Cancel Credit Account. Please note: • If there is a balance owing on the account, you will still receive a monthly statement and will need to continue to make the monthly payments until the account is paid in full. • Once a credit account is closed, it cannot be reopened. You will need to apply for a new credit product if you want access to a credit product after closing the current account(s). • When a credit card is closed, all available cash back and reward points are forfeited. Please ensure you have redeemed your cash back and reward points prior to closing any rewards credit cards. • If you close and payoff a Home Equity Line of Credit, you will be required to pay a reconveyance recording fee in order to remove XXXX’s lien on the property. The amount of the reconveyance fee will be listed in the payoff quote. • Lines of Credit may function as NSF protection for a linked checking account. If you close a Line of Credit, you will still have the option to link a Savings or Money Market account to the checking account for the purpose of avoiding NSF fees. ☐ Home Equity Line of Credit ☐ Competitor rates ☐ Consolidate BECU accounts ☐ Convenience ☐ Deceased ☐ Fees ☐ Relocating / Moving ☐ Fraud ☐ Products and services selection ☐ Other (please specify): ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) CLOSURE DATE (max. 1 week out)