Union Business Sample Clauses
Union Business. (a) The Hospital shall grant leave of absence without pay to employees to attend Union conventions, seminars, education classes and other Union business in connection with the administration of the collective agreement provided that such leave will not interfere with the efficient operation of the Hospital. Such leave will not be unreasonably denied. In requesting such leave of absence for an employee or employees, the Union must give at least fourteen (14) days clear notice in writing to the Hospital, unless not reasonably possible to give such notice. The cumulative total leave of absence, the number of employees that may be absent at any one time from any one area, and the number of days of absence shall be negotiated locally and are set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. During such leave of absence, the employee's salary and applicable benefits shall be maintained by the Hospital on the basis of what his normal regular hours of work would have been, provided that the Union reimburses the Hospital in the amount of such salary and applicable benefits within thirty (30) days of billing. Notwithstanding the above, time spent by the eight (8) Executive Board members and seven (7) Alternate Executive Board members of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions to fulfill the duties of the position shall be in addition to leave for Union Business under this clause. Part-time and casual employees will be given full credit for seniority purposes for regularly scheduled hours missed in accordance with this provision.
(b) In addition to the above, a part-time or casual employee who is attending to union business when not regularly scheduled to work shall be deemed to be on union leave and the amount of such leave shall not be deducted from the number of days of absence identified above. Such part-time or casual employee will be credited with seniority for the number of hours of such leave to a maximum of thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours per week. The Union will advise the Hospital of the number of such hours.
Union Business. Employees holding Union office or delegates shall be granted time to perform the following functions without loss of pay:
A. Negotiation meetings with the City. (Limit 10 members.) On those days when collective bargaining sessions are taking place, any four (4) of the representatives that are on duty shall be released from duty for the duration of that meeting or negotiation session.
B. Labor Management Committee Meetings and Conferences with the City. (Limit 3 members.)
C. Safety Committee meeting. (Limit 2 members.)
D. Grievances B Union representatives engaged in the processing of grievances outlined in Article 24.
E. Conferences and seminars to be mutually agreed upon by the Fire Chief and the Union.
F. Members of the bargaining unit who request to attend schools or conferences which may take place on the employee's regularly scheduled day or days off shall not receive compensation in excess of their regular bi-weekly compensation including F.L.S.A. compensation while attending said school or conference except for travel expenses as authorized by the City. Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit the Fire Chief's inherent management right to assign members to attend schools or conferences.
G. Union officials, representatives and delegates shall be entitled to leave with pay to participate in Union functions relative to the operation of this Agreement. A request for leave with pay must be submitted to the Fire Chief or his designee. Upon mutual agreement between the Union President or his designee and the Fire Chief or his designee, requests for leave under this Article may be denied or withheld depending on Department staffing needs. Neither the Union nor the City will unreasonably withhold their mutual agreement to deny requested Union leave. Leave with pay, for the purposes addressed in E through G above, shall be limited to one thousand and five hundred (1,500) total hours distributed among all Union officials, representatives and delegates taking leave pursuant to this Article during a contract year. The Union may carry forward no more than two hundred (200) hours from one contract year to the next. At no time shall the hours carried forward exceed one thousand seven hundred (1,700) total hours. Union leave with pay shall not be taken for the purposes of engaging in campaigns for the election of individuals to public office. The Union must notify the Fire Chief as early as possible so that the necessary fill-in for the employee can be ar...
Union Business. An employee in good standing with the Employer, whose acceptance of employment with the Union takes him from his employment with the Employer, shall, upon written request to the Employer by the Union, receive a leave of absence for the period of his service with the Union, of not less than thirty (30) days nor more than one (1) year. A Union's request for such a leave of absence, and for the return of an employee to work at the conclusion of such a leave, shall each be served upon the involved Employer, in writing, a minimum of two (2) calendar weeks immediately preceding the date of the proposed commencement of the requested leave and the proposed return to work, respectively. Not more than one (1) employee shall be given such a leave from the same store during the same period of time, nor shall more than three (3) employees in the company be on such a leave at one time. An eligible employee shall not be granted more than one (1) such leave of absence during the term of this Agreement, nor shall such a leave of absence be granted to an employee who, at the time of his request for such leave of absence, is on a leave of absence from the Employer for any other reason. Upon his return, he shall be reemployed at work similar to that in which he was engaged immediately prior to his leave of absence in accordance with Article 9, Section D. During the period of the authorized leave of absence, the Union shall be obligated to make Trust Fund contributions on behalf of the involved employee.
Union Business. The internal business of the Union shall be conducted by employees during their non-duty hours.
Union Business. Employees elected to any Union office or selected by the Union to do work which takes them from their employment with the Employer, shall at the written request of the Union be granted a leave of absence without pay.
Union Business. The Hospital shall grant leave of absence without pay to employees to attend Union conventions, seminars, education classes and other Union business in connection with the administration of the collective agreement provided that such leave will not interfere with the efficient operation of the Hospital. Such leave will not be unreasonably denied. In requesting such leave of absence for an employee or employees, the Union must give at least twenty-one (21) days clear notice in writing to the Hospital, unless not reasonably possible to give such notice. The cumulative total leave of absence, the number of employees that may be absent at any one time from any one area, and the number of days of absence shall be negotiated locally and are set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. During such leave of absence, the employee's salary and applicable benefits shall be maintained by the Hospital on the basis of what his normal regular hours of work would have been, provided that the Union reimburses the Hospital in the amount of such salary and applicable benefits within thirty (30) days of billing. Notwithstanding the above, time spent by the eight (8) Executive Board members of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions to fulfill the duties of the position shall be in addition to leave for Union Business under this clause. Part-time and casual employees will be given full credit for seniority purposes for regularly scheduled hours missed in accordance with this provision.
Union Business. The Employer shall grant the necessary time off without discrimination or loss of seniority rights and without pay to any employee designated by the Union to attend a labor convention or serve in any capacity on other official Union business, provided the Employer is given at least one (1) week’s notice in writing specifying the length of time off, but in no case shall the length of time off exceed one (1) year.
Union Business. Employees selected or elected as delegates to Union conventions, conferences or elective office shall be granted necessary leave time without pay unless the County is unable to find a qualified replacement for a position which must be filled, except where the application for such leave is made two (2) weeks in advance of the absence.
Union Business. 3.1 Necessary leave of absence without pay may be granted to employees covered by this Agreement for the purpose of attending general or special meetings of the Union, and for education leave organized by UNIFOR Necessary leave of absence without pay shall also be granted to such employees as are elected or appointed to full-time positions in the employ of the Union; leave under this Article must be expressly approved by the Corporation but such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The name of an employee covered by this Agreement shall be continued on the seniority list while he is on such leave.
3.2 Necessary leave of absence without pay will be granted to employees for the purpose of collective bargaining. However, six members of the collective bargaining team shall be paid for such leave, at his regular or acting rate for each day of face to face collective bargaining meetings between the parties; leave under this Article must be expressly approved by the Corporation but such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
3.3 At points or in offices, etceteras, where bulletin boards are maintained by the Corporation for posting of notices of interest to the employees covered by this Agreement, it shall be permissible for the Union to maintain a similar board for the same purpose, and in addition, where no bulletin board is maintained by the Corporation, the Union may do so upon obtaining permission.
3.4 The Corporation shall supply to the local chairperson a copy of the following information at the end of each month:
a) Active O & M employees on permanent, temporary or flex part-time status, with an indication of payment of dues to a Union local.
b) The hourly rate and classification of said O & M employees
c) The published telephone numbers of said O & M employees
d) Employees removed from the active O & M employee list for reason of layoff during the month
e) Employees added to the active O & M employee list for reason of recall during the month
f) O & M bargaining unit employees on layoff at month end
g) O & M employees who have lost seniority (list supplied in January each year only)
h) Copy of any letters of agreement reached with another local of the bargaining unit
3.5 The Corporation will provide a copy of the Collective Agreement in booklet form to the employees covered by this agreement within sixty (60) days of its signature by the parties. Union representatives will receive booklets containing both versions, and the text of the Agreem...
Union Business. All Union business is to be conducted during employee’s non-duty hours unless specified otherwise in this Agreement.