Credit Cards Only. The Bills only accepts credit cards for pre-authorized installment payments. A credit card is one that charges the purchase against a line of credit extended to the card holder by a financial institution. The Bills accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) for pre-authorized installment payments. The Bills does not accept debit cards as a payment method for pre-authorized installment payments. A debit card (also known as a “Check Card” or “ATM Card”) is one that is linked to a checking, savings, or other account held in the name of the card holder in a financial institution from which funds are debited when a purchase is made using the debit card. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-authorized installment payment plan, STM may be asked to confirm that STM is using a credit card for payment. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-authorized installment payment plan, STM will be charged the first installment on the date of enrollment.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Season Ticket Member Agreement, Season Ticket Member Agreement
Credit Cards Only. The Bills only accepts credit cards for pre-authorized installment payments. A credit card is one that charges the purchase against a line of credit extended to the card holder by a financial institution. The Bills accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) for pre-authorized installment payments. The Bills does not accept debit cards as a payment method for pre-authorized installment payments. A debit card (also known as a “Check Card” or “ATM Card”) is one that is linked to a checking, savings, or other account held in the name of the card holder in a financial institution from which funds are debited when a purchase is made using the debit card. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-authorized installment payment plan, STM may be asked to confirm that STM is using a credit card for payment. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-authorized installment payment plan, STM will be charged the first installment on or about the date of enrollment.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Season Ticket Member Agreement, Season Ticket Member Agreement
Credit Cards Only. The Bills only accepts credit cards for pre-authorized installment payments. A credit card is one that charges the purchase against a line of credit extended to the card holder by a financial institution. The Bills accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) for pre-pre- authorized installment payments. The Bills does not accept debit cards as a payment method for pre-pre- authorized installment payments. A debit card (also known as a “Check Card” or “ATM Card”) is one that is linked to a checking, savings, or other account held in the name of the card holder in a financial institution from which funds are debited when a purchase is made using the debit card. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-pre- authorized installment payment plan, STM may be asked to confirm that STM is using a credit card for payment. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-authorized installment payment plan, STM will be charged the first installment on the date of enrollment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Season Ticket Member Agreement
Credit Cards Only. The Bills only accepts credit cards for pre-authorized installment payments. A credit card is one that charges the purchase against a line of credit extended to the card holder by a financial institution. The Bills accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express) for pre-pre- authorized installment payments. The Bills does not accept debit cards as a payment method for pre-pre- authorized installment payments. A debit card (also known as a “Check Card” or “ATM Card”) is one that is linked to a checking, savings, or other account held in the name of the card holder in a financial institution from which funds are debited when a purchase is made using the debit card. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-pre- authorized installment payment plan, STM may be asked to confirm that STM is using a credit card for payment. If STM chooses to enroll in a pre-authorized installment payment plan, STM will be charged the first installment on or about the date of enrollment.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Season Ticket Member Agreement