Cash Advance Fee. If you request a Cash Advance, in addition to the Interest Charge which will accrue on the Cash Advance, you agree to pay a fee of three percent (3%) of the amount of the Cash Advance subject to a minimum fee of $10.00.
Appears in 73 contracts
Samples: Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Agreement
Cash Advance Fee. If When you request obtain a Cash Advance, in addition to the Interest Charge which will accrue on the Cash Advancecash advance, you agree to pay a cash advance fee of three percent (either $10 or 3%) % of the amount of the Cash Advance subject each cash advance, whichever is greater, for each cash advance obtained. This cash advance fee is in addition to a minimum fee of $10.00any ATM Fees that may apply.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Visa Credit Card Account Agreement, Credit Card Agreement, Credit Card Account Agreement