Cash Advance Fee. Each time you obtain a Cash Advance under your Account, we will assess a Cash Advance fee equal to 3.0% of the amount of the Cash Advance. The Cash Advance fee will be reflected in the New Balance of your Account.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement
Cash Advance Fee. Each time you obtain a Cash Advance under your Account, we will assess a Cash Advance fee Fee equal to 3.0% of the amount of the Cash Advance. The Cash Advance fee will be reflected in the New Balance of your Account.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement
Cash Advance Fee. Each time you obtain a Cash Advance under your Account, we will assess a Cash Advance fee equal to 3.02.5% of the amount of the Cash Advance. The Cash Advance fee will be reflected in the New Balance of your Account.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Cardholder Agreement, Cardholder Agreement