Check on sums. The LDM has entity types that allow DNB to ask for checking totals, like the sum of all commitment amounts at inception.This is to be reported in the entity type attribute delivery. Currently, no checks of these types are planned, since DNB anticipates that the hashing of primary keys and the row counts and hashing of entity types will give sufficient evidence on the integrity of the transmitted data. This entails that the file attribute_delivery.csv must be reported as an empty file. Nevertheless, the header is mandatory.
Check on sums. The LDM has entity types that allow DNB to ask for checking totals, like the sum of all bank account balances.This is to be reported in the entity type attribute delivery. Currently, no checks of these types are foreseen, since DNB anticipates that the hashing of the csv files themselves, in combination of the checks on the referential integrity as specified in the logical data model will give sufficient confidence in the integrity of the transmitted data. This entails that the file attribute_delivery.csv must be reported as an empty file. Nevertheless, as for all .csv files, the header is mandatory.