Copies and Other Miscellaneous Reproduction an Duplication Costs Sample Clauses

Copies and Other Miscellaneous Reproduction an Duplication Costs. Copies and Other Miscellaneous Reproduction and Duplication is defined to include copying, reproduction and duplication of documents tha is not performed by an independent copy or reproduction service, including but not limited to:
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Related to Copies and Other Miscellaneous Reproduction an Duplication Costs

  • PAYMENT OF OTHER HOUSING CANCELLATION FEES AND OTHER ASSESSMENTS Except for rental charges, all housing charges, including but not limited to cancellation fees, rekey fees, and any other non-rental housing charge are due and payable when billed.

  • VERIFICATION OF LICENSES, CREDENTIALS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS CONTRACTOR shall submit to LEA a staff list, and copies of all current licenses, certifications, credentials, permits and/or other documents which entitle the holder to provide special education and/or related services by CONTRACTOR and all individuals employed, contracted, and/or otherwise hired or sub-contracted by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all licenses, certifications, credentials, permits or other documents are on file at the office of the County Superintendent of Schools. CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA in writing within thirty (30) days when personnel changes occur which may affect the provision of special education and/or related services to students as specified in the LEA procedures. CONTRACTOR shall provide the LEA with the verified dates of fingerprint clearance, Department of Justice clearance and Tuberculosis Test clearance for all employees, approved subcontractors and/or volunteers prior to such individuals starting to work with any student. CONTRACTOR shall monitor the status of licenses, credentials, certifications, permits and/or other documents for all individuals employed, contracted, and/or otherwise hired by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA and CDE in writing within thirty (30) days when personnel changes occur which may affect the provision of special education and/or related services to LEA students. CONTRACTOR shall notify LEA within thirty (30) days if any such licenses, certifications or waivers are expired, suspended, revoked, rescinded, challenged pursuant to an administrative or legal complaint or lawsuit, or otherwise nullified during the effective period of this Master Contract. The LEA shall not be obligated to pay for any services provided by a person whose such licenses, certifications or waivers are expired, suspended, revoked, rescinded, or otherwise nullified during the period during which such person is providing services under this Master Contract. Failure to notify the LEA and CDE of any changes in credentialing/licensed staff may result in suspension or revocation of CDE certification and/or suspension or termination of this Master Contract by the LEA.

  • Independent Contractor; Payment of Taxes and Other Expenses a. Independent Contractor. Contractor or any agent or employee of Contractor shall be deemed at all times to be an independent contractor and is wholly responsible for the manner in which it performs the services and work requested by City under this Agreement. Contractor or any agent or employee of Contractor shall not have employee status with City, nor be entitled to participate in any plans, arrangements, or distributions by City pertaining to or in connection with any retirement, health or other benefits that City may offer its employees. Contractor or any agent or employee of Contractor is liable for the acts and omissions of itself, its employees and its agents. Contractor shall be responsible for all obligations and payments, whether imposed by federal, state or local law, including, but not limited to, FICA, income tax withholdings, unemployment compensation, insurance, and other similar responsibilities related to Contractor’s performing services and work, or any agent or employee of Contractor providing same. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating an employment or agency relationship between City and Contractor or any agent or employee of Contractor. Any terms in this Agreement referring to direction from City shall be construed as providing for direction as to policy and the result of Contractor’s work only, and not as to the means by which such a result is obtained. City does not retain the right to control the means or the method by which Contractor performs work under this Agreement.

  • FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER MATERIALS Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole cost and expense, furnish all facilities, equipment, and other materials which may be required for performing services pursuant to this Agreement. At COUNTY’s discretion, COUNTY may make equipment or facilities available to CONTRACTOR for CONTRACTOR’s use in furtherance of this Agreement only where a COUNTY Facility or Equipment exhibit is attached to this Agreement identifying the equipment or facilities to be used by CONTRACTOR’s personnel. If COUNTY funds equipment as part of this contract, COUNTY will retain Equipment.

  • Ownership of Documents, Reports and Other Products All documents, reports and any other products developed and/or delivered to the Authority under this Agreement shall become and be the property of the Authority.

  • Reimbursement of Legal Fees and Expenses and Other Expenses Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder by the Company or any Sponsor Affiliate, should the County be required to employ attorneys or incur other reasonable expenses for the collection of payments due hereunder or for the enforcement of performance or observance of any obligation or agreement, the County shall be entitled, within thirty (30) days of demand therefor, to reimbursement of the reasonable fees of such attorneys and such other reasonable expenses so incurred.

  • Payment of Taxes and Other Expenses Should City, in its discretion, or a relevant taxing authority such as the Internal Revenue Service or the State Employment Development Division, or both, determine that Contractor is an employee for purposes of collection of any employment taxes, the amounts payable under this Agreement shall be reduced by amounts equal to both the employee and employer portions of the tax due (and offsetting any credits for amounts already paid by Contractor which can be applied against this liability). City shall then forward those amounts to the relevant taxing authority. Should a relevant taxing authority determine a liability for past services performed by Contractor for City, upon notification of such fact by City, Contractor shall promptly remit such amount due or arrange with City to have the amount due withheld from future payments to Contractor under this Agreement (again, offsetting any amounts already paid by Contractor which can be applied as a credit against such liability). A determination of employment status pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs shall be solely for the purposes of the particular tax in question, and for all other purposes of this Agreement, Contractor shall not be considered an employee of City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, should any court, arbitrator, or administrative authority determine that Contractor is an employee for any other purpose, then Contractor agrees to a reduction in City’s financial liability so that City’s total expenses under this Agreement are not greater than they would have been had the court, arbitrator, or administrative authority determined that Contractor was not an employee.

  • GOVERNING LAW AND OTHER REPRESENTATIONS: DIR Customer [ ] Unit of Texas Local Government hereby certifying that is has statutory authority to perform its duties hereunder pursuant to Chapter , Texas Code. [X] Non-Texas State agency or unit of local government of another state hereby certifying that it has statutory authority to enter in to this Interlocal Agreement and perform its duties hereunder pursuant to the Colorado Judicial Department Purchasing Fiscal Rules.

  • SETTLEMENT AND OTHER EXPENSES A. The following expenses must be paid at or prior to closing:

  • Utilities and Other Services 4.4.1 The Tenant shall arrange, at its own cost and expense, for the installation, connection and supply of all utilities and any other services required by it at or in relation to the Premises.

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