PLEASE NOTE Sample Clauses

PLEASE NOTE. Retail clinics located in retail stores, supermarkets and pharmacies are not considered urgent care centers. The amount you pay for services at a retail based clinic differs from the amount you pay for urgent care services. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for details.
PLEASE NOTE. You do not need preauthorization for emergency services. Additionally, you do not need preauthorization from us or from any other person (including a PCP) in order to obtain access to obstetrical or gynecological care from a network physician who specializes in obstetrics or gynecology. Your physician, however, may be required to comply with certain procedures, including obtaining preauthorization for certain services. You may request an expedited preauthorization review in an emergency. We will respond to you with a determination within seventy-two (72) hours following receipt of the request. We review requests for concurrent authorization when you need an extension of an authorized course of treatment beyond the period of time or number of treatments already approved. If we deny your request, we will notify your provider before the end of the treatment period and will let you know within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the request if the request is made at least twenty-four (24) hours before the expiration of the period of time or number of treatments. You have the right to appeal our determination or to take legal action as described in this section.
PLEASE NOTE. Certification must be completed by January 31st for spring admits and September 30th for fall admits. Some majors require specific Math and foreign language courses. ACCT 1 Introductory Account I transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2 Indroductory Account II transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II ADM JUS 001 Intro to Admin of Justice transfers as GE CJ 110 Intro to Criminal Justice ADM JUS 002 Concepts of Criminal Law transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ADM JUS 005 Criminal Investigation transfers as CJ 240 Intro to Corrections ADM JUS 075 Intro to Corrections transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ANAT 1 Intro to Human Anat transfers as BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing ANAT 1 Intro to Human Anat transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy ART 101 Survey of Art History I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 102 Survey of Art History II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 103 Art Appreciation I transfers as GE ART 150 Introduction to Art ART 105 History of Asian Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 109 Art of Afrida, Oceania, An. Am transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 115 History of Modern Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 116 History of Women & Art transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ART 201 Drawing I transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART 501 Beg Two-Dim Design transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 502 Beg. 3D Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ART 700 Intro to Sculpture transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ASTR 1 ASTR 5 Astronomy Lab Elem Astronomy transfers as GE PHYC 140 Introduction to Astronomy Intro to Astronomy Lab BIOL 3 Intro to Biology transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 6 General Biology I transfers as GE BIOL 151 General Biology I BIOL 7 General Bio II transfers as BIOL 152 General Biology II BRDC 25 Radio/TV/Film Writing transfers as CINE 274 THTR 274 Story and Character Story and Character BUS 1 Intro to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship CHEM 101 General Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 102 General Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 211 Organic Chem for Sci Major I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 212 Organic Chem for Sci Major II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 51 Fundamentals of Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry ...
PLEASE NOTE. You do not need preauthorization for emergency services. Additionally, you do not need preauthorization from us or from any other person (including a PCP) in order to obtain access to obstetrical or gynecological care from a network physician who specializes in obstetrics or gynecology. Your physician, however, may be required to comply with certain procedures, including obtaining preauthorization for certain services. You may request an expedited preauthorization review in an emergency. We will respond to you with a determination within seventy-two (72) hours following receipt of the request. We review requests for concurrent authorization when you need an extension of an authorized course of treatment beyond the period of time or number of treatments already approved. If we deny your request, we will notify your provider before the end of the treatment period and will let you know within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the request if the request is made at least twenty-four (24) hours before the expiration of the period of time or number of treatments. You have the right to appeal our determination or to take legal action as described in this section. We review requests for retrospective authorization when services were provided before authorization was obtained. A notification of the retrospective determination will be provided within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the request. You have the right to appeal our determination or to take legal action as described in this section.
PLEASE NOTEThis agreement will remain in force as long as your child is enrolled at this school. If it becomes necessary to add/amend any information or rule, you will be advised in writing.
PLEASE NOTE. Aquinas College reserves the right to change, modify or amend the above-stated requirements and/or courses
PLEASE NOTE. If at any time the CONTRACTOR fails to clean up the work area to acceptable levels the COUNTY shall retain outside cleaning services and the actual costs for this service shall be deducted from the CONTRACTOR’s final payment with the minimum cost of $50.00 to offset COUNTY time for securing services to properly clean and inspect the site.
PLEASE NOTE. If this Contract is a public works project subject to GML §101(5) (i.e., a contract valued at or below $3M for projects in New York City) or if the Contract is subject to a project labor agreement in accordance with Labor Law §222, and the bidder is required to identify at the time of bid submission its intended subcontractors for the Xxxxx trades (plumbing and gas fitting; steam heating, hot water heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC); and electric wiring), the Contractor must identify all those to which it intends to award construction subcontracts for any portion of the Xxxxx trade work at the time of bid submission, regardless of what point in the life of the contract such subcontracts will occur. In identifying intended subcontractors in the bid submission, bidders may satisfy any Participation Goals established for this Contract by proposing one or more subcontractors that are MBEs and/or WBEs for any portion of the Xxxxx trade work. In the event that the Contractor’s selection of a subcontractor is disapproved, the Contractor shall have a reasonable time to propose alternate subcontractors.
PLEASE NOTE. We are required by law to provide you with important information, particularly before you enter into a contract with us. We provide this information in our notice called our [Key Service Information](/home/key-service-information). This information does not form part of our Agreement but it will provide you with certain details about how we enter into this contract with you and your use of our Services. It includes information such as your rights to cancel or stop using our services, which we strongly suggest you read before entering into this Agreement with us. REMITLY USER AGREEMENT