State Business Licenses The Servicer or the Certificateholder shall prepare and instruct the Trust to file each state business license (and any renewal thereof) required to be filed under applicable state law without further consent or instruction from the Instructing Party (as defined in the Trust Agreement), including a Sales Finance Company Application (and any renewal thereof) with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking, Licensing Division, and a Financial Regulation Application (and any renewal thereof) with the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.
Business License Prior to commencement of work, Consultant shall obtain a business license from City.
Commercial Driver’s License As a result of recent Federal statutory requirements, the State of Michigan enacted Act 346 of 1988. The parties agree that as a result of these statutory requirements some employees within the Technical Bargaining Unit may be required to obtain and retain a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) to continue to perform certain duties for the State. Whenever a CDL is referred to in this Section, it is understood to mean the CDL and any required endorsements. In order to implement this provision, the parties agree to the following: A. The Employer will reimburse the cost of obtaining and renewing the required CDL group license and endorsements for those employees in positions where such license and endorsements are required. B. The Employer will reimburse, on a one time basis, the fee for the skills test, if required, provided the skills test is not being required because of the employee's poor driving record. In that case, the employee is responsible for the cost of the skills test. Where a skills test is required, the employee will be permitted to utilize the appropriate state vehicle. C. Employees shall be eligible for one grant of administrative leave to take the test to obtain or renew the CDL. Should the employee fail the test initially, the employee shall complete the necessary requirements on non-work time. D. Employees reassigned to a position requiring a CDL shall be eligible for reimbursement and administrative leave in accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of this Section. E. Employees desiring to transfer, promote, bump or be recalled to a position requiring a CDL are not eligible for reimbursement for obtaining the initial CDL but shall be eligible for reimbursement for renewals. F. Employees who fail to obtain, or retain, a CDL may be subject to removal from their positions. Employees who fail required tests may seek a 90 day extension of their current license, during which the Employer will retain the employee in his or her current or equivalent position. The Employer shall not be responsible for any fees associated with such extensions. At the end of the 90 day extension, if the employee fails to pass all required tests, the employee may be reassigned at the Employer's discretion, in accordance with applicable contractual provisions, to an available position not requiring a CDL for which the employee is qualified, or, if no position is available the employee will be laid off without bumping rights and will be placed on the Departmental Recall List, subject to recall in accordance with this Agreement. Those employees not choosing to extend their license for the 90 day period will be removed from their positions at the expiration of their current license and may be reassigned at the Employer's discretion, in accordance with applicable contractual provisions, to an available position not requiring a CDL for which the employee qualifies, or if no position is available, he or she will be laid off without bumping rights and will be placed on the Departmental Recall list. G. Employees required to obtain a medical certification of fitness shall have the "Examination to Determine Physical Condition of Drivers" form filed in their medical file. A copy of the medical "Examiners Certificate" shall be placed in their personnel file. The Employer agrees to pay for the examination and to grant administrative leave for the time necessary to complete the examination. The fitness standards for a CDL are unchanged from current Federal Department of Transportation Standards and Michigan Motor Carrier Standards. H. Employees who do not meet the required physical standards but who are otherwise qualified for a CDL may apply for a waiver to the Motor Carrier Appeal Board. I. Those employees employed by the State as intra-state drivers prior to June 10, 1984 shall be grandparented into the process and thereby be exempt from the medical certification requirement.
Business Licenses, Permits, and Certificates The Contractor represents and warrants that all employees and personnel associated shall comply with federal, state, and local laws requiring any required licenses, permits, and certificates necessary to perform the Services under this Agreement.
REAL ESTATE LICENSE HOLDERS A BROKER is responsible for all brokerage activities, including acts performed by sales agents sponsored by the broker. • A SALES AGENT must be sponsored by a broker and works with clients on behalf of the broker. • Put the interests of the client above all others, including the broker’s own interests; • Inform the client of any material information about the property or transaction received by the broker; • Answer the client’s questions and present any offer to or counter-offer from the client; and • Treat all parties to a real estate transaction honestly and fairly.
Permitted License Uses and Restrictions (a) This Order Form Supplement allows you, as an authorized User under the Master Subscription Agreement, to use the Software on any Supported Device and on no other devices. (b) You may not distribute or make the Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices at the same time. (c) With respect to updates to the Software that may make available for download, this Order Form Supplement allows you to download such Software updates to update or restore the Software on any Supported Device. (d) Except as and only to the extent permitted by applicable law, or by licensing terms governing use of open-sourced components included with the Software, neither you nor any other Customer personnel may copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or create derivative works of the Software or Software updates, or any part thereof. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of and its licensors. If you or any other Customer personnel violate this restriction, you or they, and the Customer, may be subject to prosecution and damages. (e) Neither you nor the Customer may rent, lease, lend, redistribute or sublicense the Software. The Customer may, however, allow other authorized Users under the Master Subscription Agreement to use the Software in connection with a re-assignment of the Supported Device to another authorized User under the Master Subscription Agreement. (f) The Software is available only for Supported Devices, and is not available for all devices. Please check or contact your representative to determine whether a specific device-iOS software combination is supported by the Software. (g) In addition to mobile applications offered by (and for purposes of this section 5(g), “” shall include any Affiliates of, may offer platforms for the creation of third-party mobile applications, including but not limited to the Salesforce1 platform. Third parties may obtain information from, or access data stored on, Users’ mobile devices to provide services associated with any third-party mobile applications that Users download, install, use, or otherwise interact with over a platform.’s mobile applications may also contain links or integrations to other mobile applications provided by third parties. is not responsible for the security and privacy of data collected through third-party mobile applications or the privacy and security practices of the foregoing third parties. (h) Without limiting the generality of anything herein, you acknowledge and agree that the Software may collect user or device data for the purposes of providing services or functions that are relevant to use of the Software.
Sunshine Ordinance Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement and all records related to its formation, Contractor’s performance of Services, and City’s payment are subject to the California Public Records Act, (California Government Code §6250 et. seq.), and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, (San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 67). Such records are subject to public inspection and copying unless exempt from disclosure under federal, state or local law.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Restrictions/Market Abuse Laws The Participant acknowledges that, depending on his or her country, the broker’s country, or the country in which the Shares are listed, the Participant may be subject to xxxxxxx xxxxxxx restrictions and/or market abuse laws in applicable jurisdictions, which may affect his or her ability to accept, acquire, sell, or attempt to sell or otherwise dispose of Shares or rights to Shares (e.g., Restricted Share Units), or rights linked to the value of Shares, during such times as he or she is considered to have “inside information” regarding the Company (as defined by applicable laws or regulations in the applicable jurisdictions, including the United States and the Participant’s country). Local xxxxxxx xxxxxxx laws and regulations may prohibit the cancellation or amendment of orders the Participant placed before possessing inside information. Furthermore, the Participant may be prohibited from (i) disclosing the inside information to any third party, including fellow employees (other than on a “need to know” basis) and (ii) “tipping” third parties or causing them to otherwise buy or sell securities. Any restrictions under these laws or regulations are separate from and in addition to any restrictions that may be imposed under any applicable Company xxxxxxx xxxxxxx policy. The Participant acknowledges that it is his or her responsibility to comply with any applicable restrictions, and the Participant should consult his or her personal advisor on this matter.
Industrial Property Rights For the purpose of this Agreement, "INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" shall mean all of the Company's patents, trademarks, trade names, inventions, copyrights, know-how or trade secrets, formulas and science, now in existence or hereafter developed or acquired by the Company or for its use, relating to any and all products and services which are developed, formulated and/or manufactured by the Company.
Sub-licensing Nuvectis may grant sub-licences (through multiple tiers) of its rights under this Agreement, provided that: (1) the granting of any sub-licences shall not relieve Nuvectis of any obligations or duties imposed on it under this Agreement; (2) it shall not grant or allow the grant of any sub-licences to (i) a tobacco company (being any entity identified as such in the Cancer Research UK Code of Practice on Tobacco Industry Funding to Universities); or (ii) a party which is actively and/or currently engaged in the manufacture, production or sale of weapons or ammunition; (3) subject to the provisions of Clause 2.5, such sub-licence shall be on arm’s length commercial terms reflecting the market value of the rights granted; (4) [***]; (5) [***]; (6) Nuvectis shall ensure that there are included in any sub-licence terms which shall enable Nuvectis to comply with its obligations under this Agreement; (7) subject to the provisions of clause 12.6, each sub-licence shall, and shall be expressed in each sub-licence agreement to, terminate automatically upon termination of the license under clause 2.1 and/or any commercial licence to the Collaboration Option IP; (8) [***]; (9) it shall diligently collect all amounts due under each sub-licence; (10) Nuvectis shall ensure that each Sub-Licence does not prohibit Nuvectis’s grant and the implementation of any [***] hereunder; (11) it shall be responsible for any breach of the sub-licence by the Sub-Licensee of Licensed Products and/or Additional Licensed Products, as if the breach had been that of Nuvectis under this Agreement; (12) the grant of any sub-licence shall be without prejudice to Nuvectis’s obligations under this Agreement. Any act or omission of any Sub-Licensee which, if it were the act or omission of Nuvectis would be a breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement, will be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement by Nuvectis who will be liable to the University accordingly; (13) the obligations in Clause 2.4 (3), (4), (5), (6) (excluding the development and commercialisation obligations set out in Clause 5.1), (8) and (9) shall not apply in relation to agreements that Nuvectis and/or a Sub-Licensee enters into with Third Party Service Providers, provided that: (a) such agreements relate to the provision of research, development and/or manufacturing services to Nuvectis and/or a Sub-Licensee in connection with Licensed Products and/or Additional Licensed Products; and (b) no rights are granted to such Third Party Service Providers to: (i) research, develop or manufacture its own products; and/or (ii) sell the Licensed Products and/or Additional Licensed Products; (14) each subclause of this Clause 2.4 shall apply to each tier of sub-licence unless expressly stated otherwise.