CLIENT DISCLOSURE, UNDERTAKINGS AND COVENANTS. 6.1 The Client acknowledges that the members of the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group providing the Services are required at all times to be fully aware of all direct and indirect interests in the Client (if not a natural person) and the ownership of an Entity (or under any trust which is an Entity to which these terms apply) and the origins and ownership of any assets to which the Services might relate. Accordingly, the Client shall, whether or not specifically requested, disclose or procure the disclosure to the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group of all information which is relevant thereto and details of any change in such information, including any change of ownership, residence, tax status and other circumstances. Such details shall be provided in advance of any such change occurring if reasonably possible.
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CLIENT DISCLOSURE, UNDERTAKINGS AND COVENANTS. 8.1 The Client, for itself and as agent for each Principal Contact and Interested Party, acknowledges that the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group is required to know and understand the beneficial owners and controllers of the Client, including those with direct and indirect interests, and to know and understand the assets held by Client or held and/or administered by the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group for and on behalf of the Client. Accordingly, the Client, for itself and as agent for each Principal Contact and Interested Party, agrees that it shall disclose or procure the disclosure to the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group of all material information and matters relating to the Client including details of its assets and activities and details of any change in the name, address or other relevant information of any beneficial owner or controller of the Client, any other Interested Party or any other person whose identity is relevant to the provision of the Services or to compliance by the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group with its legal obligations in relation to the Client or the Services, including any change of residence, tax status and other circumstances. Such details shall be provided in advance of any such change occurring if reasonably possible. The Client undertakes, for itself and as agent for each Principal Contact and Interested Party, that he shall not alienate, assign, sell, pledge or otherwise dispose of or encumber any of the assets of the Client (or purport to do so) or any interest (whether legal or beneficial) in the Client (including registered and bearer shares) unless the prior written consent of the Stonehage Xxxxxxx Group is obtained.


  • Information Undertakings The undertakings in this Clause 20 remain in force from the date of this Agreement for so long as any amount is outstanding under the Finance Documents or any Commitment is in force.

  • Confidentiality of Contractor Information The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that this Contract and any and all Contractor information obtained by the State in connection with this Contract are subject to the State of Vermont Access to Public Records Act, 1 V.S.A. § 315 et seq. The State will not disclose information for which a reasonable claim of exemption can be made pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 317(c), including, but not limited to, trade secrets, proprietary information or financial information, including any formulae, plan, pattern, process, tool, mechanism, compound, procedure, production data, or compilation of information which is not patented, which is known only to the Contractor, and which gives the Contractor an opportunity to obtain business advantage over competitors who do not know it or use it. The State shall immediately notify Contractor of any request made under the Access to Public Records Act, or any request or demand by any court, governmental agency or other person asserting a demand or request for Contractor information. Contractor may, in its discretion, seek an appropriate protective order, or otherwise defend any right it may have to maintain the confidentiality of such information under applicable State law within three business days of the State’s receipt of any such request. Contractor agrees that it will not make any claim against the State if the State makes available to the public any information in accordance with the Access to Public Records Act or in response to a binding order from a court or governmental body or agency compelling its production. Contractor shall indemnify the State for any costs or expenses incurred by the State, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees awarded in accordance with 1 V.S.A. § 320, in connection with any action brought in connection with Contractor’s attempts to prevent or unreasonably delay public disclosure of Contractor’s information if a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the State improperly withheld such information and that the improper withholding was based on Contractor’s attempts to prevent public disclosure of Contractor’s information. The State agrees that (a) it will use the Contractor information only as may be necessary in the course of performing duties, receiving services or exercising rights under this Contract; (b) it will provide at a minimum the same care to avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of Contractor information as it provides to protect its own similar confidential and proprietary information; (c) except as required by the Access to Records Act, it will not disclose such information orally or in writing to any third party unless that third party is subject to a written confidentiality agreement that contains restrictions and safeguards at least as restrictive as those contained in this Contract; (d) it will take all reasonable precautions to protect the Contractor’s information; and (e) it will not otherwise appropriate such information to its own use or to the use of any other person or entity. Contractor may affix an appropriate legend to Contractor information that is provided under this Contract to reflect the Contractor’s determination that any such information is a trade secret, proprietary information or financial information at time of delivery or disclosure.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY PROVISIONS (a) Each Management Stockholder acknowledges, represents, and agrees that: (i) the Company’s financial statements and any other Confidential Information (as defined below) that the Company may, in its sole discretion, furnish to the Stockholders contain confidential, proprietary, and material nonpublic information about the Company; (ii) it shall keep the Confidential Information and all information therein secret and confidential; (iii) it shall hold same in accordance with its customary procedures, if any, for handling confidential information on investments; (iv) it shall not disclose the Confidential Information or any information therein to anyone except (A) to its Affiliates (that do not compete with, or engage in any of the same businesses as, the Company), officers, directors, employees, agents or advisors, who are directly involved in the administration of its stockholding in the Company, all of whom must be advised of and agree to adhere to the terms of this Section 6, (B) as required by law, or (C) as requested or required by any provincial, state, federal, national or foreign authority or examiner regulating banks or banking or claiming to have the authority to regulate banks or banking; (v) it shall be responsible for any breach of the terms of this Section 6 committed to anyone to whom it disclosed the Confidential Information or any information therein; (vi) it shall not use the Confidential Information or any information therein for any purpose other than for appropriate purposes in connection with its stockholding in the Company; and (vii) in the event of any breach of the terms of this Section 6, the Company shall be entitled to specific performance and/or injunctive relief (without bond) as a remedy for any such breach, in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity, and shall be entitled to reimbursement of all legal fees and litigation expenses incurred in enforcing the terms of this Section 6.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ‌ 35 Provider shall protect all Personal Information, records and data from unauthorized disclosure 36 in accordance with 42 CFR §431.300 through §431.307, RCWs 70.02, 71.05, 71.34 and for 37 individuals receiving SUD services, in accordance with 42 CFR Part 2 and WAC 388-877B. 38 Provider shall have a process in place to ensure all components of its provider network and 39 system understand and comply with confidentiality requirements for publicly funded 40 behavioral health services. Pursuant to 42 CFR §431.301 and §431.302, personal information 41 concerning applicants and recipients may be disclosed for purposes directly connected with 42 the administration of this Contract and the State Medicaid Plan. Provider shall read and 43 comply with all HIPAA policies.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH CONSULTANT DISCLOSURE LAW If this is a contract for consulting services, defined for purposes of this requirement to include analysis, evaluation, research, training, data processing, computer programming, engineering, environmental, health, and mental health services, accounting, auditing, paralegal, legal or similar services, then, in accordance with Section 163 (4-g) of the State Finance Law (as amended by Chapter 10 of the Laws of 2006), the Contractor shall timely, accurately and properly comply with the requirement to submit an annual employment report for the contract to the agency that awarded the contract, the Department of Civil Service and the State Comptroller.

  • Confidentiality and Privacy The Training Provider must not, without the prior written approval of the Department, disclose (or permit the disclosure of) information regarding this VET Funding Contract (including details of the Funds being provided by the Department in respect of any individual) or any Confidential Information of the Department or the State, except: to the extent required under this VET Funding Contract; to the extent required by Law; to its solicitors, barristers and/or other professional advisors in order to obtain advice in relation to its rights under this VET Funding Contract, the Training Services or the Funds and provided such advisors are under a duty of confidentiality; to the extent necessary for the registration or recording of documents where required; and/or to the extent required in connection with legal proceedings, and then only to the extent strictly necessary for that purpose. The Training Provider acknowledges and agrees that: the Department may disclose or otherwise make available (whether to the public generally or to any particular person or group of persons) any and all information relating to the Training Provider and this VET Funding Contract (including Confidential Information of the Training Provider), including: course and qualification details; government subsidised fee information; details of the Funds paid; the contents of any surveys in which the Training Provider participates pursuant to Clause 4.5(j)(ii) or any employer surveys; any information that the Training Provider is required to publish on its website or otherwise make publicly available under this VET Funding Contract; details of any non-compliance by the Training Provider with this VET Funding Contract; any action taken by the Department under this VET Funding Contract; and findings and outcomes of any audits or reviews undertaken pursuant to this VET Funding Contract, as it considers reasonably appropriate to facilitate the proper operation of the Skills First Program, including as contemplated by Clause 12.3 of Schedule 1; the Department may disclose information referred to in paragraph (a), and any information regarding any suspected non-compliance by the Training Provider with this VET Funding Contract, for the purpose of satisfying its obligations under: the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic); the Ombudsman Act 1973 (Vic); or the Audit Act 1994 (Vic); or the requirements of Parliamentary accountability or a Minister's obligations to fulfil their duties of office; and the Department may disclose information referred to in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) to the counterparty to any Other VET Funding Arrangement, any regulator who has responsibility for issuing or monitoring compliance with the applicable registration referred to in Clause 4.1(a), or other government entity in any jurisdiction that has an interest in the regulation and funding of the VET sector. The Training Provider must take all steps and make all efforts to assist the Department in complying with any of the obligations referred to in Clause 13.2(b). The Training Provider acknowledges that it will be bound by the Information Privacy Principles and any applicable Code of Practice with respect to any act done or practice engaged in by the Training Provider under or in connection with this VET Funding Contract in the same way and to the same extent as the Department would have been bound had it been directly done or engaged in by the Department. The Training Provider must include a standard privacy notice in all enrolment forms, in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, which advises Eligible Individuals how their data may be supplied to and used by the Department and Commonwealth VET Student Loan agencies. The Training Provider must, in collecting any Personal Information for the purposes of this VET Funding Contract, ensure that it has obtained all necessary consents for: the Training Provider to collect, use, hold and disclose that Personal Information, including by disclosing it to the Department as contemplated by this VET Funding Contract (including by way of the submission of reports under Clause 12 of Schedule 1, for the purposes of complying with Record disclosure obligations under Clause 10 and in the course of any audit, review or investigation under Clause 11); and the Department to collect, use, hold and disclose that Personal Information for the purposes of this VET Funding Contract and its operation and management of the Skills First Program, in accordance with all applicable Laws, including the PDP Act, the Health Records Act and (if applicable to the Training Provider) the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The Training Provider must cooperate with, and provide any assistance requested by, the Department in relation to: resolving any complaint made to the Department alleging a breach of the PDP Act or the Health Records Act in relation to any Personal Information collected, used, held or disclosed by the Department that was provided to it by the Training Provider in connection with this VET Funding Contract; and providing access to or amendment of any record of Personal Information collected, used, held or disclosed in connection with this VET Funding Contract following a request from an individual made to the Department.

  • Confidentiality Agreements The parties hereto agree that this Agreement supersedes any provision of the Confidentiality Agreements that could be interpreted to preclude the exercise of any rights or the fulfillment of any obligations under this Agreement, and that none of the provisions included in the Confidentiality Agreements will act to preclude Holder from exercising the Option or exercising any other rights under this Agreement or act to preclude Issuer from fulfilling any of its obligations under this Agreement.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY/SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION The CONTRACTOR shall not use or disclose any information concerning the AGENCY, or information that may be classified as confidential, for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of this contract, except with prior written consent of the AGENCY, or as may be required by law.

  • Confidentiality and Safeguarding of University Records; Press Releases; Public Information Under this Agreement, Contractor may (1) create, (2) receive from or on behalf of University, or (3) have access to, records or record systems (collectively, University Records). Among other things, University Records may contain social security numbers, credit card numbers, or data protected or made confidential or sensitive by Applicable Laws. [Option (Include if University Records are subject to FERPA.): Additional mandatory confidentiality and security compliance requirements with respect to University Records subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 United States Code (USC) §1232g (FERPA) are addressed in Section 12.41.] [Option (Include if University is a HIPAA Covered Entity and University Records are subject to HIPAA.): Additional mandatory confidentiality and security compliance requirements with respect to University Records subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 160 and subparts A and E of Part 164 (collectively, HIPAA) are addressed in Section 12.26.] Contractor represents, warrants, and agrees that it will: (1) hold University Records in strict confidence and will not use or disclose University Records except as (a) permitted or required by this Agreement, (b) required by Applicable Laws, or (c) otherwise authorized by University in writing; (2) safeguard University Records according to reasonable administrative, physical and technical standards (such as standards established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Center for Internet Security [Option (Include if Section 12.39 related to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards is not include in this Agreement.):, as well as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards]) that are no less rigorous than the standards by which Contractor protects its own confidential information; (3) continually monitor its operations and take any action necessary to assure that University Records are safeguarded and the confidentiality of University Records is maintained in accordance with all Applicable Laws and the terms of this Agreement; and (4) comply with University Rules regarding access to and use of University’s computer systems, including UTS165 at xxxx:// At the request of University, Contractor agrees to provide University with a written summary of the procedures Contractor uses to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of University Records.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY POLICIES AND LAWS The Contractor shall comply to the extent applicable with all State and Authorized User policies regarding compliance with various confidentiality and privacy laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to the IRS Publication 1075, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). Contractor shall cooperate in executing a written confidentiality agreement under FERPA and/or a Business Associate Agreement (HIPAA/HITECH) or other contractual provisions upon request by the State or any Authorized User.

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