 (f) 閣下同意依照所有適用法律使用iOS軟體以及服務(定義見以下第5條),此等法律包括閣下所居住或者下載或使用iOS軟體以及服務的國家或地區的當地法律。iOS軟體和服務的功能未必以所有語言或在所有地區提供,某些功能可能因地區而異,有的可能會受到限制,或閣下的服務提供商沒有提供。iOS軟體和服務一些功能需要Wi-Fi或蜂窩數據連接,例如FaceTime或iMessage。 (g) 使用App Stor...

Related to Aviso de Microsoft Exchange

  • Shift Exchange The Employer and the Union agree that shift exchanges are a useful process to allow employees more flexibility and improved work/life balance. Employees within an institution who have the same job classification will be allowed to exchange full shifts for positions in which they are qualified. The shift exchange process will not be used to circumvent the bid system or the supervisory chain of command. Shift exchanges will be in accordance with the following: A. Request for shift exchanges will be submitted seven (7) calendar days in advance of the exchange, when practicable. B. Requests for shift exchanges will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The requested shift exchange is voluntary, and is agreed to in writing by both employees, and approved in writing by the supervisor(s). Requests for shift exchanges will be submitted to the appropriate Appointing Authority or designee for approval. X. Xxxxx exchanges may be denied. If denied, the employee will be provided the reason(s) in writing. D. Employees will not submit requests for shift exchanges which would result in overtime. Each employee will be considered to have worked their regular schedule. E. For shift exchanges that occur on an employee’s designated holiday, the employee who is regularly scheduled to work on that holiday will receive the holiday compensation, regardless of who physically worked on that day. F. The failure of an employee who has exchanged shifts to work the agreed upon shift without appropriate cause may be a basis for disciplinary action.

  • Shift Exchanges In no event shall any overtime be payable as a result of employees voluntarily exchanging shifts.

  • Stock Exchange De-listing Prior to the Closing Date, the Company shall cooperate with Parent and use reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and do or cause to be done all things, reasonably necessary, proper or advisable on its part under applicable Laws and rules and policies of the NYSE to enable the delisting by the Surviving Corporation of the Shares from the NYSE and the deregistration of the Shares under the Exchange Act as promptly as practicable after the Effective Time.

  • Data Exchange Each Party shall furnish to the other Party real-time and forecasted data as required by ERCOT Requirements. The Parties will cooperate with one another in the analysis of disturbances to either the Plant or the TSP’s System by gathering and providing access to any information relating to any disturbance, including information from oscillography, protective relay targets, breaker operations, and sequence of events records.

  • Alerts via Text Message To stop Alerts via text message, text "STOP" to 99785 at anytime. Alerts sent to your primary email address will be unaffected by this action. To restore Alerts on your Mobile Device, just visit the Alerts tab in Online Banking and click the box next to your mobile number for the Alert(s) you would like to receive again. For help with SMS text alerts, text “HELP” to 99785. In case of questions, please contact Customer Care at 0-000-000-0000. Our participating carriers include (but are not limited to) AT&T® Wireless, T-Mobile®, U.S. Cellular®, Verizon Wireless.

  • Stock Exchange Delisting Prior to the Closing Date, the Company shall cooperate with Parent and use reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and do or cause to be done all things, reasonably necessary, proper or advisable on its part under applicable Laws and rules and policies of the NASDAQ Global Select Market to enable the delisting by the Surviving Corporation of the Shares from the NASDAQ Global Select Market and the deregistration of the Shares under the Exchange Act as promptly as practicable after the Effective Time.

  • Obtaining Stock Exchange Listings The Company will from time to time take all commercially reasonable actions which may be necessary so that the Warrant Shares, immediately upon their issuance upon the exercise of Warrants, will be listed on the principal securities exchanges and markets within the United States of America, if any, on which other shares of Common Stock are then listed.

  • Stock Exchange Listings Parent shall use all reasonable efforts to list on the NYSE, upon official notice of issuance, the Paired Shares to be issued in connection with the Merger.

  • Nasdaq National Market Listing The shares of Parent Common Stock issuable to the Company stockholders pursuant to this Agreement shall have been authorized for listing on the Nasdaq National Market upon official notice of issuance.

  • Use of Bulletin Boards Space shall be made available to OCEA on agency/departmental bulletin boards within the Representation Unit provided such use does not interfere with the needs of the agency/department and material posted is not derogatory to the County, County employees or other employee organizations. Notice shall be dated and signed by the authorized representatives of OCEA responsible for its issuance.

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