Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your home address and telephone number. Do not arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you “meet” on the computer network or Internet, if you are under 18, without parental permission, and regardless of age, in a secluded place or in a private setting.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Acceptable Use Policy Agreement, Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy, Acceptable Use Policy
Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your home address and telephone number. Do not arrange a face-face- to-face meeting with someone you “meet” on the computer network or Internet, if you are under 18, without parental permission, and and, regardless of age, in a secluded place or in a private setting.. Among uses that are considered unacceptable and constitute a violation of the Policy and Agreement are:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Internet User's Policy
Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your home address and telephone number. Do not arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you “"meet” " on the computer network or Internet, if you are under 18, without parental permission, and regardless of age, in a secluded place or in a private setting.. Among uses that considered unacceptable and constitute a violation of this Policy and Agreement are:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement
Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, Internet do not reveal personal information such as your home address and telephone number. Do not arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you “meet” on the computer network or Internet, if you are under 18, without parental permission, and regardless of age, in a secluded place or in a private setting.. Among uses that are considered unacceptable and constitute a violation of this Policy and Agreement are:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement