Computer Software The Grantee certifies that it has appropriate systems and controls in place to ensure that state funds will not be used in the performance of this Grant Agreement for the acquisition, operation, or maintenance of computer software in violation of copyright laws.
Computer Equipment No computers and/or personal electronic devices, such as tablets and laptop computers, or any component thereof, may be purchased with funds provided under this Contract, regardless of purchase price, without prior written approval of ADMINISTRATOR. Any such purchase shall be in accordance with specifications provided by ADMINISTRATOR, be subject to the same inventory control conditions specified above in Subparagraphs 18.1.1 to 18.1.4, and, at the sole discretion of ADMINISTRATOR, become the property of COUNTY upon termination of this Contract.
Computer Systems (a) Servicer to operate systems (b) Servicer to maintain back-up facilities (c) Servicer to notify location of computer tapes
Embedded Software To the extent any goods contain Embedded Software (defined below) that is not Buyer’s Property, no title to such Embedded Software shall pass to Buyer, and Supplier shall grant Buyer, its customers and all other users a non-exclusive worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free right to use, load, install, execute, demonstrate, market, test, resell, sublicense and distribute such Embedded Software as an integral part of such goods or for servicing the goods (the “Buyer-Required License”). If such Embedded Software or any part thereof is owned by a third party, prior to delivery, Supplier shall obtain the Buyer-Required License from such third-party owner. “Embedded Software” means software necessary for operation of goods and embedded in and delivered as an integral part of goods.
Computer Access Where possible, providing no additional costs are incurred by the Employer, one (1) authorized representative of each Union shall be entitled to submit for posting on the Employer's electronic communication system one electronic Union notice per month for members of the bargaining unit. The Employer shall determine the method of distribution. The Employer shall review all proposed notices and retain a discretion not to post any notice that it deems unlawful or contrary to the Employer’s interests, which discretion shall not be unreasonably exercised. The Union agrees to indemnify the Employer for any liability arising out of offensive or otherwise unlawful notices posted by the Union. Nothing in this Article requires a change to distribution practices that existed prior to April 1, 2015.
Server Software Subject to the terms and conditions of this XXXX, Vocera grants you the non-exclusive right to (i) install and run (“Use”) the Server Software on computer systems (each, a “Server Computer”) located at End User’s Facilities in the geographic territory designated above (“Territory”); (ii) to Use the Client Software in conjunction with Authorized Client Devices and such Server Computers; and (iii) for pilot licenses for certain Software provided on a trial basis, use such Software for the limited term specified by Vocera in writing. You may Use the standard Server Software on one primary Server Computer (or a primary cluster of computers suitably configured for productive use of the Server Software). You may install backup copies of the Server Software on backup Server Computers to provide redundancy in the event of failure of the primary Server Computer(s) but, unless you have acquired additional licenses or a failover license from Vocera, you may not run such backup or additional copies concurrently with the primary copies. Vocera grants you the right to use the applicable License Key issued by Vocera only to enable Use of the Server Software in conjunction with the licensed Server Computers. Server Software may be licensed for a Subscription Term as specified in the Quote.
Antivirus software All workstations, laptops and other systems that process and/or store PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY must have installed and actively use comprehensive anti-virus software solution with automatic updates scheduled at least daily.
Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.
Voice Services In lieu of any other rates and discounts, Customer will pay fixed per-minute rates ranging from $0.000 to $0.000 for the following Voice Services: Domestic Voice Service: Domestic Outbound Voice Service, including Calling Card and Domestic Inbound Voice Service based on origination and termination type. Data Services:
Licensed Software Computer program(s) provided by Contractor in connection with the Deliverables, subject to Section 14 of this Contract.