Common use of Benefits   on Clause in Contracts

Benefits   on. In the event of a lay-off of an employee, the Hospital shall pay its share of insured benefit premiums up to the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. The employee may, if possible under the terms and conditions of the insurance benefits programs, continue to pay the full premium cost of a benefit or benefits of up to (3) months following the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. Such payment can be made through the payroll office of the Hospital provided that the employee informs the Hospital of her intent to do so at the of the lay-off and arranges with the Hospital the appropriate payment schedule. and Promotions Job vacancies for and within the bargaining unit shall be posted by the Hospital for a period of seven (7) calendar days. The names for all successful applicants shall be posted for each competition. An employee may make a written request for transfer by advising the Hospital and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating her name, qualifications, experience, present area of assignment, seniority and requested area of assignment. A Request for Transfer shall become active as of the date is received by the Hospital and shall remain so until December Such requests will be considered as application for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies created by the filling of a posted vacancy. An employee selected as a result of a posted vacancy or a request for transfer need not considered for a further vacancy for a period of up to six (6) months from the date of selection except at the Hospital's discretion. In filling a posted vacancy or effecting a transfer, all applicants shall be considered for the position on the basis of their skill, qualifications, experience and ability and where these factors are relatively equal amongst the applicants considered, seniority shall govern. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board. The successful applicant to a job posting referred to in Article will be placed the vacancy for a trail period not exceeding thirty (30) days worked. If the employee proves satisfactory, shall be considered permanently assigned to the vacancy. If the employee proves unsatisfactory during that or if the employee wishes to be to former position, the employee will be returned to former position at former rate of pay. Any other employee in the bargaining unit who was promoted or transferred by reason of such placing shall be returned to former position and such transfer shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure. Newly hired employees or employees the bargaining unit who were promoted or transferred shall be advised at time of hire, transfer or promotion of this condition. In cases where qualifications, ability, suitability and experience are equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor in a promotion, transfer and demotion. Seniority shall be and accumulated an employee is absent from work under the following circumstances.

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Samples: Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Benefits   on. In The employer agrees to maintain the event Employer’s share of the Benefits premium costs for the first three months of a lay-short or long term lay off. Recalls from lay off of an employeewill be made on the following basis : Where there are full time or part time vacancies in a department that has laid off employees, the Hospital employee with the greatest departmental seniority shall pay its share of insured benefit premiums up be the first to the end of the month in which the lay-off occursbe recalled. The employee may, if possible under requirements for posting vacancies shall not apply until the terms and conditions recall process has been completed. Employees who are recalled to a new department shall accrue new departmental seniority from the first day of recall. No new employees shall be hired until all those laid off have been given an opportunity to return to work in positions to which they are qualified to perform the insurance benefits programs, continue to pay work in either the full premium cost of a benefit time or benefits of up to (3) months following the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. Such payment can be made through the payroll office of the Hospital provided that the employee informs the Hospital of her intent to do so at the of the lay-off and arranges with the Hospital the appropriate payment schedule. and Promotions Job vacancies for and within the part time bargaining unit shall be posted by the Hospital for a period of seven (7) calendar days. The names for all successful applicants shall be posted for each competitionunits. An employee may make returning to work in a written request for transfer by advising different position shall be entitled to return to the Hospital and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating her name, qualifications, experience, present area of assignment, seniority and requested area of assignment. A Request for Transfer shall position held prior to the layoff should it become active as vacant within twenty-four (24) months of the date is received layoff When recalling an employee from layoff, shall be notified by the Hospital registered mail or personally by telephone and shall remain so until December Such requests will be considered as application for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies created by the filling of a posted vacancy. An employee selected as a result of a posted vacancy or a request for transfer need not considered for a further vacancy for a period of up return to six (6) months work within seven calendar days from the date of selection except at delivery of the Hospital's discretion. In filling a posted vacancy notice of Registered Mail or effecting a transfer, all applicants shall be considered for receipt of the position telephone call unless on the basis of their skill, qualifications, experience and ability and where these factors are relatively equal amongst the applicants considered, seniority shall governreasonable grounds is unable to do so. The name laid off employee will promptly notify the Employer of any change of address and/or telephone number. Job Vacancies When job vacancies occur in the successful applicant bargaining unit and the Employer desires to fill such a job vacancy, such fact will be posted on the bulletin boardboard for a period of seven days, excluding the actual day the vacancy is posted. employees will have the first opportunity for promotion or filling the vacancy. For the purpose of this article vacancies do not include temporary appointments less than six (6) months. The Employer will determine the successful applicant candidate to a job posting referred by considering the qualifications, skill and present ability of the individual to perform the required work in Article jobs within the bargaining unit, and where these are in the opinion of the Employer equal, the employee with the greatest departmental seniority will receive the appointment. Where departmental seniority is tied or does not exist the employee with the greatest bargaining unit wide seniority shall be the successful candidate. An employee selected on this basis will be placed given an opportunity of fulfilling the vacancy for duties of the new position during a trail period which may not exceeding thirty exceed three (303) days workedmonths. If an employee fails to meet the employee proves satisfactoryrequirements for the job at any time during the three month period, shall be considered permanently assigned to the vacancy. If the employee proves unsatisfactory during that or if the employee wishes to be to former positionrelinquish the position at any time during the three month period, the employee he will be returned to his former position at former rate of pay. Any other employee in the bargaining unit who was promoted or transferred by reason of such placing shall be returned to former position and such transfer shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure. Newly hired employees or employees the bargaining unit who were promoted or transferred shall be advised at time of hire, transfer or promotion of this condition. In cases where qualifications, ability, suitability and experience are equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor in a promotion, transfer and demotion. Seniority shall be and accumulated an employee is absent from work under the following circumstancesposition.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

Benefits   on. In the event of a lay-off of an employee, a full-time employee the Hospital shall pay its share of insured benefit premiums benefits premium up to three (3)months from the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. The occurs or until the laid off employee may, if possible under the terms and conditions of the insurance benefits programs, continue to pay the full premium cost of is employed whichever occurs il- JOB POSTING Where a benefit or benefits of up to (3) months following the end of the month permanent vacancy occurs in which the lay-off occurs. Such payment can be made through the payroll office of the Hospital provided that the employee informs the Hospital of her intent to do so at the of the lay-off and arranges with the Hospital the appropriate payment schedule. and Promotions Job vacancies for and within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Hospital, such vacancy shall be posted by the Hospital for a period of seven (7) calendar days7)days, excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The names for all successful applicants shall be posted for each competition. An employee may make a written request for transfer by advising the Hospital and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating her name, qualifications, experience, present area of assignment, seniority and requested area of assignment. A Request for Transfer shall become active as of the date is received by the Hospital and shall remain so until December Such requests will be considered as application for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies Vacancies created by the filling of a an initial permanent vacancy within the bargaining unit shall be posted vacancy. An employee selected as a result of a posted vacancy or a request for transfer need not considered for a further vacancy for a period of up five (5)consecutive days excluding Sunday and holidays. All applications are to six be made writing within the posting period. The Hospital agrees that it shall post permanent vacant positions within thirty (630) months from calendar days of the date position becoming vacant, unless the Hospital provides the union notice under Article (a) of selection except at it's intention to eliminate the Hospital's discretionposition. In filling The referred to in Article I shall stipulate the qualifications, classification, rate of pay, department and shift and a posted vacancy or effecting a transfer, all applicants copy shall be considered provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. Employees shall be selected for the position positions under Article on the basis of their skill, qualificationsability, experience and ability and where qualifications. Where these factors are relatively equal amongst the applicants employees considered, seniority shall governproviding the successful applicant, if any, is qualified to perform the available work. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin boardboard for a period of seven (7) calendar days and unsuccessful will be notified. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for positions referred to in Article employees in other service bargaining units at the Hospital will be considered for such positions prior to Considering persons not employed by the Hospital. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with Article and selection shall be-made in accordance with Article above. Vacancies which are not expected to exceed six (6) months will not be posted and may be filled at the discretion of the Hospital; In filling such consideration shall be given to part-time employees in service bargaining units who have recorded their interest in writing prior to considering persons not employed the Hospital. In considering such part-time employees the criteria for selection in shall apply. Part-time employees selected to fill a vacancy under this Article will continue to their part-time status and upon completion of the assignment the employee will return to his former position. The Hospital shall have the right to fill any vacancy on an basis until the posting procedure herein has been complied with, and arrangements have been made to assign the employee selected to fill the vacancy to the job. No grievance may be filed concerning such temporary arrangements. The successful applicant to a job posting referred to in Article will be placed in the vacancy for a trail trial period not exceeding thirty forty-five (3045) working days worked. If and if the employee proves proves, satisfactory, then he shall be considered permanently assigned to the vacancy. If the employee proves unsatisfactory during that time, or if ifthe employee feels he is unable to perform the employee wishes duties of the vacancy to be to former positionwhich he is posted, the employee will be returned to his former position at his former salary or rate of pay. Any as will any other employee in the bargaining unit Bargaining Unit who was promoted or transferred by reason of such placing placing. Newly hired employees shall be returned to former position terminated and such transfer termination shall not be subject to the grievance or and arbitration procedure. Newly Successful applicants and newly hired employees not be permitted to apply for job or employees any subsequent vacancies for a period of six (6) months, unless mutually agreed or an opportunity arises which allows the bargaining unit who were promoted employee to change his or transferred shall be advised at time of hire, transfer or promotion of this condition. In cases where qualifications, ability, suitability and experience are equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor in a promotion, transfer and demotion. Seniority shall be and accumulated an employee is absent from work under the following circumstancesher permanent status.

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Samples: Service Employees

Benefits   on. In the event of a lay-off of an employeeoff, provided the Hospital shall pay its employee with the Home her share of insured benefit premiums benefits for the succeeding month (save for weekly indemnity for which laid-off employees are not eligible) the Employer shall pay share of the Insured benefits premium for a period up to three (3) months from the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs, or until the laid-off employee is employed elsewhere, whichever occurs it is understood and agreed that if a employee bumps a part-time employee as part of the above-noted procedure, the full-time employee is accepting the part-time position For these purposes, year full-time seniority hours part-time seniority. Severance pay will be accordance the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. ARTICLE In the event new jobs are created or occur existing classifications (unless the Employer the Union in writing that it intends to postpone or not the vacancy), the Employer post such new jobs or for a period of ten days, and shall stipulate the classification, rate, and the department concerned before new employees are hired in order employees with seniority to The Employer agrees to provide the chief xxxxxxx with a copy of each job posting. The employee mayparties agree that an administrative oversight in regard does not void the job posting. Until the vacancy is filled resulting from the job posting provisions, if possible under the terms and conditions Employer is free to the vacancy on a temporary basis as he sees fit. If no applications are received by A.M. of the insurance benefits programstenth day following the posting date, continue the Employer may proceedings to pay secure permanent applicants for the full premium cost vacancy from outside sources. All applications received will be considered within seven (7) days of a benefit or benefits of up to (3) months following the end of the month posting procedure. in which the lay-off occurs. Such payment can be made through event one or more employees the payroll office Employer consider the qualifications and seniority of the Hospital provided that applicant. Where these factors are equal, the employee informs applicant with the Hospital of her intent to do so at greatest seniority shall fill the vacancy. When a position is by means of the lay-off and arranges with posting procedure, the Hospital name of the appropriate payment schedule. and Promotions Job vacancies for and within the bargaining unit shall successful be posted by the Hospital for a period of seven (7) calendar days. The names successful applicant be placed on trial in the new position for all successful applicants shall be posted for each competitiona period of three hundred and thirty-seven and one-haif (337%) working hours. An employee may make a written request for Such trial promotion or transfer by advising the Hospital and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating her name, qualifications, experience, present area of assignment, seniority and requested area of assignment. A Request for Transfer shall become active as after the trial period unless: the employee feels that she is not suitable for the position and wishes to return to her former pasition; or the Employer feels that the employee not suitable for the and requires that she returnto her former position. it is understood and agreed that once the trial period has expired. the Employer no has the right to an employee to her former position and the employee no longer has the right to return to her former In the event of either or above, the date is received by the Hospital employee return to her former position and shall remain so until December Such requests will be considered as application for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies created by the filling salary without of a posted vacancyseniority. An Any other employee selected promoted or transferred as a result of the rearrangement of positions shall also be returnedto her former position and salary without loss of seniority. in the event of a posted vacancy promotion or transfer to the bargaining unit, Article shall prevail. The above shall also apply in the event of a request for transfer need not considered for to a further vacancy for a period of up to six (6) months from outside the date of selection except at the Hospital's discretion. In filling a posted vacancy or effecting a transferbargaining units represented by It understood however, all applicants that no employee shall be considered for the position on the basis of their skill, qualifications, experience and ability and where these factors are relatively equal amongst the applicants considered, seniority shall govern. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board. The successful applicant transferred to a job posting referred to in Article will be placed the vacancy for a trail period not exceeding thirty (30) days worked. If the employee proves satisfactory, shall be considered permanently assigned to the vacancy. If the employee proves unsatisfactory during that or if the employee wishes to be to former position, the employee will be returned to former position at former rate of pay. Any other employee in outside the bargaining unit who was promoted or transferred by reason of such placing shall be returned to former position and such transfer shall not be subject without her consent. It is understoodthat the Employer may to the grievance or arbitration procedure. Newly hired employees or employees the bargaining unit who were promoted or transferred shall be advised at time of hire, transfer or promotion of this condition. In cases where qualifications, ability, suitability and experience are equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor vacancy in a promotion, transfer and demotion. Seniority shall be and accumulated an employee is absent from work under part-time unit by expanding the following circumstanceshours of of existing part-time employees.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

Benefits   on. In the event of a lay-off of an a full-time employee, the Hospital Centre shall pay its share of insured benefit premiums benefits premium up to three (3) months from the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. The occurs or until the laid off employee mayis employed elsewhere, if possible under the terms and conditions of the insurance benefits programs, continue to pay the full premium cost of whichever occurs first ARTICLE JOB POSTING Where a benefit or benefits of up to (3) months following the end of the month permanent vacancy occurs in which the lay-off occurs. Such payment can be made through the payroll office of the Hospital provided that the employee informs the Hospital of her intent to do so at the of the lay-off and arranges with the Hospital the appropriate payment schedule. and Promotions Job vacancies for and a classification within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Centre, such vacancy shall be posted by the Hospital for a period of seven (7) calendar daysdays excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The names for all successful applicants shall be posted for each competition. An employee may make a written request for transfer by advising the Hospital and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating her name, qualifications, experience, present area of assignment, seniority and requested area of assignment. A Request for Transfer shall become active as of the date is received by the Hospital and shall remain so until December Such requests will be considered as application for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies Vacancies created by the filling of a an initial permanent vacancy within the be posted vacancy. An employee selected as a result of a posted vacancy or a request for transfer need not considered for a further vacancy for a period of up three (3) consecutive days excluding Saturday, Sunday and holidays. All applications are be made in writing within the posting period. The referred to six (6) months from Article shall stipulate the date qualifications, classification, rate of selection except at the Hospital's discretion. In filling pay, department and shift and a posted vacancy or effecting a transfer, all applicants copy shall be considered provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. Employees shall be selected for the position positions under Article on the basis of their skill, qualificationsability, experience and ability and where qualifica- tions. Where these factors are relatively equal amongst the applicants employees considered, seniority shall governgovern providing the suc- cessful applicant, if any, is qualified to perform the available work. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin boardboard and unsuccessful applicants will be notified. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for positions referred to in Article employees other service bargaining units at the Centre will be considered for such positions prior to considering persons not employed by the Centre. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with Article and selection shall be made in accordance with Article above. Vacancies which are not expected to exceed six ( 6 ) months will not be posted and may be filled at the discretion of the Centre. In filling such vacancies consideration shall be given to part-time employees in service bargaining units who have recorded their interest in writing, prior to considering persons not employed by the Centre. In considering such part-time employees the criteria for selection in shall apply. Part-time employees selected to fill a vacancy under this Article will continue to maintain their part-time status and upon completion of the assignment the employee will return to his former position. The Centre shall have the right to fill any vacancy on an interim basis until the posting procedure or the Request for Transfer procedure provided herein has been complied with, and arrangements have been made to assign the employee selected to fill the vacancy to the job. No grievance may be filed concerning such temporary arrangements. The successful applicant to a job posting referred to in Article will be placed in the vacancy for a trail trial period not exceeding thirty forty-five (3045) working days worked. If and if the employee proves satisfactory, then he shall be considered permanently assigned to the vacancy. If the employee proves unsatisfactory during that time, or if the employee wishes feels he is unable to be perform the duties of the vacancy to former positionwhich he is posted, the employee will be returned to his former position at his former salary rate of pay. Any , as will any other employee in the bargaining unit Bargaining Unit who was promoted or transferred by reason of such placing placing. Newly hired employees shall be returned to former position terminated and such transfer termination shall not be subject to the grievance or and arbitration procedure. Newly Successful applicants and newly hired employees will not be permitted to apply for job or employees the bargaining unit who were promoted or transferred shall be advised at time any subsequent vacancies for a period of hiresix (6) months, transfer or promotion of this condition. In cases where qualifications, ability, suitability and experience are equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor in a promotion, transfer and demotion. Seniority shall be and accumulated an employee is absent from work under the following circumstancesunless otherwise mutually agreed.

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Samples: Service Collective Agreement

Benefits   on. In the event of a lay-off of an employee, the Hospital shall pay its share of insured benefit premiums up to the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. The employee may, if possible under the terms and conditions of the insurance benefits programs, continue to pay the full premium cost of a benefit or benefits of up to three (3) months following the end of the month in which the lay-off occurs. Such payment can be made through the payroll office of the Hospital provided that the employee informs the Hospital of her intent to do so at the time of the lay-off and arranges with the Hospital the appropriate payment schedule. and Promotions Job vacancies for full-time and part-time positions within the bargaining unit shall be posted by the Hospital for a period of seven (7) calendar days. The names for all successful applicants shall be posted for each competition. An employee may make a written request for transfer by advising the Hospital and filing a Request for Transfer form indicating her name, qualifications, experience, present area of assignment, seniority and requested area of assignment. A Request for Transfer shall become active as of the date it is received by the Hospital and shall remain so until December following. Such requests will be considered as application for posted vacancies and subsequent vacancies created by the filling of a posted vacancy. An employee selected as a result of a posted vacancy or a request for transfer need not be considered for a further vacancy for a period of up to six (6) months from the date of selection except at the Hospital's discretion. In filling a posted vacancy or effecting a transfer, all applicants shall be considered for the position on the basis of their skill, qualifications, experience and ability and where these factors are relatively equal amongst the applicants considered, seniority shall govern. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board. The successful applicant to a job posting referred to in Article will be placed in the vacancy for a trail period not exceeding thirty (30) days worked. If the employee proves satisfactory, shall be considered permanently assigned to the vacancy. If the employee proves unsatisfactory during that time, or if the employee wishes to be returned to former position, the employee will be returned to former position at former rate of pay. Any other employee in the bargaining unit who was promoted or transferred by reason of such placing shall be returned to former position and such transfer shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure. Newly hired employees or employees in the bargaining unit who were promoted or transferred shall be advised at time of hire, transfer or promotion of this condition. In cases where qualifications, ability, suitability and experience are equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor in a promotion, transfer and demotion. Seniority shall be retained and accumulated when an employee is absent from work under the following circumstances.

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