CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. The Company will be seeking specific approval of its Shareholders for the Proposed Transactions at an EGM. The circular containing, inter alia, further information on the Proposed Transactions and enclosing the notice of EGM therewith, will be dispatched to the Shareholders in due course.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. Xx Xxxxxxx xxx Xxxxxx is a related party as contemplated in paragraph 10.1 of the JSE Listings Requirements (“Listings Requirements”) as a director of Trustco and is also entitled together with Next Investments (Pty) Ltd to exercise 10% or more of the votes able to be cast at a Trustco general meeting. The Family is the majority shareholder in Trustco. The settlement mechanism of the loan by way of the potential issuance of TTO shares to the Family should the Conversion Option be exercised, is considered to be a specific issue of shares for cash as per 5.51 of the Listings Requirements (“Specific Issue”). Consequently, in terms of the Listings Requirements, the Specific Issue requires the approval of Shareholders at a general meeting. The Family and its associates will be excluded from voting at the above general meeting. A circular containing full details of the Specific Issue as well as a notice to convene a general meeting of Shareholders in order to consider and, if deemed fit, to pass with or without modification, the resolutions necessary to approve and implement the Specific Issue, will be made available to Shareholders in due course.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. A circular, including a notice of general meeting, detailing the terms of the Specific Repurchase and actions required by shareholders will be posted to shareholders on or about Friday, 9 January 2015. It is expected that the general meeting will be held on or about Tuesday, 10 February 2015.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. The circular to the shareholders containing information on the Proposed Acquisition, together with the notice of the EGM, will be despatched by the Company in due course.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. In compliance with the Catalist Rules, the Circular containing, inter alia, further details on the Proposed Disposals, the Summary Valuation Letter, and a notice of extraordinary general meeting to be held, will be issued to Shareholders in due course.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. A circular containing further details on the Proposed Disposal and enclosing a notice of extraordinary general meeting in connection therewith will be despatched to Shareholders of the Company in due course.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. A circular (the "Circular") containing details of the Put Option and a notice convening an EGM of the Company will be despatched to Shareholders in due course. Shareholders and potential investors of the Company are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the Shares.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. A circular containing, inter alia, the rationale and information relating to the New CL Agreement, Settlement Agreement, Interested Person Transaction and Whitewash Resolution, together with the notice of the EGM, will be despatched to the Shareholders by the Company in due course.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. The Company will in due course despatch to the shareholders a circular containing information pertaining to the Proposed Acquisition and seeking approval for the same at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened.
CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS. As previously mentioned in the Placement Agreement Announcement, the Company will be seeking specific shareholders' approval for the Proposed Placement cum Warrants Issue at the Extraordinary General Meeting and further details of the Proposed Placement cum Warrants Issue will be provided in the Circular which will be despatched to Shareholders in due course.