Contingent Special Instructor Sample Clauses

Contingent Special Instructor. An appointment reserved for individuals who do not meet minimum criteria for other ranks but who have special attainments, skills, or experience and for those rare positions in which it is difficult or impossible to find individuals with master's or doctoral degrees. Contingent Instructor: An earned master's degree from an accredited institution.
Contingent Special Instructor. An appointment reserved for individuals who do not meet minimum criteria for other ranks but who have special attainments, skills, or experience and for those rare positions in which it is difficult or impossible to find individuals with master's or doctoral degrees. Contingent Instructor: An earned master's degree from an accredited institution. Contingent Assistant Professor: An earned doctorate from an accredited institution or other terminal qualifications appropriate to the position subject to the review and approval of the appropriate xxxx and the PVPAA. Contingent Associate Professor: An earned doctorate from an accredited institution or other terminal qualifications appropriate to the position subject to the review and approval of the appropriate xxxx and the PVPAA; normally six
Contingent Special Instructor. An appointment reserved for individuals who do not meet minimum criteria for other ranks but who have special attainments, skills, or experience and for those rare positions in which it is difficult or impossible to find individuals with master's or doctoral degrees. Contingent Instructor: An earned master's degree from an accredited institution. Contingent Assistant Professor: An earned doctorate from an accredited institution or other terminal qualifications appropriate to the position subject to the review and approval of the appropriate xxxx and the xxxxxxx and vice president for academic affairs. Contingent Associate Professor: An earned doctorate from an accredited institution or other terminal qualifications appropriate to the position subject to the review and approval of the appropriate xxxx and the xxxxxxx and vice president for academic affairs; normally six (6) years of full- or part-time higher education experience at the rank of instructor or above; evidence of teaching excellence and significant scholarly or creative professional achievement.

Related to Contingent Special Instructor

  • Project Number The project number has been assigned by the Commission as the unique identifier for your project, and it cannot be changed. The project number should appear on each page of the grant agreement preparation documents to prevent errors during its handling.

  • Equipment Specifications All equipment must meet the contract specifications and all federal and State safety codes and regulations in effect at the date of manufacture. All equipment must be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) equipment unless otherwise stated in the contract. All products, materials, supplies, replacement parts, and equipment offered and furnished must be new, of current manufacturer production, and must have been formally announced by the manufacturer as being commercially available, unless otherwise stated in this Contract.

  • CONTRACT EXHIBIT I PREFERRED PRICING AFFIDAVIT This preferred-pricing affidavit is entered into in accordance with section 216.0113, F.S., and as required by Contract No. 80101507-21-STC-ITSA (“Contract”) between (“Contractor”) and the Department of Management Services. As the person authorized by Contractor to sign this affidavit, I attest that the Contractor is in full compliance with the preferred-pricing clause of the Contract. Contractor’s Name: By: Signature Printed Name/Title Date: STATE OF COUNTY OF Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of , by Vendor Name: FEIN# Vendor’s Authorized Representative Name and Title: Address: City, State, and Zip code: Phone Number: ( ) - E-mail: CORPORATE SEAL (IF APPLICABLE) (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) [Check One] Personally Known OR Produced the following I.D.

  • New Hampshire Specific Data Security Requirements The Provider agrees to the following privacy and security standards from “the Minimum Standards for Privacy and Security of Student and Employee Data” from the New Hampshire Department of Education. Specifically, the Provider agrees to: (1) Limit system access to the types of transactions and functions that authorized users, such as students, parents, and LEA are permitted to execute; (2) Limit unsuccessful logon attempts; (3) Employ cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of remote access sessions; (4) Authorize wireless access prior to allowing such connections; (5) Create and retain system audit logs and records to the extent needed to enable the monitoring, analysis, investigation, and reporting of unlawful or unauthorized system activity; (6) Ensure that the actions of individual system users can be uniquely traced to those users so they can be held accountable for their actions; (7) Establish and maintain baseline configurations and inventories of organizational systems (including hardware, software, firmware, and documentation) throughout the respective system development life cycles; (8) Restrict, disable, or prevent the use of nonessential programs, functions, ports, protocols, and services; (9) Enforce a minimum password complexity and change of characters when new passwords are created; (10) Perform maintenance on organizational systems; (11) Provide controls on the tools, techniques, mechanisms, and personnel used to conduct system maintenance; (12) Ensure equipment removed for off-site maintenance is sanitized of any Student Data in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1; (13) Protect (i.e., physically control and securely store) system media containing Student Data, both paper and digital; (14) Sanitize or destroy system media containing Student Data in accordance with NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1 before disposal or release for reuse; (15) Control access to media containing Student Data and maintain accountability for media during transport outside of controlled areas; (16) Periodically assess the security controls in organizational systems to determine if the controls are effective in their application and develop and implement plans of action designed to correct deficiencies and reduce or eliminate vulnerabilities in organizational systems; (17) Monitor, control, and protect communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by organizational systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of organizational systems; (18) Deny network communications traffic by default and allow network communications traffic by exception (i.e., deny all, permit by exception); (19) Protect the confidentiality of Student Data at rest; (20) Identify, report, and correct system flaws in a timely manner; (21) Provide protection from malicious code (i.e. Antivirus and Antimalware) at designated locations within organizational systems; (22) Monitor system security alerts and advisories and take action in response; and (23) Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available.

  • Delivery Schedule The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and Tenders offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non-responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment of [insert the adjustment factor], will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the Tender price of Tenders offering deliveries later than the “Earliest Delivery Date” specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.

  • DELIVERY: FOB DESTINATION, INSIDE DELIVERY, FREIGHT PAID Whenever possible, contractors should give the ordering entities 3 working days prior notice of any deliveries and/or installations. Furniture contractors will not be responsible for the removal/moving of existing furnishings unless requested by the ordering entity. Contractors should verify site readiness prior to delivery. All deliveries will be made during normal working hours unless otherwise arranged with the ordering entity. Contractor will communicate any scheduling delays and/or changes immediately. Agencies will not be responsible for any freight damage, concealed or otherwise.

  • Aircraft Basic Price The Aircraft Basic Price is listed in Table 1 and is subject to escalation in accordance with the terms of this Purchase Agreement.

  • Schedule of Specific Commitments 1. Each Party shall set out in a schedule the specific commitments it undertakes under Article 106 (National Treatment), Article 000 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) and Article 108 (Additional Commitments). With respect to sectors where such commitments are undertaken, each Schedule shall specify: (a) terms, limitations and conditions on market access; (b) conditions and qualifications on national treatment; (c) undertakings relating to additional commitments referred to in Article 108 (Additional Commitments); and (d) where appropriate, the time-frame for implementation of such commitments and the date of entry into force of such commitments. 2. Measures inconsistent with both Articles 106 (National Treatment) and 000 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) are inscribed in the column relating to Article 107 (Market Access). In this case, the inscription is considered to provide a condition or qualification to Article 106 (National Treatment) as well. 3. The Parties' Schedules of Specific Commitments are set out in Annex 6 (Schedules of Specific Commitments).

  • Conflicts with RS Means Unit Price Book If the terms of the solicitation referenced RS Means Unit Price Book occur, the RS Means Book shall control if it determines the legality of the solicitation award as it relates to the requisite Means Unit Price Book.

  • State Specific Contract Form Observe the state of the Seller on the Contract, if the Seller lists an address in Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Montana, Connecticut, Vermont, Louisiana or Mississippi, confirm the form number on the Contract is on the List of Approved Contract Forms, for the corresponding state.