Click New. Select the objects you want to import.
Click New. To rename a group
1. In the left pane, hover over a group.
2. Click the icon and select Rename Group.
3. Enter a new group name.
Click New. Login SSH / SNMP to Access System Metrics Note: Available only for MySQL and MariaDB. Unix-like Servers
1. In the CPU & Memories section, enable Login SSH to access data of CPU & Memories.
2. Enter the following information: PORT The port where SSH server is activated, by default it is 22. USERNAME A user on SSH server machine. (It is not the user of database server.) AUTHENTICATION METHOD The SSH authentication method: Password or Public Key. PASSWORD [Password Authentication] Password for login SSH server. PRIVATE KEY [Public Key Authentication] It is used together with your public key. Note: You can add the private key in SSH / SSL Certificates. PASSPHRASE [Public Key Authentication] A passphrase is exactly like a password, except that it applies to the keys you are generating and not an account.
Click New. Edit an existing database
1. In the connection tree, hover over a database.
2. Click and choose Edit Database.
3. Edit the database properties.
Click New. In the General section, enter the following values: • Name: toPSTN is used in this example. • SIP Entity as Destination: Select the PSTN GW: PSTN GW used in this example. • Retain all other default configurations.
Click New. In the General section, enter the following values: • Name: to_AACM was used in this example. • SIP Entity as Destination: Select the Avaya CM. AACM6 was used in this example. • Retain all other default configurations.
Click New. Login SSH / SNMP to Access System Metrics Unix-like Servers
1. In the CPU & Memories section, enable Login SSH to access data of CPU & Memories.
2. Enter the following information: PORT The port where SSH server is activated, by default it is 22. USERNAME A user on SSH server machine. (It is not the user of database server.) AUTHENTICATION METHOD The SSH authentication method: Password or Public Key. PASSWORD [Password Authentication] Password for login SSH server. PRIVATE KEY [Public Key Authentication] It is used together with your public key. The private key should be readable only by you. Note: Put your private key file in Navicat Monitor > Private Key folder. PASSPHRASE [Public Key Authentication] A passphrase is exactly like a password, except that it applies to the keys you are generating and not an account.
Click New. Login SSH / SNMP to Access System Metrics Unix-like Servers
1. In the CPU & Memories section, enable Login SSH to access data of CPU & Memories.
2. Enter the following information: Port The port where SSH server is activated, by default it is 22. Username A user on SSH server machine. (It is not the user of database server.)
Click New. To rename a group
1. In the left pane, hover over the icon next to the group.