Click OK The target directory will be automatically opened. You can find the encrypted CFG file(s), encrypted key file(s) and an Aeskey.txt file storing plaintext AES key(s). Configuration Encryption Tool on Linux Platform 1. Place the encryption tool “yealinkencrypt” and configuration files in the same directory. 2. Open a terminal window. 3. Execute the cd command to locate the directory where the encryption tool is stored. For example, execute cd /tmp to locate the /tmp directory. 4. Execute one of the following commands according to your requirements:
Online Payments may be made online from the Money Matters tab in the Licensee’s Cal Poly Portal or at xxxx:// Online payments can be made with either eCheck (with no added convenience fee) or credit card (with an added 2.75% convenience fee). Online payments received after 5:00 pm will be recorded as paid the following business day. If there are any problems making a payment online, contact the University Student Accounts Office at (000) 000-0000 or by email to
Catalog Information about Hawthorn University is published in a school catalog that contains a description of certain policies, procedures, and other information about the school. Hawthorn University reserves the right to change any provision of the catalog at any time. Notice of changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. Students are expected to read and be familiar with the information contained in the school catalog, in any revisions, supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. By enrolling in Hawthorn University, the student agrees to abide by the terms stated in the catalog and all school policies.
End User This agreement shall bind the ordering activity as end user but shall not operate to bind a Government employee or person acting on behalf of the Government in his or her personal capacity.
Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010.
Query a search query initiated from the Search Box or a Hyperlink, or a request for Matched Ads initiated by the Ad Code on an Ad Page. Results: Paid Search Results, Hyperlink Results, Domain Match Results, Web Search Results and/or Matched Ads, to the extent included in this Agreement and as appropriate to the context. Search Box: a graphical area in which a user can enter a Query. SO: the Service Order.
System Timeout The system providing access to PHI COUNTY discloses to 11 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY 12 must provide an automatic timeout, requiring re-authentication of the user session after no more than 13 twenty (20) minutes of inactivity.
Programming Each electronic voting system used is specially pro- grammed by the firm PG Elections inc. for the munici- pality in order to recognize and tally ballot papers in accordance with this agreement.
Job Search The Employer should assist surplus staff to find alternative employment by allowing them a reasonable amount of time off work to attend job interviews without loss of pay. This is subject to the Employer being notified of the time and location of the interview before the employee is released to attend it.
Linking to the Website and Social Media Features You may link to our homepage, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part. This Website may provide certain social media features that enable you to: • Link from your own or certain third-party websites to certain content on this Website. • Send emails or other communications with certain content, or links to certain content, on this Website. • Cause limited portions of content on this Website to be displayed or appear to be displayed on your own or certain third-party websites. You may use these features solely as they are provided by us, and solely with respect to the content they are displayed with, and otherwise in accordance with any additional terms and conditions we provide with respect to such features. Subject to the foregoing, you must not: • Establish a link from any website that is not owned by you. • Cause the Website or portions of it to be displayed on, or appear to be displayed by, any other site, for example, framing, deep linking, or in-line linking. • Link to any part of the Website other than the homepage. • Otherwise take any action with respect to the materials on this Website that is inconsistent with any other provision of these Terms of Use. The website from which you are linking, or on which you make certain content available, must comply in all respects with the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Use. You agree to cooperate with us in causing any unauthorized framing or linking immediately to stop. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. We may disable all or any social media features and any links at any time without notice in our discretion.