Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation and removal of the unsuitable subgrade soils and their subsequent replacement with the specified backfill soils as directed by the Owner’s representative. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner. 3.2 All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821. 3.3 Following the removal of existing pavements, the Owner’s representative will review the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as required. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will be determined by the Owner’s representative at the time of excavation. 3.4 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner. 3.5 Undercut excavations should be backfilled with graded aggregate. Backfill shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches thick. Each lift should be compacted with at least 3 passes of a minimum 5-ton, walk-behind or self-propelled vibratory roller when the size of the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areas. Lift thickness shall be reduced to 6 inch loose lift when using a vibratory plate compactor. 3.6 The Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction traffic. As a minimum, this shall include the placement of backfill on the same day as the excavation. Any soft areas which develop shall be undercut and replaced with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.7 Where undercutting is performed, the geotextile fabric shall be installed. The fabric should be pulled tight and lapped a minimum of 12 inches.
Appears in 5 contracts
Samples: Contract, Contract, Contract for Pavement Improvements
Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation placement and removal compaction of a pavement overlay in the unsuitable subgrade soils and their subsequent replacement with the specified backfill soils existing parking lot areas as directed indicated by the Owner’s representativeContract Documents. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
3.2 All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821Specifications.
3.3 Following The limits of pavement milling and overlaying will by marked on the removal existing pavement by the Engineer at the start of existing pavementsthe project. Prior to placement of the overlay, the contractor shall discuss the limits of additional disturbance that may be required to achieve the proposed construction with the Owner’s representative will review the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as requiredsite representative. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will be determined by Damage to any areas that were not agreed to in advance with the Owner’s site representative shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the time of excavationOwner.
3.4 Sawcutting of existing bituminous concrete pavement shall be performed around the perimeter of the mill and overlay area. Sawcutting should be “squared off” and be full depth as required to provide a clean, straight and true edge. In addition, the edges of the pavement along all existing curbs and sidewalks should be tapermilled. The tapermilled edges and butt joints should be at least 2 feet wide and 1½ inches deep along the curbs and at least 6 feet wide and 1½ inches deep at the edge of the pavement overlay.
3.5 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner. Excess materials may be temporarily laid on the adjacent pavement. However, overnight stockpiling of such materials will not be permitted. Where possible, it is preferred that excavated materials be directly loaded onto trucks for subsequent off-site disposal.
3.5 Undercut excavations should 3.6 Following milling of the existing pavement section, all loose materials shall be backfilled removed and the existing surface shall be swept or blown clean of dust. Where vegetation is present in cracks in the pavement, spray with graded aggregatean approved chemical herbicide (e.g., Roundup). Backfill Subsequently, all cracks in excess of 1/8 inch shall be thoroughly cleaned to a depth of at least one inch and sealed with a hot poured crack sealer in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed label instructions. A slurry seal shall be utilized to seal cracks wider than ½ inch in width.
3.7 As directed by the Engineer, all catch basins, manholes and cleanouts within the overlay areas shall be vertically adjusted flush with the new overlay to promote positive pavement drainage.
3.8 Following preparation of the existing pavement’s surface, a leveling course of Type C hot mix shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 any depressed areas as required to reduce undulations in the pavement surface and to promote surface drainage.
3.9 The compacted bituminous concrete overlay shall consist of a surface course at least 1½ inches thick. Each lift should The completed overlay surface shall be graded to match the surrounding grades and shaped to provide for positive surface drainage away from the existing structures. The contractor shall be responsible to establish final site grading that provides positive site drainage at all areas on the finished pavement surface. Additional thickness of overlay may be required to provide positive slope to promote drainage. The thickness of the surface overlay lifts shall be limited to 3 inches. Where greater thickness is required to establish positive drainage, multiple lifts shall be placed. Following its placement, the surface course shall be compacted in accordance with at least 3 passes DelDOT’s Standard Specification requirements for surface course.
3.10 Following completion of a minimum 5-tonconstruction, walk-behind the Contractor shall restore all landscaped areas disturbed by the construction activity by providing topsoil, grass or self-propelled vibratory roller when the size mulch. Seeding of the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areas. Lift thickness grassed areas shall be reduced to 6 inch loose lift when using a vibratory plate compactorperformed in accordance with the current Delaware Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook (2013).
3.6 The Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction traffic. As a minimum, this shall include the placement of backfill on the same day as the excavation. Any soft areas which develop shall be undercut and replaced with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Owner.
3.7 Where undercutting is performed, the geotextile fabric shall be installed. The fabric should be pulled tight and lapped a minimum of 12 inches.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract, Contract, Contract for Pavement Improvements
Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation and removal of the unsuitable subgrade soils existing pavement and their subsequent the replacement with new pavement, as indicated on the specified backfill soils as directed by the Owner’s representativeContract Drawings. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
3.2 All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821Specifications.
3.3 Following The limits of the pavement removal area will be marked on the pavement by the Engineer at the start of the project. Prior to excavation of any existing pavementspavement, the Owner’s representative will review Contractor shall discuss the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for limits of additional disturbance that may be required to achieve the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as requiredproposed construction with the Engineer. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will Damage to any areas which were not agreed to in advance with the Engineer shall be determined repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner’s representative at the time of excavation.
3.4 Sawcutting of existing bituminous concrete pavement shall be performed around the perimeter of the reconstruction area. Sawcutting should be “squared off” and be full depth as required to provide a clean, straight and true edge.
3.5 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner. Excess materials may be temporarily laid on the adjacent pavement. However, overnight stockpiling of such materials will not be permitted. Where possible, it is preferred that excavated materials be directly loaded onto trucks for subsequent off-site disposal.
3.5 Undercut excavations should be backfilled with graded aggregate. Backfill 3.6 Following removal of the existing pavement section, all loose material shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches thickremoved and leveled off. Each lift should Subsequently, the exposed subbase shall be compacted with at least 3 passes of a minimum 510-ton, walk-behind smooth drum. Soft or self-propelled vibratory roller when yielding areas will be undercut and backfilled as directed by the size of the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areasOwner’s representative. Lift thickness Measurement and payment shall be reduced to 6 inch loose lift when using a vibratory plate compactorin accordance with TS- 7 Undercutting.
3.6 The 3.7 Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction traffic. As a minimum, this shall include the placement of backfill on the same day as the excavation. Any soft areas which that develop after initial construction shall be undercut and replaced with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Owner.
3.7 Where undercutting is performed3.8 Prior to the placement of any bituminous concrete, the geotextile fabric edges of the adjacent paving and curb shall be installedswept clean, and a tack coat shall be thoroughly applied with a brush to provide full coverage of adjacent sawcut pavement edge and any abutting curbs and sidewalks.
3.9 Prior to the placement of the new pavement, butt joints shall be constructed at each termination location for the surface course along the existing pavement. The fabric edge of the existing pavement shall have a clean, straight and true edge, and should be pulled tight sawcut, if necessary.
3.10 The compacted binder and lapped surface course bituminous concrete pavement shall consist of a minimum thickness as specified on the Contract Drawings. The completed pavement surface shall be graded to match the surrounding grades and shaped to provide for positive surface drainage away from the existing structures. The contractor shall be responsible to establish final site grading that provides positive site drainage at all areas on the finished pavement surface. Following its placement, the binder and surface courses shall be compacted in accordance with DelDOT’s Standard Specification requirements.
3.11 Following completion of 12 inchesconstruction, the Contractor shall restore all disturbed site grades in landscaped areas to their pre-construction condition. The exposed surface shall be fine graded and raked free of roots, cobbles and soil lumps which shall be removed from the site. Subsequently, the Contractor shall restore the landscaped area to its pre- construction condition by providing topsoil, grass or mulch to match its previous condition. Stabilization of grassed areas shall be performed in accordance with Delaware Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook (2013).
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Contract, Contract, Contract for Pavement Improvements
Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation placement and removal compaction of a pavement overlay in the unsuitable subgrade soils and their subsequent replacement with the specified backfill soils existing parking lot areas as directed indicated by the Owner’s representativeContract Documents. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
3.2 All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821Specifications.
3.3 Following The limits of pavement milling and overlaying will by marked on the removal existing pavement by the Engineer at the start of existing pavementsthe project. Prior to placement of the overlay, the contractor shall discuss the limits of additional disturbance that may be required to achieve the proposed construction with the Owner’s representative will review the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as requiredsite representative. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will be determined by Damage to any areas that were not agreed to in advance with the Owner’s site representative shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the time of excavationOwner.
3.4 Sawcutting of existing bituminous concrete pavement shall be performed around the perimeter of the mill and overlay area. Sawcutting should be “squared off” and be full depth as required to provide a clean, straight and true edge. In addition, the edges of the pavement along all existing curbs and sidewalks should be tapermilled. The tapermilled edges and butt joints should be at least 2 feet wide and 1½ inches deep along the curbs and at least 6 feet wide and 1½ inches deep at the edge of the pavement overlay.
3.5 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner. Excess materials may be temporarily laid on the adjacent pavement. However, overnight stockpiling of such materials will not be permitted. Where possible, it is preferred that excavated materials be directly loaded onto trucks for subsequent off-site disposal.
3.5 Undercut excavations should 3.6 Following milling of the existing pavement section, all loose materials shall be backfilled removed and the existing surface shall be swept or blown clean of dust. Where vegetation is present in cracks in the pavement, spray with graded aggregatean approved chemical herbicide (e.g., Roundup). Backfill Subsequently, all cracks in excess of 1/8 inch shall be thoroughly cleaned to a depth of at least one inch and sealed with a hot poured crack sealer in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed label instructions. A slurry seal shall be utilized to seal cracks wider than ½ inch in width.
3.7 As directed by the Engineer, all catch basins, manholes and cleanouts within the overlay areas shall be vertically adjusted flush with the new overlay to promote positive pavement drainage.
3.8 Following preparation of the existing pavement’s surface, a leveling course of Type C hot mix shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches thickany depressed areas as required to reduce undulations in the pavement surface and to promote surface drainage. Each lift should Following placement, the leveling course an AC-20 asphalt cement coat shall be compacted with placed at least 3 passes of a minimum 5-ton, walk-behind or self-propelled vibratory roller when rate of 0.25 gallons per square yard over the size of proposed areas to receive the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areasgeotextile overlay. Lift thickness The asphalt cement shall be reduced to 6 inch loose lift when using a vibratory plate compactor.
3.6 The Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction traffic. As a minimum, this shall include the placement of backfill on placed the same day as the excavationgeotextile overlay. Any soft areas which develop Asphalt Cement/Geotextile fabric overlay shall be undercut installed in strict conformance with the manufacturer’s installation requirements and replaced by a qualified contractor with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Ownera minimum experience of 10,000 SY of Asphalt Cement/Geotextile fabric overlay installation.
3.7 3.9 The compacted bituminous concrete overlay shall consist of a surface course at least 1½ inches thick. The completed overlay surface shall be graded to match the surrounding grades and shaped to provide for positive surface drainage away from the existing structures. The contractor shall be responsible to establish final site grading that provides positive site drainage at all areas on the finished pavement surface. Additional thickness of overlay may be required to provide positive slope to promote drainage. The thickness of the surface overlay lifts shall be limited to 3 inches. Where undercutting greater thickness is performedrequired to establish positive drainage, multiple lifts shall be placed. Following its placement, the geotextile fabric surface course shall be installedcompacted in accordance with DelDOT’s Standard Specification requirements for surface course.
3.10 Following completion of construction, the Contractor shall restore all landscaped areas disturbed by the construction activity by providing topsoil, grass or mulch. The fabric should Seeding of grassed areas shall be pulled tight performed in accordance with the current Delaware Erosion and lapped a minimum of 12 inchesSedimentation Control Handbook (2013).
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Construction Contract, Construction Contract
Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation and removal of the unsuitable subgrade soils existing pavement and their subsequent the replacement with new pavement, as indicated on the specified backfill soils as directed by the Owner’s representativeContract Drawings. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
3.2 All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821Specifications.
3.3 Following The limits of the pavement removal area will be marked on the pavement by the Engineer at the start of the project. Prior to excavation of any existing pavementspavement, the Owner’s representative will review Contractor shall discuss the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for limits of additional disturbance that may be required to achieve the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as requiredproposed construction with the Engineer. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will Damage to any areas which were not agreed to in advance with the Engineer shall be determined repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner’s representative at the time of excavation.
3.4 Sawcutting of existing bituminous concrete pavement shall be performed around the perimeter of the reconstruction area. Sawcutting should be “squared off” and be full depth as required to provide a clean, straight and true edge.
3.5 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner. Excess materials may be temporarily laid on the adjacent pavement. However, overnight stockpiling of such materials will not be permitted. Where possible, it is preferred that excavated materials be directly loaded onto trucks for subsequent off-site disposal.
3.5 Undercut excavations should be backfilled with graded aggregate. Backfill 3.6 Following removal of the existing pavement section, all loose material shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches thickremoved and leveled off. Each lift should Subsequently, the exposed subbase shall be compacted with at least 3 passes of a minimum 510-ton, walk-behind smooth drum. Soft or self-propelled vibratory roller when yielding areas will be undercut and backfilled as directed by the size of the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areasOwner’s representative. Lift thickness Measurement and payment shall be reduced to 6 inch loose lift when using a vibratory plate compactorin accordance with TS- 8 Undercutting.
3.6 The 3.7 Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction traffic. As a minimum, this shall include the placement of backfill on the same day as the excavation. Any soft areas which that develop after initial construction shall be undercut and replaced with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Owner.
3.7 Where undercutting is performed3.8 Prior to the placement of any bituminous concrete, the geotextile fabric edges of the adjacent paving and curb shall be installedswept clean, and a tack coat shall be thoroughly applied with a brush to provide full coverage of adjacent sawcut pavement edge and any abutting curbs and sidewalks.
3.9 Prior to the placement of the new pavement, butt joints shall be constructed at each termination location for the surface course along the existing pavement. The fabric edge of the existing pavement shall have a clean, straight and true edge, and should be pulled tight sawcut, if necessary.
3.10 The compacted binder and lapped surface course bituminous concrete pavement shall consist of a minimum thickness as specified on the Contract Drawings. The completed pavement surface shall be graded to match the surrounding grades and shaped to provide for positive surface drainage away from the existing structures. The contractor shall be responsible to establish final site grading that provides positive site drainage at all areas on the finished pavement surface. Following its placement, the binder and surface courses shall be compacted in accordance with DelDOT’s Standard Specification requirements.
3.11 Following completion of 12 inchesconstruction, the Contractor shall restore all disturbed site grades in landscaped areas to their pre-construction condition. The exposed surface shall be fine graded and raked free of roots, cobbles and soil lumps which shall be removed from the site. Subsequently, the Contractor shall restore the landscaped area to its pre- construction condition by providing topsoil, grass or mulch to match its previous condition. Stabilization of grassed areas shall be performed in accordance with Delaware Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook (2013).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Construction Contract
Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation construction of concrete curb and removal of the unsuitable subgrade soils and their subsequent replacement with the specified backfill soils as directed by the Owner’s representativeall associated work. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
3.2 The designated portions of existing curb shall be removed, and reconstructed to match the Contract Drawings. Care should be taken to not disturb adjacent curbs. If curbs are cracked or otherwise damaged by the Contractor during designated curb construction, they shall be replaced in kind by the Contractor. No additional compensation will be provided for patching curbs damaged by the Contractor. All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821Specifications.
3.3 Following Prior to the removal placement of existing pavementsnew concrete, the Owner’s representative will review all loose soils and shall be removed and leveled off by hand excavation. Subsequently, the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as required. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will be determined by the Owner’s representative at the time of excavation.
3.4 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner.
3.5 Undercut excavations should be backfilled with graded aggregate. Backfill shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches thick. Each lift should be compacted with at least 3 passes of a minimum 5-ton, walk-behind or self-propelled vibratory roller when the size of the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areas. Lift thickness compactor, and a 6-inch thick layer of stone base shall be reduced to 6 inch loose lift when using placed and compacted with a vibratory plate mechanical compactor.
3.6 3.4 The Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction trafficweather. As a minimum, this shall include Soft areas that are observed during the placement initial excavation and require undercutting will be removed and backfilled under the provisions of backfill on the same day as the excavationTS-6: Undercutting. Any soft areas which that develop after the initial excavation shall be undercut and replaced with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Owner.
3.7 Where undercutting is performed3.5 Following completion of construction, the geotextile fabric Contractor shall restore the adjacent landscaped area to its pre-construction condition by providing topsoil, grass or mulch to match its previous condition. Seeding of grassed areas shall be installed. The fabric should be pulled tight performed in accordance with Delaware Erosion and lapped a minimum of 12 inchesSedimentation Control Handbook (2013).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Construction Contract
Construction Methods. 3.1 The Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, materials, labor and work for the excavation and removal of the unsuitable subgrade soils existing pavement and their subsequent the replacement with new pavement, as indicated on the specified backfill soils as directed by the Owner’s representativeContract Drawings. All work under this item shall be performed in a safe and workmanlike manner.
3.2 All work shall be performed in accordance with DelDOT Standard Specifications Section 821Specifications.
3.3 Following The limits of the pavement removal area will be marked on the pavement by the Engineer at the start of the project. Prior to excavation of any existing pavementspavement, the Owner’s representative will review Contractor shall discuss the exposed subgrade and provide recommendations for limits of additional disturbance that may be required to achieve the undercutting of unsuitable subgrade materials as requiredproposed construction with the Engineer. The depth and extent of undercut excavation, if required, will Damage to any areas which were not agreed to in advance with the Engineer shall be determined repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner’s representative at the time of excavation.
3.4 Sawcutting of existing bituminous concrete pavement shall be performed around the perimeter of the reconstruction area. Sawcutting should be “squared off” and be full depth as required to provide a clean, straight and true edge.
3.5 All excavated materials shall become the property of the Contractor and be removed from the site at the completion of the project at no additional expense to the Owner. Excess materials may be temporarily laid on the adjacent pavement. However, overnight stockpiling of such materials will not be permitted. Where possible, it is preferred that excavated materials be directly loaded onto trucks for subsequent off-site disposal.
3.5 Undercut excavations should be backfilled with graded aggregate. Backfill 3.6 Following removal of the existing pavement section, all loose material shall be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches thickremoved and leveled off. Each lift should Subsequently, the exposed subbase shall be compacted with at least 3 passes of a minimum 510-ton, walk-behind smooth drum. Soft or self-propelled vibratory roller when yielding areas will be undercut and backfilled as directed by the size of the area permits, or with a vibrating plate mechanical compactor for smaller areasOwner’s representative. Lift thickness Measurement and payment shall be reduced to in accordance with TS- 6 inch loose lift when using a vibratory plate compactorUndercutting.
3.6 The 3.7 Contractor shall take precautions as necessary to minimize the potential for disturbance or softening of the pavement subgrade materials from inclement weather or construction traffic. As a minimum, this shall include the placement of backfill on the same day as the excavation. Any soft areas which that develop after initial construction shall be undercut and replaced with graded aggregate at no additional cost to the Owner.
3.7 Where undercutting is performed3.8 Prior to the placement of any bituminous concrete, the geotextile fabric edges of the adjacent paving and curb shall be installedswept clean, and a tack coat shall be thoroughly applied with a brush to provide full coverage of adjacent sawcut pavement edge and any abutting curbs and sidewalks.
3.9 Prior to the placement of the new pavement, butt joints shall be constructed at each termination location for the surface course along the existing pavement. The fabric edge of the existing pavement shall have a clean, straight and true edge, and should be pulled tight sawcut, if necessary.
3.10 The compacted binder and lapped surface course bituminous concrete pavement shall consist of a minimum thickness as specified on the Contract Drawings. The completed pavement surface shall be graded to match the surrounding grades and shaped to provide for positive surface drainage away from the existing structures. The contractor shall be responsible to establish final site grading that provides positive site drainage at all areas on the finished pavement surface. Following its placement, the binder and surface courses shall be compacted in accordance with DelDOT’s Standard Specification requirements.
3.11 Following completion of 12 inchesconstruction, the Contractor shall restore all disturbed site grades in landscaped areas to their pre-construction condition. The exposed surface shall be fine graded and raked free of roots, cobbles and soil lumps which shall be removed from the site. Subsequently, the Contractor shall restore the landscaped area to its pre- construction condition by providing topsoil, grass or mulch to match its previous condition. Stabilization of grassed areas shall be performed in accordance with Delaware Erosion and Sedimentation Control Handbook (2013).
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Construction Contract