Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary IV-A-1. Reflective Practice Demonstrates limited reflection on practice and/or use of insights gained to improve practice. May reflect on the effectiveness of lessons/ units and interactions with students but not with colleagues and/or rarely uses insights to improve practice. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues; and uses and shares with colleagues, insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Is able to model this element.
Workplace Violence Prevention and Crisis Response (applicable to any Party and any subcontractors and sub-grantees whose employees or other service providers deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services): Party shall establish a written workplace violence prevention and crisis response policy meeting the requirements of Act 109 (2016), 33 VSA §8201(b), for the benefit of employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party shall, in preparing its policy, consult with the guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Services Workers, as those guidelines may from time to time be amended. Party, through its violence protection and crisis response committee, shall evaluate the efficacy of its policy, and update the policy as appropriate, at least annually. The policy and any written evaluations thereof shall be provided to employees delivering direct social or mental health services. Party will ensure that any subcontractor and sub-grantee who hires employees (or contracts with service providers) who deliver social or mental health services directly to individual recipients of such services, complies with all requirements of this Section.
Reasonable Suspicion Testing All Employees Performing Safety-Sensitive Functions A. Reasonable suspicion testing for alcohol or controlled substances may be directed by the Employer for any employee performing safety-sensitive functions when there is reason to suspect that alcohol or controlled substance use may be adversely affecting the employee’s job performance or that the employee may present a danger to the physical safety of the employee or another. B. Specific objective grounds must be stated in writing that support the reasonable suspicion. Examples of specific objective grounds include but are not limited to: 1. Physical symptoms consistent with alcohol and/or controlled substance use; 2. Evidence or observation of alcohol or controlled substance use, possession, sale, or delivery; or 3. The occurrence of an accident(s) where a trained manager, supervisor or lead worker suspects alcohol or other controlled substance use may have been a factor.
Requester and Approved User Responsibilities The Requester agrees through the submission of the DAR that the PI named has reviewed and understands the principles for responsible research use and data management of the genomic datasets as defined in the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the GDS Policy. The Requester and Approved Users further acknowledge that they are responsible for ensuring that all uses of the data are consistent with national, tribal, and state laws and regulations, as appropriate, as well as relevant institutional policies and procedures for managing sensitive genomic and phenotypic data. The Requester certifies that the PI is in good standing (i.e., no known sanctions) with the institution, relevant funding agencies, and regulatory agencies and is eligible to conduct independent research (i.e., is not a postdoctoral fellow, student, or trainee). The Requester and any Approved Users may use the dataset(s) only in accordance with the parameters described on the study page and in the 1 If contractor services are to be utilized, PI requesting the data must provide a brief description of the services that the contractor will perform for the PI (e.g., data cleaning services) in the research use statement of the DAR. Additionally, the Key Personnel section of the DAR must include the name of the contractor’s employee(s) who will conduct the work. These requirements apply whether the contractor carries out the work at the PI’s facility or at the contractor’s facility. In addition, the PI is expected to include in any contract agreement requirements to ensure that any of the contractor’s employees who have access to the data adhere to the NIH GDS Policy, this Data Use Certification Agreement, and the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the GDS Policy. Note that any scientific collaborators, including contractors, who are not at the Requester must submit their own DAR. Addendum to this Agreement for the appropriate research use, as well as any limitations on such use, of the dataset(s), as described in the DAR, and as required by law. Through the submission of this DAR, the Requester and Approved Users acknowledge receiving and reviewing a copy of the Addendum which includes Data Use Limitation(s) for each dataset requested. The Requester and Approved Users agree to comply with the terms listed in the Addendum. Through submission of the DAR, the PI and Requester agree to submit a Project Renewal or Project Close-out prior to the expiration date of the one (1) year data access period. The PI also agrees to submit an annual Progress Update prior to the one (1) year anniversary2 of the project, as described under Research Use Reporting (Term 10) below. By approving and submitting the attached DAR, the Institutional Signing Official provides assurance that relevant institutional policies and applicable local, state, tribal, and federal laws and regulations, as applicable, have been followed, including IRB approval, if required. Approved Users may be required to have IRB approval if they have access to personal identifying information for research participants in the original study at their institution, or through their collaborators. The Institutional Signing Official also assures, through the approval of the DAR, that other institutional departments with relevant authorities (e.g., those overseeing human subjects research, information technology, technology transfer) have reviewed the relevant sections of the NIH GDS Policy and the associated procedures and are in agreement with the principles defined. The Requester acknowledges that controlled-access datasets subject to the NIH GDS Policy may be updated to exclude or include additional information. Unless otherwise indicated, all statements herein are presumed to be true and applicable to the access and use of all versions of these datasets.
Emergency Medical Condition a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in the following: a) Placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy; b) Serious impairment to bodily functions; or c) Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
Provider Responsibilities The Private Child-Caring Facility (PCC) (a.k.a., Provider) must comply with the following requirements:
Outpatient Dental Anesthesia Services This plan covers anesthesia services received in connection with a dental service when provided in a hospital or freestanding ambulatory surgical center and: • the use of this is medically necessary; and • the setting in which the service is received is determined to be appropriate. This plan also covers facility fees associated with these services. This plan covers dental care for members until the last day of the month in which they turn nineteen (19). This plan covers services only if they meet all of the following requirements: • listed as a covered dental care service in this section. The fact that a provider has prescribed or recommended a service, or that it is the only available treatment for an illness or injury does not mean it is a covered dental care service under this plan. • dentally necessary, consistent with our dental policies and related guidelines at the time the services are provided. • not listed in Exclusions section. • received while a member is enrolled in the plan. • consistent with applicable state or federal law. • services are provided by a network provider.
Behavioral Health Services – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inpatient - Unlimited days at a general hospital or a specialty hospital including detoxification or residential/rehabilitation per plan year. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient or intermediate careservices* - See Covered Healthcare Services: Behavioral Health Section for details about partial hospital program, intensive outpatient program, adult intensive services, and child and family intensive treatment. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Office visits - See Office Visits section below for Behavioral Health services provided by a PCP or specialist. Psychological Testing 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Medication-assisted treatment - whenrenderedby a mental health or substance use disorder provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Methadone maintenance treatment - one copayment per seven-day period of treatment. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient - Benefit is limited to 18 weeks or 36 visits (whichever occurs first) per coveredepisode. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible In a physician's office - limited to 12 visits per plan year. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Emergency room - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. In a physician’s/dentist’s office - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Services connected to dental care when performed in an outpatient facility * 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Inpatient/outpatient/in your home 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible (*) Preauthorization may be required for this service. Please see Preauthorization in Section 5 for more information. You Pay You Pay Outpatient durable medical equipment* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient medical supplies* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient diabetic supplies/equipment purchasedat licensed medical supply provider (other than a pharmacy). See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for supplies purchased at a pharmacy. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient prosthesis* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula delivered through a feeding tube. Must be sole source of nutrition. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula or food taken orally * 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Hair prosthesis (wigs) - The benefit limit is $350 per hair prosthesis (wig) when worn for hair loss suffered as a result of cancer treatment. 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Coverage provided for members from birth to 36 months. The provider must be certified as an EIS provider by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Asthma management 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Hospital emergency room 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider.
User Responsibilities i. Users are required to follow good security practices in the selection and use of passwords; ii. Users shall ensure that unattended equipment is protected; and iii. Users shall adopt a clear desk policy for papers and removable storage media and a clear screen policy for information processing facilities.
Abuse and Neglect of Children and Vulnerable Adults: Abuse Registry Party agrees not to employ any individual, to use any volunteer or other service provider, or to otherwise provide reimbursement to any individual who in the performance of services connected with this agreement provides care, custody, treatment, transportation, or supervision to children or to vulnerable adults if there has been a substantiation of abuse or neglect or exploitation involving that individual. Party is responsible for confirming as to each individual having such contact with children or vulnerable adults the non-existence of a substantiated allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation by verifying that fact though (a) as to vulnerable adults, the Adult Abuse Registry maintained by the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and (b) as to children, the Central Child Protection Registry (unless the Party holds a valid child care license or registration from the Division of Child Development, Department for Children and Families). See 33 V.S.A. §4919(a)(3) and 33 V.S.A. §6911(c)(3).