CHANGES IN DESIGN OR MANUFACTURE. (a) Any Product shipped by Nortel in fulfillment of an accepted order shall not contain any change from those design and/or manufacturing specifications in place on the date the order was accepted. For the purposes of this provision, a change is defined as an action which materially, adversely, and measurably impacts reliability, form, fit, or function.
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  • Supply of Materials Unless the parties otherwise agree in a Work Order, Manufacturer will supply, in accordance with the relevant approved raw material specifications, all materials to be used by Manufacturer in the performance of Services under a Work Order other than the Rhythm Materials specified in such Work Order. Rhythm or its designees will provide Manufacturer with the Rhythm Materials. Manufacturer agrees (a) to account for all Rhythm Materials, (b) not to provide Rhythm Materials to any third party (other than an Affiliate acting as a permitted subcontractor) without the express prior written consent of Rhythm, (c) not to use Rhythm Materials for any purpose other than conducting the Services, including, without limitation, not to analyze, characterize, modify or reverse engineer any Rhythm Materials or take any action to determine the structure or composition of any Rhythm Materials unless required * CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED. OMITTED PORTIONS FILED WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED. pursuant to a signed Work Order, and (d) to destroy or return to Rhythm all unused quantities of Rhythm Materials according to Rhythm’s written directions.

  • No Improper Use of Materials During his or her employment with the Company, Employee will not improperly use or disclose any Confidential Information or trade secrets, if any, of any former employer or any other person to whom Employee has an obligation of confidentiality, and Employee will not bring onto the premises of the Company any unpublished documents or any property belonging to any former employer or any other person to whom Employee has an obligation of confidentiality unless consented to in writing by that former employer or person.

  • Product Changes IDSI reserves the right to make design and other modifications in the Equipment at any time but shall not be obligated to implement such modifications in Equipment that has previously been delivered.

  • Product Specifications The Company agrees that all Products sold to Xxxx hereunder shall conform to the respective specifications set forth on Schedule A or to such other specifications as are from time to time agreed upon by the Parties.

  • Manufacture (a) Manufacturer shall only manufacture the specific number of Products as requested by Company and at no time shall manufacture excess goods or overruns. Manufacturer shall not sell any Products bearing the Trademarks to any third parties without the express written consent of Company.

  • Raw Materials Lonza shall procure all required Raw Materials as well as consumables other than those Raw Materials that are Customer Materials. Customer shall be responsible for payment for all consumables and Raw Materials ordered or irrevocably committed to be procured by Lonza hereunder. Upon cancellation of any Batch or termination of the Agreement, all unused Raw Materials shall be paid for by Customer within [***] days of invoice and at Customer’s option will either be (a) held by Lonza for future use for the production of Product, (b) delivered to Customer, or (c) disposed of by Lonza.

  • Manufacturing Intrexon shall have the option and, in the event it so elects, shall use Diligent Efforts, to perform any manufacturing activities in connection with the Aquaculture Program that relate to the Intrexon Materials, including through the use of a suitable Third Party contract manufacturer. To the extent that Intrexon so elects, Intrexon may request that AquaBounty and Intrexon establish and execute a separate manufacturing and supply agreement, which agreement will establish and govern the production, quality assurance, and regulatory activities associated with manufacture of Intrexon Materials. Except as provided in Section 4.1, any manufacturing undertaken by Intrexon pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be performed in exchange for cash payments equal to Intrexon’s Fully Loaded Cost in connection with such manufacturing, on terms to be negotiated by the Parties in good faith. In the event that Intrexon does not manufacture Intrexon Materials or bulk quantities of other components of AquaBounty Products, then Intrexon shall provide to AquaBounty or a contract manufacturer selected by AquaBounty and approved by Intrexon (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) all Information Controlled by Intrexon that is (a) related to the manufacturing of such Intrexon Materials or bulk qualities of other components of AquaBounty Products for use in the Field and (b) reasonably necessary to enable AquaBounty or such contract manufacturer (as appropriate) for the sole purpose of manufacturing such Intrexon Materials or bulk quantities of other components of AquaBounty Products. The costs and expenses incurred by Intrexon in carrying out such transfer shall be borne by Intrexon. Any manufacturing Information transferred hereunder to AquaBounty or its contract manufacturer shall not be further transferred to any Third Party, including any Product Sublicensee, or any AquaBounty Affiliate without the prior written consent of Intrexon; provided, however, that Intrexon shall not unreasonably withhold such consent if necessary to permit AquaBounty to switch manufacturers.

  • Sub-Adviser Review of Materials Upon the Adviser’s request, the Sub-Adviser shall review and comment upon selected portions, relating to the Sub-Adviser and/or Strategy (including the Allocated Portion), of the Registration Statement, other offering documents and ancillary sales and marketing materials prepared by the Adviser for the Fund, and participate, at the reasonable request of the Adviser and as agreed to by the Sub-Adviser, in educational meetings with placement agents and other intermediaries about portfolio management and investment-related matters of the Fund. The Sub-Adviser will promptly inform the Fund and the Adviser if any information in the Registration Statement is (or will become) inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Review of Materials During the term of this Agreement, Client shall ensure that all prospectuses, statements of additional information, registration statements, proxy statements, reports to shareholders, advertising and sales literature or other materials prepared for distribution to Fund shareholders or the public, which refer to the Subadviser in any way, prepared by employees or agents of Client or its affiliates are consistent with information previously provided by Subadviser. Subadviser shall promptly notify the Client of any changes to information pertaining to the Subadviser and stated in the materials described in this Section 6(g).

  • Product The term “

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