Barmer-Sindari- Jalore Section Xx Sample Clauses

Barmer-Sindari- Jalore Section Xx. Xx. Name of Township Location (Design Chainages) (in km) Carriageway Width (in m) Remarks From To 1 Barmer 0+000 4+800 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 2 Rawatsar 21+200 21+600 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 3+ Chawa 26+200 26+850 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 4 Sindhari 62+300 65+000 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 5 Jeewana 96+500 97+800 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 6 Balera 114+000 114+600 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 7 Sayala 116+600 118+300 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 8 Sayala 118+300 119+450 10.00 2L + 8 Sayala 119+450 120+700 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 9 Otwala 123+800 124+400 10.00 2L + 10 Khural 126+200 126+800 10.00 2L + 11 Umedabad 128+900 130+300 10.00 2L + 12 Xxxxx 133+500 133+950 10.00 2L + 13 Mandwala 142+500 143+250 10.00 2L + (b) Ahore-Bali-Mundara (Sanderao-Mundara) Section Xx.Xx. Name of Township Location (Design Chainages) Carriageway Width (in Mtrs) Remarks From To 2 Falna 11+400 12+300 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 3+ Falna 12+300 12+950 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 4 Bali 17+000 18+600 2 x 7.50 4L Divided 5 Bali 18+600 18+900 10.00 2L + 6 Bali 18+900 19+650 2 x 7.50 4L Divided
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  • Signature Section For the CONTRACTOR Name (Please print) Title Signature Date For the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH Xxxx Xxxx, Deputy Director, Operations Administration Date Part II General Provisions

  • Acupuncture Services Benefits will be provided for Medically Necessary acupuncture services when provided by a provider licensed to perform such services.

  • Future Services The Consultant acknowledges each of the following with regard to performing future services for the City: • The Consultant’s performance of Work in an Approved Service Order may create an actual or appearance of a conflict of interest with regard to the Consultant performing or participating in the performance of some related future services, particularly when the Work in an Approved Service Order comprises one element or aspect of a multi- phase process or project; • Such an actual or appearance of a conflict of interest would be a ground for the City to disqualify the Consultant from performing or participating in the performance of such future services; and • The Consultant is solely responsible for considering what potential conflicts of interest, if any, performing Work in an Approved Service Order might have on its ability to obtain contracts to perform future services.

  • Einwilligung Zur Verwendung Von Daten A. Analysedaten. Wenn du dich entscheidest, die Sammlung von Analysedaten zuzulassen, erklärst du dein Einverständnis damit, dass Apple, seine Tochtergesellschaften und Auftragnehmer Diagnosedaten sowie technische, nutzungsrelevante und zugehörige Informationen, einschließlich insbesondere eindeutige System- oder Hardwarekennungen, Informationen über deinen Computer, deine Systemsoftware und Softwareprogramme sowie deine Peripheriegeräte sammeln, verwalten, verarbeiten und verwenden dürfen. Diese Informationen werden regelmäßig gesammelt, um Produkte und Dienste von Apple bereitzustellen und zu verbessern, die Bereitstellung von Softwareaktualisierungen, Produktsupport und anderen Diensten für dich (sofern vorhanden) in Verbindung mit der Apple-Software zu vereinfachen und um die Einhaltung der Bestimmungen dieses Lizenzvertrags zu überprüfen. Du kannst deine Einstellungen für die Analyse jederzeit ändern, indem du auf deinem Computer zur Einstellung „Analyse“ navigierst und das Markierungsfeld deaktivierst. Die Einstellung „Analyse“ befindet sich in der Systemeinstellung „Sicherheit“ im Bereich „Privatsphäre“. Apple ist berechtigt, diese Informationen zu nutzen, sofern diese für die oben beschriebenen Zwecke in einer Form gesammelt werden, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt. Damit Partner und Fremdentwickler von Apple die Möglichkeit erhalten, ihre für die Nutzung mit Apple-Produkten ausgelegte(n) Software, Hardware und Dienste zu optimieren, stellt Apple solchen Partnern oder Fremdentwicklern möglicherweise einen Teil seiner Diagnoseinformationen bereit, der für die Software, Hardware und/oder Dienste dieses Partners oder Entwicklers relevant ist, vorausgesetzt, diese Informationen werden in einer Form verwendet, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt.

  • SOFTWARE SECURITY If applicable, BA warrants that software security features will be compatible with the CE’s HIPAA compliance requirements. This HIPAA Business Associate Agreement-Addendum shall supersede any prior HIPAA Business Associate Agreements between CE and BA. EXHIBIT E

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  • Anerkennung der Rechte Dritter A. Apple stellt möglicherweise bestimmte Komponenten der Apple-Software und in der Apple-Software enthaltene Open-Source-Programme von Drittanbietern auf seiner Open-Source-Website (https:// („Open-Source-Komponenten“) zur Verfügung. Die Anerkennungen, Lizenzbestimmungen und Schadensersatzregelungen für diese Komponenten sind in der elektronischen Dokumentation für die Apple-Software enthalten. Ziehe bitte die elektronische Dokumentation zurate, da dir möglicherweise zusätzliche Rechte an den Open-Source-Komponenten der Apple-Software zustehen. Du erklärst dich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, dass im Falle eines aus der Änderung der Open-Source-Komponenten der Apple-Software resultierenden Ausfalls oder Schadens der Apple- Hardware dieser Ausfall oder Schaden von den Bestimmungen der Apple-Hardwaregarantie ausgeschlossen wird.

  • Eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid De Apple software en de bijbehorende documentatie zijn “Commercial Items”, zoals omschreven in 48 C.F.R. §2.101, en bestaan uit “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation”, zoals beschreven in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is. Overeenkomstig 48 C.F.R. §12.212 of 48 C.F.R. §227.7202-1 tot en met 227.7202-4, afhankelijk xxx xxxxx paragraaf van toepassing is, xxxxxx de “Commercial Computer Software” en “Commercial Computer Software Documentation” aan eindgebruikers binnen de Amerikaanse overheid (a) alleen als “Commercial Items” in licentie gegeven en (b) alleen met de rechten die xxxxxx verleend aan alle andere eindgebruikers conform de voorwaarden die hierin xxxxxx genoemd. Ongepubliceerd: rechten voorbehouden krachtens de auteursrechtwetgeving van de Verenigde Staten.

  • FUTURE SERVICE BENEFITS If the Supplier is rejoining the Schemes for the first time, the Supplier shall procure that the Fair Deal Employees shall be either admitted to or offered continued membership of the relevant section of the Schemes that they became eligible to join on the Relevant Transfer Date and shall continue to accrue or accrue benefits in accordance with the provisions governing the relevant section of the Schemes for service from (and including) the Relevant Transfer Date. If staff have already been readmitted to the Schemes, the Supplier shall procure that the Fair Deal Employees, shall be either admitted into, or offered continued membership of, the relevant section of the Schemes that they currently contribute to, or were eligible to join immediately prior to the Relevant Transfer Date and the Supplier shall procure that the Fair Deal Employees continue to accrue benefits in accordance with the provisions governing the relevant section of the Schemes for service from (and including) the Relevant Transfer Date. The Supplier undertakes that should it cease to participate in the Schemes for whatever reason at a time when it has Eligible Employees, that it will, at no extra cost to the Customer, provide to any Fair Deal Employee who immediately prior to such cessation remained an Eligible Employee with access to an occupational pension scheme certified by the Government Actuary’s Department or any actuary nominated by the Customer in accordance with relevant guidance produced by the Government Actuary’s Department as providing benefits which are broadly comparable to those provided by the Schemes at the relevant date. The Parties acknowledge that the Civil Service Compensation Scheme and the Civil Service Injury Benefit Scheme (established pursuant to section 1 of the Superannuation Act 1972) are not covered by the protection of New Fair Deal.

  • How Much May I Contribute to a Xxxx XXX As a result of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (“EGTRRA”) of 2001, the maximum dollar amount of annual contributions you may make to a Xxxx XXX is $5,500 for tax years beginning in 2013 with the potential for Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increases in $500 increments. However, these amounts are phased out or eliminated entirely if your adjusted gross income is over a certain level, as explained in more detail below. Year 2020 2021 Xxxx XXX Contribution Limit $6,000 $6,000 You may make annual contributions to a Xxxx XXX in any amount up to 100% of your compensation for the year or the maximum contribution limits shown in the table above, whichever is less. The limitation is reduced by any contributions made by you or on your behalf to any other individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs. Your annual contribution limitation is not reduced by contributions you make to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account that covers someone other than yourself. In addition, qualifying rollover contributions and transfers are not subject to these limitations. If you are age 50 or older by the end of the year, you may make additional “catch-up” contributions to a Xxxx XXX. The “catch-up” contribution limit is $1,000 for tax years 2009 and beyond. If you are married and file a joint return, you may make contributions to your spouse’s Xxxx XXX. However, the maximum amount contributed to both your own and to your spouse’s Xxxx XXX may not exceed 100% of your combined compensation or the maximum contribution shown in the table above, whichever is less. The maximum amount that may be contributed to either your Xxxx XXX or your spouse’s Xxxx XXX is shown in the table above. Again, these dollar limits are reduced by any contributions made by or on behalf of you or your spouse to any other individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA) except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs. Again, the limit is not reduced for contributions either of you make to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account for someone other than yourselves. As noted in Item 1, your eligibility to contribute to a Xxxx XXX depends on your AGI (as defined below). The amount that you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX is reduced proportionately for AGI which exceeds the applicable dollar amount. For the 2020 and 2021 tax years, the amount that you may contribute to your Xxxx XXX is as follows: Single Individual Year Eligible to Make a Contribution if AGI is Less Than: Eligible to Make a Partial Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make A Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $124,000 $124,000 - $139,000 $139,000 2021 & After - sub- ject to COLA increases $125,000 $125,000 - $140,000 $140,000 Married Individual Filing a Joint Income Tax Return Year Eligible to Make a Contribution if AGI is Less Than: Eligible to Make a Partial Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make A Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $196,000 $196,000 - $206,000 $206,000 2021 & After - sub- ject to COLA increases $198,000 $198,000 - $208,000 $208,000 If you are a married taxpayer filing separately, your contribution phases out over the first $10,000 of AGI, so that if your AGI is $10,000 or more you may not contribute to a Xxxx XXX for the year. Note that the amount you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX is not affected by your participation in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. To determine the amount you may contribute to a Xxxx XXX (assuming it does not exceed 100% of your compensation), you can refer to IRS Publication 590-A: Modified Adjusted Gross Income for Xxxx XXX Purposes and Determining Your Reduced Xxxx XXX Contribution Limit. The amount you contribute may not exceed the maximum contribution limits shown in the table above reduced by the amount contributed on your behalf to all other individual retirement accounts (except SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs). Your contribution to a Xxxx XXX is not reduced by any amount you contribute to a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account for the benefit of someone other than yourself. If you are the beneficiary of a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account, additional limits may apply to you. Please contact your tax advisor for more information.

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