Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Percentage Factor does not exceed the Maximum Percentage Factor.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Percentage ------------------------------------------- Factor does not exceed the Maximum Percentage Factor. As of September 30, 1997, the aggregate Outstanding Balance of the Receivables in existence was $322,716,000 and the Net Receivables Balance was $287,814,000.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Percentage Factor does not exceed the Maximum Percentage Factor. As of June 26, 1997, the aggregate Outstanding Balance of the Receivables in existence was $77,556,653.71 and the Net Receivable Balance was $58,765,886.42.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Buyers' Percentage Factor does not exceed the Maximum Buyers' Percentage Factor. As of the Cut-Off Date, the aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance of the Receivables in existence was $168,260,400.40 and the Net Receivable Balance was $167,778,375.87.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Subordinate Percentage as of the most recent calculation date is not less than the Required Subordinate Percentage.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Percentage Factor on any date does not exceed the Maximum Percentage Factor. As of December 17, 1999, the Outstanding Balance of the Receivables in existence was $218,695,000 and the Net Receivables Balance was $170,318,000.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Percentage Factor does not exceed the Maximum Percentage Factor. As of December 31, 1996 the aggregate Outstanding Balance of the Receivables in exis- tence was $503,847,551 and the Net Receivables Balance was $456,871,841.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Debtor's Percentage is not less than the Minimum Debtor's Percentage. As of the Cut-Off Date, the aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance of the Receivables in existence was $318,269,025.64 the aggregate balance of Finance Charges was $13,524,570.57 and the Net Receivable Balance was $318,269,025.64.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. On the Closing Date and at all times thereafter on or prior to the Termination Date, the Coverage Percentage shall be less than the Maximum Coverage Percentage.
Coverage Requirement; Amount of Receivables. The Asset Interest does not exceed the Maximum Percentage Interest.