Notification of New Employer In the event that I leave the employ of the Company, I hereby consent to the notification of my new employer of my rights and obligations under this Agreement.
Admission of New Members The Company may admit new Members (or transferees of any interests of existing Members) into the Company by the unanimous vote or consent of the Members. As a condition to the admission of a new Member, such Member shall execute and acknowledge such instruments, in form and substance satisfactory to the Company, as the Company may deem necessary or desirable to effectuate such admission and to confirm the agreement of such Member to be bound by all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement, as the same may have been amended. Such new Member shall pay all reasonable expenses in connection with such admission, including without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and the cost of the preparation, filing or publication of any amendment to this Agreement or the Articles of Organization, which the Company may deem necessary or desirable in connection with such admission. No new Member shall be entitled to any retroactive allocation of income, losses, or expense deductions of the Company. The Company may make pro rata allocations of income, losses or expense deductions to a new Member for that portion of the tax year in which the Member was admitted in accordance with Section 706(d) of the Internal Revenue Code and regulations thereunder. In no event shall a new Member be admitted to the Company if such admission would be in violation of applicable Federal or State securities laws or would adversely affect the treatment of the Company as a partnership for income tax purposes. (Check if Applicable)
Description of Goods or Services and Additional Terms and Conditions The Contractor shall perform as set forth in Exhibit A. For purposes of this Contract, to perform and the performance in Exhibit A is referred to as “Perform” and the “Performance.”
Other Methods of Procurement of Consultants’ Services The following table specifies the methods of procurement, other than Quality and Cost-based Selection, which may be used for consultants’ services. The Procurement Plan shall specify the circumstances under which such methods may be used. (a) Quality-based Selection (b) Selection under a Fixed Budget
Bona Fide Request/New Business Request Process for Further Unbundling 6.1 BellSouth shall, upon request of <<customer_name>>, provide to <<customer_name>> access to its network elements at any technically feasible point for the provision of <<customer_name>>'s telecommunications service where such access is necessary and failure to provide access would impair the ability of <<customer_name>> to provide services that it seeks to offer. Any request by <<customer_name>> for access to a network element, interconnection option, or for the provisioning of any service or product that is not already available shall be treated as a Bona Fide Request/New Business Request (BFR/NBR), and shall be submitted to BellSouth pursuant to the BFR/NBR process. 6.2 <<customer_name>> shall submit any BFR/NBR in writing to <<customer_name>>’s Account Manager. The BFR/NBR shall specifically identify the requested service date, technical requirements, space requirements and/or such specifications that clearly define the request such that BellSouth has sufficient information to analyze and prepare a response. The BFR/NBR also shall include <<customer_name>>’s designation of the request as being (i) pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 or (ii) pursuant to the needs of the business.
Discontinuance of Service A. The procedures for discontinuing service to an end user are as follows: 1. Where possible, the Company will deny service to Reseller’s end user on behalf of, and at the request of, Reseller. Upon restoration of the end user’s service, restoral charges will apply and will be the responsibility of Reseller. 2. At the request of Reseller, the Company will disconnect a Reseller end user customer. 3. All requests by Reseller for denial or disconnection of an end user for nonpayment must be in writing. 4. Reseller will be made solely responsible for notifying the end user of the proposed disconnection of the service. 5. The Company will continue to process calls made to the Annoyance Call Center and will advise Reseller when it is determined that annoyance calls are originated from one of their end user’s locations. The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by Reseller and/or the end user against any claim, loss or damage arising from providing this information to Reseller. It is the responsibility of Reseller to take the corrective action necessary with its customers who make annoying calls. Failure to do so will result in the Company’s disconnecting the end user's service. B. The procedures for discontinuing service to Reseller are as follows: 1. The Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate service for nonpayment or in the event of prohibited, unlawful or improper use of the facilities or service, abuse of the facilities, or any other violation or noncompliance by Reseller of the rules and regulations of the Company’s Tariffs. 2. If payment of account is not received by the xxxx xxx in the month after the original xxxx xxx, the Company may provide written notice to Reseller, that additional applications for service will be refused and that any pending orders for service will not be completed if payment is not received by the fifteenth day following the date of the notice. If the Company does not refuse additional applications for service on the date specified in the notice, and Reseller's noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Company's right to refuse additional applications for service without further notice. 3. If payment of account is not received, or arrangements made, by the xxxx xxx in the second consecutive month, the account will be considered in default and will be subject to denial or disconnection, or both. 4. If Reseller fails to comply with the provisions of this Agreement, including any payments to be made by it on the dates and times herein specified, the Company may, on thirty days written notice to the person designated by Reseller to receive notices of noncompliance, discontinue the provision of existing services to Reseller at any time thereafter. In the case of such discontinuance, all billed charges, as well as applicable termination charges, shall become due. If the Company does not discontinue the provision of the services involved on the date specified in the thirty days notice, and Reseller's noncompliance continues, nothing contained herein shall preclude the Company's right to discontinue the provision of the services to Reseller without further notice. 5. If payment is not received or arrangements made for payment by the date given in the written notification, Reseller's services will be discontinued. Upon discontinuance of service on a Reseller's account, service to Reseller's end users will be denied. The Company will also reestablish service at the request of the end user or Reseller upon payment of the appropriate connection fee and subject to the Company's normal application procedures. Reseller is solely responsible for notifying the end user of the proposed disconnection of the service. 6. If within fifteen days after an end user's service has been denied no contact has been made in reference to restoring service, the end user's service will be disconnected.
Completion of Negotiations This Agreement represents complete collective bargaining and full agreement by the District and the Federation with respect to wages, hours of employment, and all other terms and conditions of employment which shall prevail during the term or terms hereof. This Agreement expresses the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements between them, written or oral. Any matter or subject not herein covered has been satisfactorily adjusted, compromised, or waived by the parties for the life of this Agreement.
Allocation of Net Profits and Net Losses As of the last day of each Fiscal Period, any Net Profits or Net Losses for the Fiscal Period shall be allocated among and credited to or debited against the Capital Accounts of the Members in accordance with their respective Investment Percentages for such Fiscal Period.
Terms and Conditions Pertaining to Individual Account Service Title Title to Firm Full-Requirements Power Supply will transfer from Competitive Supplier to Participating Customers at the Point of Sale. In accordance with the Distribution Utility's Terms and Conditions for Competitive Suppliers, the Competitive Supplier will be responsible for any and all losses incurred on the local network transmission systems and distribution systems, as determined by the Distribution Utility. Billing and Payment Unless otherwise specified in an Exhibit to this ESA, all billing under this ESA shall be based on the meter readings of each Participating Customer's meter(s) performed by the Distribution Utility. Competitive Supplier shall cause the Distribution Utility to prepare and mail bills to Participating Customers monthly. The Competitive Supplier shall adopt the billing and payment terms offered by the Distribution Utility to its Eligible Customers on Default Service. If actual meter date is unavailable, the Competitive Supplier may cause the Distribution Utility to bill based on its good faith estimates of usage. Any overcharge or under-charge will be accounted for in the next billing period for which actual meter data is available. Regional and Local Transmission The prices quoted in Exhibit A do not include current and future charges for distribution service costs collected by the Distribution Utility under its distribution service tariff or local transmission costs as may be imposed by NYISO or individual electric utilities that have FERC transmission tariffs. The Competitive Supplier understands that these costs will be collected by the Distribution Utility. If, in the future, Competitive Supplier becomes responsible for such distribution or transmission costs, Competitive Supplier shall be entitled to collect such costs from Participating Customers to the extent permitted by any Governmental Rules. These costs are "pass through" costs as determined by the appropriate regulatory agencies.
OTHER IMPORTANT TERMS 19.1 Even if we delay in enforcing this Agreement, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking of this Agreement, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you do not pay us an amount when it is due and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the Services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date. 19.2 If a court finds part of this Agreement illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the sections of this Agreement operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining sections will remain in full force and effect. 19.3 We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under this Agreement to another organisation including within our group of companies. We will contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you are unhappy with the transfer you may end our Agreement by closing your Profile by contacting us via the details set out in section 10.4. 19.4 You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under this Agreement to another person if we expressly agree to this in writing. We may not be able to agree to this as doing so may likely put us in breach of our legal and regulatory obligations (including our obligations to comply with anti-money laundering laws). 19.5 Other people that may have rights under this contract. This Agreement is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms, except as explained in sections 13 (Compensation you may owe us). 19.6 The meaning of certain words and phrases not defined elsewhere: