Client Information (2) Protected Health Information in any form including without limitation, Electronic Protected Health Information or Unsecured Protected Health Information (herein “PHI”);
Contractors All LAUSD Contractors and their Representatives are expected to conduct any and all business affiliated with LAUSD in an ethical and responsible manner that fosters integrity and public confidence. A “Contractor” is any individual, organization, corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, nonprofit, joint venture, association, or any combination thereof that is pursuing or conducting business with and/or on behalf of LAUSD, including, without limitation, consultants, suppliers, manufacturers, and any other vendors, bidders or proposers. A Contractor’s “Representative” is also broadly defined to include any subcontractors, employees, agents, or anyone else who acts on a Contractor’s behalf.
Customer Information CPNI of a Customer and any other non-public, individually identifiable information about a Customer or the purchase by a Customer of the services or products of a Party.