Scope of definition

Scope of representation" means all matters relating to employer-employee relations, including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Employee rights, as set forth in Section 3-604, and City rights as set forth in Section 3-605(a), are excluded from the scope of representation."‌
Scope of representation" means all matters relating to employer- employee relations, including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Employee rights, as set forth in FMC Section 3-604, and City rights as set forth in FMC Section 3-605(a), are excluded from the scope of representation.
Scope of. Engagement: Gundersons Bookkeeping will prepare your tax returns based upon information and representations that you provide to us. We will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit to us, although we may ask you to clarify some of the information. We will prepare the tax returns solely for filing with the Client Responsibilities: We will provide you with an income tax organizer to help you compile and document the information we will need to prepare your income tax returns. It is your obligation to complete the tax organizer with accurate and complete information, including worldwide income. You have final responsibility for your income tax returns. Check them carefully for accuracy and completeness before you sign them.

Examples of Scope of in a sentence

  • To provide Customers with a State Term Contract (STC) for Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services, pursuant to the terms set forth in this Scope of Work.

  • Contract Exhibit A, Scope of Work, is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the attached Exhibit A, Scope of Work, which is incorporated into the Contract by reference herein.

  • With respect to due dates within this Scope of Work, “days” means working days.

  • In the event of a conflict, the definitions listed in this section supersede the incorporated definitions for the purposes of this Scope of Work.

  • To provide Customers with a State Term Contract to purchase Promotional Merchandise on a statewide basis, pursuant to the terms set forth in this Scope of Work.

More Definitions of Scope of

Scope of. Identification Division". Borrower's business is divided into two business units, one of which is known as the "Identification Division." For purposes of Sections 18 and 19 of this agreement, the term "Identification Division" means the segment of Borrower's business that contracts to develop and implement digital identification systems that produce identification cards that are virtually tamper proof and utilize facial recognition and other biometrics with or without cards for the real-time identification (one-to-many) and verification (one-to-one) of individuals.
Scope of. SERVICES shall mean the services provided by the Consultant as set forth in the Proposal.
Scope of. Engagement in Business AAT agrees to permit the Supplier to engage in the business in the airports as detailed in Chapter 2 hereof.
Scope of work: - 1 visits of one aerodyn employee (5 working days) - Temporary supervision of the on site installation Tasks not included: - Execution and preparation of tests - Logging of system tests - Execution of mounting tasks
Scope of. REPRESENTATION shall mean to include all matters relating to employment conditions and employer-employee relations including, but not limited to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment; except, however, that the scope of representation shall not include consideration of the merits, necessity, or organization of any service or activity provided by law or executive order.
Scope of. Engagement: Gundersons Bookkeeping will prepare your tax returns based upon information and representations that you provide to us. We will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit to us, although we may ask you to clarify some of the information. We will prepare the tax returns solely for filing with the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) and state and local tax authorities. They are not intended to benefit or influence any third party, either to obtain credit or for any other purpose. Client Responsibilities: We will provide you with an income tax organizer to help you compile and document the information we will need to prepare your income tax returns. It is your obligation to complete the tax organizer with accurate and complete information, including worldwide income. You have final responsibility for your income tax returns. Check them carefully for accuracy and completeness before you sign them.
Scope of representation [16]