Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Oola compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in Oola requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepre- sentations in this area include, but are not limited to: • It’s a turnkey system. • The system will do the work for you. • Just get in and your downline will build through spillover. • Just join and I’ll build your down- line for you. • The Company does all the work for you. • You don’t have to sell anything. • All you have to do is buy your products every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the compensation plan and the Company’s program. It is important that you do not make these, or any other rep- resentations, that could lead a prospect to believe that they can be successful as an Ambassador without commitment, effort, and sales skill.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Beyond Slim compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial suc- cess in Beyond Slim requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Ex- amples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to: • It’s a turnkey system. • The system will do the work for you. • Just get in and your organization will build through spillover. • Just join and I’ll build your down- line for you. • The Company does all the work for you. • You don’t have to sell anything. • All you have to do is buy your products every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the compensation plan and the Company’s program. It is important that you do not make these, or any other rep- resentations, that could lead a prospect to believe that they can be successful as a Coach without commitment, effort, and sales skill.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in Talk Fusion requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to: • It’s a turnkey system. • The system will do the work for you. • Just get in and your downline will build through spillover. • Just join and I’ll build your downline for you. • The Company does all the work for you. • You don’t have to sell anything. • All you have to do is buy your products every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the Compensation Plan and the Company’s program. It is important that you do not make these, or any other representations, that could lead a prospect to believe that they can be successful as an Associate without commitment, effort, and sales skill.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Beyond Slim compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in Beyond Slim requires commitment, effort, sales skills, leadership and management skills, and favorable market conditions. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to:
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Neumi compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in Neumi requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to:
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the GCOOP USA compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in GCOOP USA requires commitment, effort, and sales skills. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to: ▪ It’s a turnkey system. ▪ The system will do the work for you. ▪ Just get in and your downline will build through spillover. ▪ Just join and I’ll build your downline for you. ▪ The Company does all the work for you. ▪ You don’t have to sell anything. ▪ All you must do is buy your products every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the compensation plan and the Company’s program. It is important that you do not make these, or any other representations, that could lead a prospect to believe that they can be successful as a GCOOPER without commitment, effort, and sales skill.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the EllieMD compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in EllieMD requires commitment, effort, and sales skills. You must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to: The above are examples of improper representations about the compensation plan and the Company’s program. You must not make any representations that could lead a prospect to believe they can succeed without commitment, effort, and sales skills.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Neumi compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in Neumi requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, you must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to: ● It’s a turnkey system. ● The system will do the work for you. ● Just get in and your downline will build through spillover. ● Just join and I’ll build your downline for you. ● The Company does all the work for you. ● You don’t have to sell anything. ● All you have to do is buy your products every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the compensation plan and the Company’s program. It is important that you do not make these, or any other representations, that could lead a prospect to believe that they can be successful as an Associate without commitment, effort, and sales skill.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Yan- bal Compensation Plan, SAs must make it clear to prospective SAs that financial success in Yanbal requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, an SA must never represent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresenta- tions in this area include, but are not lim- ited to: • It’s a turnkey system. • The system will do the work for you. • Just get in and your downline will build through spillover. • Just join and I’ll build your down-line for you. • The Company does all the work for you. • You don’t have to sell anything. • All you have to do is buy your prod- ucts every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the compensa- tion plan and the Company’s program. It is important that SAs do not make these, or any other representations, that could lead prospective SAs to believe that they can be successful as an SA without commitment, effort, and sales skill.
Compensation Plan and Program Claims. When presenting or discussing the Arego compensation plan, you must make it clear to prospects that financial success in Arego requires commitment, effort, and sales skill. Conversely, you must never rep- resent that one can be successful without diligently applying themselves. Examples of misrepresentations in this area include, but are not limited to: • It’s a turnkey system. • The system will do the work for you. • Just get in and your downline will build through spillover. • Just join and I’ll build your down- line for you. • The Company does all the work for you. • You don’t have to sell anything. • All you have to do is buy your products every month. The above are just examples of improper representations about the compensation plan and the Company’s program. It is important that you do not make these, or any other rep- resentations, that could lead a prospect to believe that they can be successful as a Mar- keting Partner without commitment, effort, and sales skill.