Cost of Insurance Rates. The Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates for the initial Coverage Layer(s) are shown in the Policy Specifications. The Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates for any later Coverage Layers are shown in a Supplemental Schedule of Coverage that will be sent to you at the time the Coverage Layer becomes effective.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates are shown in the Policy Specifications. We may use Cost of Insurance Rates less than the maximum rates. Administrative Charge – The Administrative Charge is shown in the Policy Specifications.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates are shown in the Policy Specifications. We may use Cost of Insurance Rates less than the maximum rates. Any lesser rate will apply uniformly to all members of the same Class.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates for each Coverage Layer are shown in the Policy Specifications or, if applicable, in the Supplemental Schedule of Coverage that is sent to you when a Coverage Layer is added. We reserve the right to charge rates that are lower than the maximums shown. Any lower Cost of Insurance Rates will apply uniformly to all members of the same Class. Additionally, under certain circumstances, this Policy may qualify for AV Ratio Cost of Insurance Rates described below.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The Guaranteed Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates for the initial Coverage Segment are shown in the Policy Specifications. The Guaranteed Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates for any subsequent Coverage Segment will be shown in a Supplemental Schedule of Coverage sent to you at the time of the increase. Net Amount at Risk – The Net Amount at Risk is defined in the Definitions section. If there are multiple Coverage Segments, then the Net Amount at Risk will be allocated proportionately to each Coverage Segment according to Face Amount.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The monthly cost of insurance rate is based on the sex, attained age, and rating class of the person insured. Monthly cost of insurance rates may be changed by us from time to time. A change in the cost of insurance rates will apply to all persons of the same attained age, sex, and rating class and whose pollcies have been in effect for the same length of time. The cost of insurance rates will not exceed those shown in the Table of Guaranteed Maximum Insurance Rates. These rates are based on the mortality Table named on the Table of Guaranteed Maximum Insurance Rates. MORTALITY AND EXPENSE RISK CHARGE, ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE, AND GUARANTEED DEATH BENEFIT CHARGE. A Mortality and Expense Risk Charge, an Administrative Charge, and a Guaranteed Death Benefit Charge will be deducted from the Gross Investment Results at a daily rate equivalent to the annual rate shown on the Policy Schedule. GROSS INVESTMENT RESULTS. The Gross Investment Results are equal to the change in the market value of the assets of the Account from the previous valuation day to the current day, plus the investment income on those assets during the same period.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The current monthly Cost of Insurance Rates will be determined by us. These rates will not exceed the Guaranteed Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates shown in the Policy Specifications. Cost of Insurance Rates will apply uniformly to all members of the same class. Class is determined by a number of factors, including the Insured’s Age, Risk Classification, death benefit, Policy Date and policy duration. Any changes in the Cost of Insurance Rates will apply uniformly to all members of the same class. Guaranteed Maximum Cost of Insurance rates after the initial 5-year guarantee are based on the 1980 Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary Mortality Table. M&E Risk Charge – The Mortality and Expense Risk Charge (M&E Risk Charge) is to compensate us for the risk we assume that mortality, expenses and other costs of providing your policy will be greater than estimated. Beginning on the Policy Date and monthly thereafter until the Insured attains Age 100, the M&E Risk Charge will be the sum of the M&E Risk Asset Charge and the M&E Risk Face Amount Charge. The M&E Risk Asset Charge is a percentage of the Variable Accumulated Value. In the first 10 policy years, the charge is 0.0625% (0.75% annually) of the first $25,000 of Variable Accumulated Value plus a charge of 0.0292% (0.35% annually) of the Variable Accumulated Value above $25,000. After the 10th policy year, the charge is 0.0375% (0.45% annually) of the first $25,000 of Variable Accumulated Value plus a charge of 0.0042 (0.05% annually) of the Variable Accumulated Value above $25,000. The percentages are also shown in the Policy Specifications. The M&E Risk Face Amount Charge is the amount shown in the Policy Specifications, and is based on the Face Amount at policy issue. If there have been increases in the Face Amount, each increase will have a corresponding M&E Risk Face Amount Charge related to the amount of the increase. These charges will be specified in the supplemental schedule of benefits at the time of the increase.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates for Basic Life Coverage Layers are shown in the Policy Specifications or, if applicable, in any Supplemental Schedule of Coverage. We reserve the right to charge rates that are lower than the maximums shown. Any lower Cost of Insurance Rates will apply uniformly to all members of the same Class.
Cost of Insurance Rates. See Section 10.2.
Cost of Insurance Rates. The cost of insurance rates for each policy year are based on: the sexes of the Insureds; the underwriting classes of the Insureds; and the ages of the Insureds on the first day of the policy year. The rates will be set by the Company each year on the policy anniversary, based on the expectations of the Company as to future experience. The rates are guaranteed for one year. The Table of Guaranteed Insurance Factors per $1,000 (see Section 2) shows the maximum guaranteed factor for each policy month which starts on the Policy Date or a policy anniversary. The factors between anniversaries vary monthly based on uniform distribution of deaths throughout the policy year.