Credit Union Liability If we do not properly complete a transaction according to this Agreement, we will be liable for your losses or damages not to exceed the amount of the transaction, except as otherwise provided by law. We will not be liable if: (1) your account contains insufficient funds for the transaction; (2) circumstances beyond our control prevent the transaction; (3) your loss is caused by your or another financial institution's negligence; or (4) your account funds are subject to legal process or other claim. We will not be liable for consequential damages, except liability for wrongful dishonor. We exercise ordinary care if our actions or nonactions are consistent with applicable state law, Federal Reserve regulations and operating letters, clearinghouse rules, and general financial institution practices followed in the area we serve. You grant us the right, in making payments of deposited funds, to rely exclusively on the form of the account and the terms of this Agreement. Any conflict regarding what you and our employees say or write will be resolved by reference to this Agreement.
Credit Cards About 57% of first-year students reported having at least one credit card, although just 15% have two or more cards. Among those students who have credit cards, 87% reported that they pay off their balance each month and, as such, their current credit card balance is zero; however, when asked what their current credit card balance is, just 36% said it is zero. Among those with an unpaid balance, the average credit card debt is $1,047. None 43% 53% 43% 36% 47% One 42% 35% 42% 48% 39% Two 6% 4% 6% 6% 6% Three or more 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% Yes 87% 83% 88% 87% 81% Zero 36% 34% 35% 38% 33% $500 or less 9% 9% 9% 9% 10% $501 to $1,000 3% 3% 2% 3% 4% Over $1,000 2% 2% 1% 2% 3% Don't know 51% 52% 53% 48% 49% Average (all with credit card) $196 $268 $158 $205 $236 Average (those with unpaid balance) $1,047 $1,450 $803 $1,041 $895 * Total credit card balance and payment of the balance were asked of those who had at least one credit card.