Balance of Programme. 3.1 The Authority wishes to secure a balance of high quality entertainment at The Orchard Theatre which will appeal to Dartford residents. At the same time, the Authority acknowledges the Contractor’s need to present a programme which is commercially viable, and does not therefore seek to be prescriptive in the matter of programming.
3.2 The Authority will nevertheless monitor the balance and quality of programming to satisfy itself that overall the objectives outlined in paragraph 3.1 above are being met by the Services.
3.3 The balance of programming will be monitored using the breakdown set out in Financial Appendix 1 of the Contractor’s Tender Document; “Production Breakdown and Financial Model”. This breakdown will not be rigidly applied, but will be used by the Authority to monitor whether the Contractor is generally achieving the expected mix and variety of shows. For clarity, the Production Breakdown is set out below as follows: Music 40 Comedy 30 Variety 40 Children’s Entertainment 18 Musicals 48 Ballet 8 Opera 8 Spoken Word 8 Drama 24 Dance 6 Orchestral Concerts 4 New and World Music 4 Pantomime 54
Balance of Programme. 2.1 How did you feel about: ▪ The length of the training seminar too short (0) short (1) just right (7) Plenty (4) too long (1) ▪ The amount of time devoted to each topic too short (0) short (1) just right (9) plenty (2) too long (1)
2.2 How effective were the practical activities?
Balance of Programme. A) How did you feel about the length of the training seminar?
B) Amount of time devoted to each topic
C) How effective were the practical activities?
6 5 4 3 2 1 Very effective Ineffective
D) What was the level of time given for:
6 5 4 3 2 1 Sufficient Insufficient
6 5 4 3 2 1 Sufficient Insufficient