Purpose of Processing Sample Clauses

Purpose of Processing. Personal Data will be Processed for the purpose of performing obligations under the Agreement.
Purpose of Processing. The purposes of Processing should be in accordance with the purposes presented to Patients in the EBMT/SFGM-TC Information Leaflet and Consent Form, i.e.: To collect clinical data for medical research which aims to deepen knowledge in the field of cellular therapies. To collect clinical data to improve the care of transplanted patients by: providing the activity and the results of the treatments allowing a continuous evaluation of the cellular therapies centers, developing new and improved procedures for transplants, cell therapies and immunosuppressive treatments, improving the quality of these procedures thanks to the accreditation of the hospitals in charge of the treatments. Finalité du traitement : Les finalités du Traitement doivent être conformes aux finalités présentées aux Patients dans le Formulaire d’Information et de Consentement de l'EBMT/SFGM-TC, à savoir : Collecter des données cliniques utilisées pour la recherche médicale qui vise à approfondir les connaissances dans le domaine des thérapies cellulaires ; Collecter des données cliniques utilisées pour améliorer les soins aux patients greffés en : Fournissant l’activité et les résultats des traitements permettant une évaluation continue des centres de thérapies cellulaires, Développant des procédures nouvelles et améliorées pour les greffes, les thérapies cellulaires et les traitements immunosuppresseurs, Améliorant la qualité de ces procédures grâce à l’accréditation des hôpitaux chargés des traitements.
Purpose of Processing. To enable and facilitate the Customer’s use of the Services.
Purpose of Processing. Ensuring the commercial credit, reliability and security of transactions and the exercise of the rights of financial freedom and free provision of information of businesses by enabling traders to evaluate or re-evaluate the solvency of their counterparties and in particular the transactional credit risk that is assumed in the context of an undertaken business activity. Legal Basis of Processing: The legitimate interest pursued by the data recipient: Security of transactions, financial freedom and freedom of information.
Purpose of Processing. [Please insert the purpose for Processing the Personal Information]
Purpose of Processing. Personal Data will be Processed for the purpose of providing Services, as relevant and defined by the selected service levels and support options. The Agreement and the relevant service descriptions and statements of work shall apply for the specifics and possible additional services.
Purpose of Processing for the purposes of delivering the services and meeting other obligations specified in this agreement.
Purpose of Processing. 2.2.1 The Data Processor shall process the Data it receives from the Customer solely for the purposes of the processing operations as set out in the following and for no other purpose except with the express written consent of the Customer. The purpose of processing the Data is to offload end-users of the Customer to a virtual waiting room e.g. if number of end-users exceeding the Customer’s website capacity.