BRICK WORK. The external walls will be of 1:5 Cement and sand, brick work with 200 mm thickness with hollow bricks. All the internal walls will be 100 mm, except the flat separating walls, stair walls and balcony walls which will be 100 mm. thick.
BRICK WORK. All out side brick work will be made of 8 inches thick first class burnt clay brick and interior walls will be of 5 inches/3 inches thick first class xxxx xxxxx bricks.
BRICK WORK. All interior and exterior brick wall shall be 5”thick (1:5) with 1” class brick as per Siliguri Market.
BRICK WORK. 3.1 The brickwork shall be carried out with good quality well common burnt clay machine moulded modular bricks of class designation 12.5 as per CPWD Specifications-2019 with amendments issued on date.
3.2 The rate shall also include for leaving chases / notches for dowels / cramps for all kinds of cladding to come over brick work.
3.3 Brick work provided around shaft or lift walls or around slab cutouts shall be measured in the brick for corresponding floor level. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
BRICK WORK. (i) 75 designation brick work shall consist of first class bricks laid in cement mortar and as hereinafter specified.
(ii) No bricks may be used until after they have been soaked under water for at least one hour.
(iii) Care must be taken that the bricks are perfectly clean and free from lime, xxxx or dirt of any kind. If necessary they must be scrubbed before use.
(iv) Great care must be taken to masonry in progress of construction damp. When work is left off for the day troughs shall be formed, by means of fillets of mortar 51mm high all round the unfinished work and shall be kept filled with water. Vertical or inclined surfaces must be frequently watered from a rose headed can. Water should not be dashed with violence against new work as this washes out the mortar. Should the work be delayed owing to holidays or for other reason, the contractor must make adequate arrangements for keeping the work wetted, and shall continue to do so for at least ten days or such longer time as directed, after the brickwork has been completed.
(A) Brick work in cement mortar with 75 designation brick including racking out joints and curing complete as directed, in sub structure and superstructure in prop. 1:3.
(B) 112mm thick 75 designation brick nogged wall in cement mortar embedded with protruding M.S. rod 6mm dia in column including racking out joint and curing complete as directed in super structure above plinth in prop. 1:4.
(C) 112mm thick reinforced brick wall in prop. 1:5 reinforced with two lines of M.S. rods 6mm dia as specified embedded in 38mm thick concrete course in prop. 1:2:4 with coarse agg. 12mm down at every fourth course embedded with protruding rod in column including curing etc. complete as directed in super structure above plinth level. Brick work in cement mortar with 1st class local bricks, the quality of which is to be approved by the Engineer Incharge. Bricks are to be thoroughly cleaned, soaked in fresh water for a period of atleast 6 hrs. before use. Bricks to be tested for its compressive strength as per relevent IS: code and it shall not absorb water more than 20% of its dry weight. A good bond shall be maintained both laterally and transversely. Bricks joints shall not exceed 12mm. No broken bricks shall be used except as closers. After the days work all joints shall be raked to 12mm depth so as to provide a good grip for plastering. Brick work to be properly cured till mortar has set. Brick work in sub structure up to plinth level to be do...
BRICK WORK. All exterior brick work shall be 8” thick in sand cement mortar as approved by Hooghly Zilla Parishad or the appropriate authority of the Govt. All partition brick wall shall be 5”/3” thick in sand cement mortar.
BRICK WORK. 25.1 All brick work shall be done in well burnt bricks as per chapter 7 of Northern Railway Specifications in cement mortar in proportions as may be specified in the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer-in charge.
25.2 Bricks shall be made from the good brick earth available in the locality from which supply is to be made in accordance with the contract. The earth shall be free from slakes deposits, pebbles, kankar, moulds and other deleterious matter and the brick shall be well moulded.
25.3 The brick shall be strictly in accordance with Railway Specifications and sample must be tested & got approved/ passed by the Engineer- in- charge before use in the work.
25.4 All the bricks used at site should be passed by the officer not below the rank of AXEN/ADEN, record of which should be maintained in the brick passing register, and it should be, from time to time, overseen by concerned Sr.DEN/DEN or Dy. CE/C 25.5 Further , if during inspection by AXEN/ADEN/ Sr.DEN/DEN or Dy. CE/C, it is found that bricks used in brick work, were not passed by Competent Authority, then in such case deduction for all such bricks used in the work shall be made and penalty equivalent to the cost of such “Brick Work” shall also be imposed.(Authority Chief Engineer’s Circular No. 628 issued vide letter No.10/W/O/Policy/Building dated 01.04.2016)
BRICK WORK. 10.1 Material :
BRICK WORK. For Brickwork Good Quality Masonry (Wire Cut Red Bricks) in 9 inch thick; Cement Mortar in 1:6 to a height of 10 feet or up to the bottom of Roof Beam or Slab. For Partition, Parapet wall in balcony and in open terrace, Brick wall 4 ½ inch thick with Cement Mortar in 1:4.
BRICK WORK a. Brick work in C.M. 1:6 mix for all 9” tk. Walls and C.M.1:4 mix for 4.1/2 ” tk. Walls ( with necessary reinforcement for partition walls).