CFR 800 Sample Clauses
CFR 800. 4(a) and (b) determine and document, in consultation with the SHPO, the scope of identification efforts and level of effort, including the undertaking's area of potential effects (APE).
CFR 800. 5(a)(1) Determine whether historic properties may be affected by the undertaking by applying the criteria of adverse effect.1
CFR 800. 4 In consultation with the SHPO, identify properties within the APE included in or eligible for listing in the NRHP.
CFR 800. 6 In consultation with the Lead Federal Agency, the SHPO, the ACHP (if it has chosen to participate), and any other consulting parties address any adverse effects through the development, circulation, and execution of a MOA, as appropriate.
CFR 800. 3(a) Determine whether the undertaking is a type of activity that has the potential to cause effects on historic properties.
CFR 800. 5(a), consultation with the SHPO, Tribes, and consulting parties, apply the criteria of adverse effect to determine if historic properties within the APE will be adversely affected by the undertaking.
CFR 800. (a) Determine and document, in consultation with the SHPO, the scope of identification efforts including the Area of Potential Effects (APE).
CFR 800. 6 If avoidance is not possible, TDOT will continue consultation with FHWA, the SHPO, the ACHP (if it has chosen to participate), and any other consulting party, to execute a memorandum of agreement to resolve any adverse effects.
CFR 800. 4 In consultation with the SHPO, identify Historic Properties within the APE included in or eligible for listing in the NRHP.
CFR 800. 6 In consultation with FHWA, the SHPO, the ACHP (if it has chosen to participate), and any other consulting parties, TDOT will attempt to develop alternatives that avoid adversely affecting historic properties.